Xiao's father obviously didn't have the energy of Xiao's mother. He was not in a good state when he was jet-lagged, and he himself had no interest in movies and fell asleep in a chair.

Actually fell asleep while watching the saint Kallen!

This means that you are Xiao Chen's father!Otherwise, I...

Obviously Xiao Chen's understanding of Karen is not weaker than mine, but he never thought that his father is such a person!

Otto can say this sentence, which can basically be regarded as his highest evaluation of a person.

He thought that he didn't get along well with his father, and he couldn't help but shook his head helplessly as if he understood something and continued to watch "Saint Kallen".

After acting in his own women's clothing, Otto strained his face to make his expression look more natural.

I felt very ashamed when I was wearing women's clothing... I didn't expect to feel even more ashamed after reading it again!

Just as he was thinking this way, Xiao's mother, who was obsessed with finding a daughter-in-law, also found that her husband had fallen asleep, and immediately patted his face with her hand to wake him up, saying: "You don't say anything! Let's help me find Daughter-in-law? Why are you asleep?"

"Huh?" Father Xiao shook his head helplessly after being patted awake, and said in a somewhat sluggish way: "You can see if you can handle this kind of thing yourself?"

"No! You have to point out one today!" Mother Xiao said in a low voice.

Father Xiao shook his head helplessly listening to his wife's speech, then looked up at Otto who was dressed as a woman on the big screen...

Then, under the watchful eyes of Otto and others, he said, "Isn't this blonde girl with a green hat pretty? Don't you like mixed-race babies?"

Mother Xiao, who had been watching movies, slapped him on the forehead and said, "What nonsense are you talking about! That's a man! You don't want to hold your grandson anymore, do you? Don't bring your son if you like this!"

"Ah?" Father Xiao was woken up by his wife, then glanced at the screen and muttered: "But why do big men wear women's clothes? Hey... I really don't understand how young people are now."

Otto: ? ? ?

Damn, Xiao Chen's family is really good at messing with my mentality!

Why do I wear women's clothing?Do you know what love is?Wearing women's clothing for the person you like is love!Is there anything wrong with me dressing up for Kallen!


On the other side, one of the true heroines who stole Xiao Chen's first kiss!

Our Recognition Treasure is online again!Although it was Fu Hua who took Xiao Chen away in the real sense, the two of them used the same body, so under rounding, Zhibao also took away Xiao Chen's first kiss!

The person in charge next to her tried to use sign language to talk to the dead soldiers, but all the dead people ignored them and just stood there motionless, and the Honkai Beast stood in front of the person in charge like a mountain.

On the other side, Zhibao came over and asked, "Do you want them to act?"

"Yes." The person in charge nodded and asked, "The director is not here, what can you do, Shangxian?"

"Hmph! There's no need to bother Xiao Chen with this kind of thing! I'll just do it!" At the moment, Zhibao used the method of conscious operation to make the dead soldiers act.

The person in charge just casually said that he didn't expect that the treasure could really move so many dead men. Although he knew the existence of Yu Duchen, according to the setting, the current Fuhua should not be able to use Yu Duchen on such a large scale. ?


He suddenly thought of a plot that Xiao Chen told him, that is, Fu Hua can also become a law-maker—becoming a law-maker of knowledge.

It's just that after accepting Fu Hua's memory, the Herrscher of Knowledge thought he was Fu Hua and began to fight against Honkai.In addition, Xiao Chen also said that the character of the Herrscher of Knowledge will be more lively, just like a child...

Lively personality, able to control dead soldiers, and Honkai Beast...

Well? !Someone legalized it!There is a real Herrscher here!

Although Raiden Mei and Kiyana are Herrschers, both of them have a main personality, and Herrscher's personality usually doesn't come out!

But Fu Hua is different!She said that the two personalities control the body alternately!Although there is Xiao Chen's suppression, but the treasure is also perfect!Be a lawyer!

The person in charge was originally an ordinary person, but after being told what he really wanted, he was also popularized with some formal knowledge.

However, this knowledge has also become the source of his terror now...

As an ordinary person who knows the most about the plot and also knows the real existence of Honkai...

A true Herrscher who can control people's hearts, but no one notices him dangling around!

This can't help but make the person in charge feel terrified!

Could it be that the memories of myself and others have been manipulated?

no!I want to tell Bronya the news quickly!

This idea just appeared in the mind of the person in charge, when he suddenly thought of another question.

But what if Bronya is also controlled?

hateful!Why are Otto and Yae Miko not here at this critical moment!

director!where are you!I'm so scared!Whoooo!

Let's do something normal next time, shall we?


184-184 The third Honkai filming starts!Siegfried Pain in the World 4 Preface!

184 The third Honkai filming begins!Siegfried Pain in the World 4 Preface!

When the person in charge asked Xiao Chen for help in his heart, he didn't know that Xiao Chen was the most terrifying Herrscher in this era...

After Zhibao suppressed the Houkai in his body, he didn't restrain his emotions so much.

Although it looks the same as usual, the changes have happened silently.At the moment when Wuliangta Jizi kissed him—surprise, doubt, excitement, etc., strong emotions impacted his restraint on his own emotions.

He doesn't really like Wuliangta Himeko, and under the condition of restraining himself, he has a good impression of the women around him.Although it's not like you like it, but suddenly a beautiful girl who has a crush on you hugs you and kisses you, your mood will also fluctuate greatly.

The emotional impact, as well as the suppression of abilities, made his cross pupils shine through, and a blue cross was printed on the cosmetic pupils.The change of the eye pupils is a symbol of the power of the Herrscher. For example, after Raiden Mei transforms into a Herrscher, the pupils are closer to dark purple and two horns will grow on her head. When Kiana becomes the Herrscher of the Sky, the pupils are like A golden coordinate.

As Xiao Chen's force of restraint, his pupils are a symmetrical cross, with gold in the middle and yellow in the surrounding.If you look carefully, you can still see the trivial thin lines in the pupils, like the chains around the cross, which can only be vaguely seen when the sun shines and reflects light.

As for the shadow of the gears on the moon, it lasted only a dozen seconds, but it was still photographed by Tianming and some astronomers.

It's just that Otto temporarily blocked all the information and didn't receive the information.

Wuliangta Jizi didn't feel anything in the center of the whirlpool's storm. At most, it was because Xiao Chen's restraint and erosion power appeared in her body at the same time, and began to increase her own resistance to Houkai, constantly improving her body. Honkai energy limit.

Let Wuliangta Jizi feel a burst of relaxation in the body, as if being in the clouds, it is simply too high!

Wuliangta Jizi was very happy, but the change in Xiao Chen's eyes frightened the Valkyries on the Hyperion and Wuliangta Jizi's adjutant.

They knew Wuliangta Jizi was messy, but they didn't expect to be so messy!Kiss me!At the moment when the cross in Xiao Chen's eyes unfolded, they all felt that Xiao Chen was about to wake up and start to stop the rotation of the earth...

However, in the end Xiao Chen still controlled his emotions and strength.

Although the restraining force was about to be unable to suppress his emotions, he bit his tongue with his canine teeth, letting the pain dispel the feeling of heartbeat...

The character he plays now is just a passerby!A Playboy!After seeing the battleship in the sky, he was kissed by his girlfriend!The emotion of surprise should be greater than the emotion of heart!

Wuliangta Jizi sacrificed her first kiss to cooperate with her acting!Then I must not destroy the completion of this drama because of a momentary gaffe!

At this time, I can still think about acting... Probably Xiao Chen is the only one.

Wuliangta Jizi felt the ambiguity in his mouth and let go of his mouth, and realized his gaffe.

However, she also knew Xiao Chen's character.

At the same time, with the thought of running away after taking advantage, Wuliangta Jizi turned his head away, forcibly suppressing the shy emotions in his heart, and said.

"Sorry, the appointment ended early."

Although she thinks she is very free and easy, in front of her true love, Wuliang Tajizi, who has always been free and easy, realizes that she just didn't care about it before, so she can let it go casually.

Now that she has something she doesn't want to let go of, she knows the pain of letting go...

My own lifespan has always been a hurdle in Wuliangta Jizi's heart, even if she puts down her duties as a Valkyrie, she won't be able to live for long... And Xiao Chen is a Herrscher, and many of the girls around him are also Herrschers, Although I don't know if there is an upper limit to the lifespan of Herrscher, it must be longer than ordinary humans... Do I really have the right to be by his side?

Of course, if Otto knew about Wuliangta Himeko's worries.

It will definitely make her feel at ease, let alone the fact that Xiao Chen helped her increase the upper limit of Honkai energy, if it is a matter of lifespan.

As long as you can power Xiao Chen!Heiyuan Baihua longevity service is free!

Guaranteed to live a long life!Even if you are 80 or [-] years old, you can have the body of a girl!skin!There will be no wrinkles on the face either!

Dr. Einstein and Dr. Tesla, who have anti-entropy endorsement!Everyone who has used it says it's good!


Xiao Chen fell to the ground in a foreign dress in shock, while Wuliangta Jizi turned around and walked towards the Hyperion, and the adjutant beside her put on her coat.

Then Wuliangta Jizi said with a displeased face, "Didn't I tell you not to disturb my date?"

"A date? Do you mean you wasting time with the rich man in the private garden of a high-rise building?" The adjutant pushed his glasses with his hand and said.

"Do you want to die?" Wuliangta Jizi threatened.

Seeing this, the adjutant immediately said: "It's an emergency report from the headquarters. There was a large-scale collapse in Changkong City, and the level was the same as the one in 14."

The 14 years here naturally refers to the second collapse.

Hearing this, Wuliangta Jizi showed a serious and excited expression in front of the camera of the drone, and said, "Everyone board the ship immediately! Go to the destination Changkong City!"

"It's finally here—the third Honkai!"

After Wuliangta Jizi finished reading this line, Xiao Chen stood up from the ground and patted the dust on his suit, saying: "Ka——"

Immediately, Wuliangta Jizi turned around as if nothing had happened, and said, "Ahem, thank you, director. Are we going to join them now?"

"It's okay." Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "Since we're all here, why don't you just take a picture of the scene where you're wearing the Valkyrie armor... You should bring your costume, right?"

I don't use it for acting... I really have a way.

"Bring it."

"Okay, let's continue shooting." Xiao Chen nodded, then looked at the warship parked in the air and said, "But what is the origin of this investor, and can they even make this kind of thing?"


On the other side is the stigmata space of the Kaslana family.

Sensing the external situation, the spatial consciousness said, "It seems that the meal time is here. You should go out to eat first." "Oh?" As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the big glowing screen, and instinctively felt a chill.

Sadness can't catch up to me as long as I eat fast enough!

Show me what's for dinner today!

Siegfried saw all kinds of food made of bitter melon on the table, and his face turned into a bitter melon look and complained.

What a delisa set!

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