At the same time, an inexplicable force surged up in his body, which was different from the power of the Herrscher of the Sky, and was not controlled by Sirin.

After Xiao Chen used the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment to drive the core of the Herrscher of Flame into Qiyana's body.

The core of the Herrscher of Flame is lurking in Qiyana's body together, and the use of the Holy Order of Skyfire also requires the ability of Houkai.When the core of the Herrscher of Flame occurred, both the Holy Fire Tribunal and the core of the Herrscher of Flame absorbed Xiao Chen's Honkai energy.

It's just that it doesn't represent the power of restraint, but the opposite power, but because of the hair tie that Yae Shenzi gave her.

This power was suppressed together with the power of the Herrscher of the Sky.

Let Qiyana not wake up for a long time.

Today, she would not wake up, but...

At this time, Xiao Chen who was still sleeping not far away suddenly opened one eye.

It's just that this time the cross in his pupils was turned upside down, which was a sign that he was trying his best to liberate and restrain the opposite force.

In his sleep, Xiao Chen's spirit and consciousness are connected with the power of Eroding Herrscher. Although the main spirit is in the paradise of the past, he can still see the surrounding situation through other dead men, but the other parts are like the eyes. same background.

After Xiao Chen saw that Qiyana was about to die, it was as if a color map appeared in the background we saw, and his eyes shifted unconsciously.

After seeing that Qiyana was about to be hit by the epee, the erosion in the paradise of the past began to flow back to each Houkai beast.

Originally, the kit given by Yae Shenzi could not last for too long. After receiving the emotional influence of Xiao Chen in the 'sleeping dream', the energy began to flow backwards, and once again used the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion to suppress the consciousness of Houkai.

It's just that the epee has fallen, even if the Honkai consciousness is suppressed, and the Honkai Beast regains control of its body, it will not be able to resist the power of inertia after all.

And at that time, Xiao Chen opened one eye, and the inverted cross in the pupil was a symbol of his liberating power.

At this moment, he is indeed a Herrscher!A real lawyer!To protect those around me!

She unleashes another power within Kiyana.

At the same time, the Honkai Beast's actions are restricted with the power of restraint!

At the same time yelled in the car.

"There must be no one less in my crew!"

The Valkyrie in the car was startled by Xiao Chen's sudden words and the handstand in his eyes.

She even thought that if Xiao Chen wanted to become a Herrscher completely, the world would be destroyed.

However, after Xiao Chen was fully awake, his consciousness was disconnected from the network of Corrosion Herrscher, and his eyes returned to an ordinary cross again.

He subconsciously stood up from his seat, his head had a deep depression on the roof of the carport, and he looked around in a daze. He only felt that he had a very long and very strange dream.

In the dream, he first came to the Paradise of the Past as a Herrscher, and then he became a battle between Jin Shining and Thirteen Jie.

Then there seems to be a snake demon, you want to help me practice?

What the hell?very messy!

However, he remembered that there seemed to be an accident in the production crew at the end. The mechanical equipment similar to the Honkai Beast suddenly fell and almost hit Qiyana...

Fortunately it was just a dream.

However, he was still a little worried about Qiyana's safety, and immediately said to the frightened Valkyrie: "Please hurry up."


Hearing the slightly terrified voice of the driver, Xiao Chen touched his nose subconsciously, thinking to himself.

I'm not a monster, so I'm so scared?

In other words, why did I dream that I was a Herrscher in the first place?How strange.

ps: I can’t miss one on my ship!

214 Honkai Consciousness: You tm hacked me Honkai Beast, right?The Herrscher of Salinity Awakens!

214 Honkai Consciousness: You tm hacked me Honkai Beast, right?The Herrscher of Salinity Awakens!

When the big sword in the hands of the Honkai Beast was about to fall on Qiyana's body, because of Xiao Chen's power, the core power of the Herrscher of Fire in Qiyana's body was completely released, and Qiyana was bathed in a In the flames.

The long silver hair was combed into a tall ponytail under the entanglement of the golden headband, and the hairband made of Xiao Chen's hair presented by Yae body was rendered golden in the firelight.

Previously, this hairband was a prop to restrain the Herrscher of Space in Qiyana's body, but after receiving the secondary influence of Xiao Chen's power.The current headband has become a switch to control the power of the Herrscher in Kiyana's body, and a substitute for Qiyana to be corroded by the Honkai energy.

In the original book, Regiana was also faced with a lifespan limit by the power of the Houkai, and this switch saved Kiana from being eroded by the Houkai.

Let Qiyana be able to use the power of Herrscher freely, but every time she uses it, there will be less hair in the headband...

In a sense, the price of this power is Xiao Chen's hair.

The flames rising from Qiyana's body spread to the great sword, and the high temperature brought by the flame instantly burned the great sword in Honkai Beast's hand.

The weapons have been vaporized, and the inertia of the fall has disappeared along with the disappearance of the weapons.

At the same time, as if to mock the Houkai consciousness, Qiyana also had a big sword in her hand.

I saw Qiyana's big sword on her shoulder with one hand, while gently stroking the Chengdu hairband woven with Xiao Chen's hair with the other hand, then flicked the ponytail behind her, and pointed the big sword in her hand at Beng in front of her. The bad beast said, "Honkai consciousness, are you looking at me?"

Because Xiao Chen withdrew the power of the Eroding Herrscher, the consciousness of Honkai was no longer on Honkai Beast at this time, but he was still watching the situation here through the eyes of Honkai Beast.

Qiyana is also considered the Herrscher of Flame now, and she can feel the sight of Honkai, and saw her waving the big sword in her hand, and said.

"I just want to tell you today, I, Qiyana, will not give in like Honkai! Neither will the other personality in me!"

Sirin, who was in Kiana's heart, raised her eyebrows and said.

"Don't take me with you if you brag about nD...besides, I..."

Before Sirin hesitated to say anything, Qiyana took the first step and said: "What are you! You want to destroy human beings, don't you just want to avenge human beings! You have destroyed enough! Your revenge is too much! It's time to end!"

Sirin was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, as if she had let go of something, and said.

"Revenge is the meaning of my life. Now that revenge is over, there is no need for me to exist..."

It's just that this sentence was interrupted by Qiyana, and said: "The end? What are you talking about? Isn't our revenge just about to start?!"

"Start? Revenge? What are you talking about?" Sirin responded to Kiyana in a daze.

"You feel that you have been betrayed by humans, so you absolutely revenge on humans... Then you have been betrayed by Honkai now, shouldn't you take revenge on Honkai instead!" Kiyana said righteously: "Or Said you want to engage in double standards? Let me tell you! I despise double-standard dogs the most!"

"Revenge against the God...?" Sirin's eyes lit up, but she quickly asked with some hesitation: "How can the Herrscher defeat the Honkai?"

"Why can't Herrscher defeat Honkai! You see, Xiao Chen has not been controlled by Honkai for so many years as a Herrscher! Besides, I will help you this time! The two of us will definitely defeat Honkai together!"

Qiyana felt Xiao Chen's power circulating in her body, with a confident look on her face, said.

"But... I have done so many wrong things, am I still qualified?" Sirin asked hesitantly.

"Well... I really need to be punished for doing something wrong, but I'm not good at punishing myself." Qiyana scratched her head, then suddenly thought of something and said: "Let's do it! I'll let Xiao Chen find a way to punish you! His bad idea So many! It must be no problem!"


Although it sounded a bit wrong, Sirin still accepted this statement, and then said a little arrogantly: "Then I will reluctantly agree to you for Xiao Chen's sake! Revenge against God... sounds good!"

"Hmph! After all, I came up with the idea!"

Qiyana said triumphantly, then thought of something and asked again, saying: "By the way, do you have anything to say to the Honkai consciousness? If you have nothing to say, I will destroy the Honkai consciousness in front of me." The beast is destroyed!"

"You can rest assured that I can control my body?"

"I believe you."

With that said, Kiyana gave up control of her body.

I saw that after Qiyana closed her eyes and opened them, her eyes had turned into a golden color that symbolized the Herrscher of Space.

I saw Xilin floating in the air and facing the Honkai Beast in front of me, saying: "God... I know you are watching, you are trying to stimulate Xiao Chen through me. Really... You almost succeeded, since You want Xiao Chen to awaken! Then I will not let him awaken! You want him to despair! Then I will give him happiness! You betrayed me! Then I will not recognize you as a god! From today on Xiao Chen Chen is my god... I will steal your throne with my new faith! Let you fall into the quagmire!"

With that said, Sirin used the power of the Herrscher of the Sky to lift the Honkai Beast in front of her.

Then he turned his head and said to Qiyana in his heart: "I'll leave the final blow to you."

Sirin closed her eyes again, and when she opened them, her eyes returned to clear blue again.

"You understand well~"

I saw Qiyana looked at the Honkai beast floating in the air, praised it, then raised the great sword of fire in her hand, and at the same time jumped into the air, pointed at the Honkai beast's body and slashed at it heavily.

Honkai Consciousness: You hacked my Honkai Beast, right?

The fire and the blade ignited the Honkai Beast, and it was like a sun appeared in the sky.

After seeing the burning Honkai Beast, Qiyana nodded in satisfaction, and then the Sirin personality in her body seemed to think of something and asked: "By the way... Xiao Chen is nearby, is it really okay for you to do this?"

After hearing Sirin's reminder, Qiyana was stunned, and then said in a panic: "I forgot!!"


"Kiana! You idiot!"

On the other side, because there was no car, Xiao Chen who just got out of the car heard the sound of an explosion in the distance, and subconsciously raised his head to look in the direction of the sky.

Just as he was about to see the Honkai Beast burning in the sky, a pair of hands suddenly covered his eyes, and at the same time a voice rang in his ears.

"Guess who I am?"

215 Shadow: And said you are not the law of heaven!

215 Shadow: And said you are not the law of heaven!

After hearing the vigorous voice behind him, Xiao Chen said something in surprise.

"Fuhua (knowledge treasure)?"

After getting Xiao Chen's affirmative answer, Zhibao went around to Xiao Chen and said with a smile: "You guessed right! What reward do you want!?"

"This kind of thing doesn't need any rewards, right?" Xiao Chen smiled wryly, and said, "By the way, was someone setting off fireworks just now? Why did the sky suddenly light up?"

"Well, it's still a pretty big firework." Zhibao nodded, and then confirmed with Xiao Chen: "Didn't you see it?"

"How can I see you covering my eyes!" Xiao Chen complained, and then Yu You asked curiously: "By the way, why are you here? How is the crew doing?"

After hearing Xiao Chen's affirmative answer, Zhibao breathed a sigh of relief, no matter how she danced, she knew that Xiao Chen had discovered the seriousness of the collapse, so she stretched out her hand to cover his eyes.

Of course, after doing it, she thinks it's not a bad feeling... Next time, try covering his eyes while doing other things!

"I don't have a role in today's plot, I feel bored, so I'll wait for you on your only way." Zhibao said with a cute smile to Xiao Chen.

"Then there's no need to wait in such a place, right? What if I don't get off here?"

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