"Ah, it's all right, it was just blown by the wind a little bit." Otto said after waking up from a daze.

"Huh?" Xiao Chen glanced at Otto with some doubts, but didn't think too much about putting on the gauntlet he gave him, and said, "Anyway, I will tell the operation side that the next poster will be for you and A close-up like Kallen."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the time and waved his hand towards Xiao Chen, saying: "Okay, it's almost time, you should also go to prepare, your next show will be in the first crew, right? I'll go to the first The second crew."

Seeing this, Otto quickly stopped Xiao Chen from opening his mouth and said, "May I ask a question about the next plot?"

Can. "Xiao Chen nodded and said: "My side doesn't have many plots, only a few clips, and it will probably be finished before your side. After the filming is finished, you can ask any questions during the rest time. "

Ao Tuo watched Xiao Chen leave and put it down, subconsciously stretched out his hand and tightened the cross on his neck...

The second Honkai is the longest one in the Honkai III manga, and it is also the one with the most characters.

The plot itself is also very complete, and there is suspense at the end, which is the most suitable plot to be changed into a movie.

In order to speed up the filming, Xiao Chen made a more detailed allocation of personnel.

After all, you don’t need to follow the chronological order in the movie when making a movie. You can shoot the end first and then the beginning, as long as you cut them together later.

Originally, there were more characters in the second Honkai plot. Although the actors were limited, there were many scenes, and there were dozens of scenes in total.There are several scenes with a few fixed characters. First, we shoot scenes without repeated characters, such as the scene where the Valkyries of Destiny fight against the Houkai Beast, and the scene of anti-entropy investigation and analysis.

As long as the number of drones is increased, theoretically, multi-scene shooting can be carried out.

Siegfried, played by Xiao Chen, is the main character of the second Honkai. Although there is no real protagonist in the second Honkai, Siegfried has the most roles.

Most of the action takes place from Siegfried's point of view.

The Siegfried family at the beginning, and then Teresa received the mission, and Siegfried came to reinforce him. Although he couldn't even defeat a serious emperor-level Honkai beast, he has been acting as a surveillance camera on the periphery.

Prevent Otto from killing Walter after Walter and Sirin, and go to the moon with Walter to collect intelligence.

And dating Cecilia in memories.

And using the information brought by the moon as a foreshadowing, it tells the power of the blood of the Kaslana family, paving the way for the final outcome.

Siegfried is the key figure throughout the second Honkai, and the one with the most plot scenes.

Xiao Chen usually not only has to patronize the identity of the director, but also to control the whole situation, he also has to play the most important role.

Every day is a high-intensity job. If it weren't for the physical fitness of Herrschers and fusion fighters, he might not be able to bear it.

After filming the scene of checking his body against the wall, Xiao Chen came to the studio where Otto was as scheduled.

This plot is the plot where Fu Hua uses Yu Duchen to assist Otto to enter the space of Sirin's consciousness and talk to God.

As for what the god showed Otto...it's not mentioned in this manga!

288 What did the pangolin say?

288 What did the pangolin say?

What did God say to Otto.

This question is the same as what the pangolin said. No one knows the answer. In the comics, it is only written that God showed Otto the truth.

Who knows what the truth is?

In the end, God made a scene similar to suicide, and let Otto comprehend the rest.

Now combined with the plot of Otto, it may imply that he was beaten by Shuang Qi, but the scene of suicide is a bit too abstract...

It can be explained in any way.

On the set where Otto is located, it is mainly divided into three scenes, the battlefield, the spiritual space of Sirin, and the pure white space where God is.

The battlefield is outside the laboratory of the Tower of Babel in Siberia. Otto, Fu Hua, and Cheng Lixue confronted Xilin.

Fu Hua allowed himself to temporarily restore the strength of Immortal Chiyuan 500 years ago, and controlled Xi Lin with Yu Duchen.

Otto took the opportunity to invade Sirin's consciousness with his feather dust, and disguised himself as Beibeilong, who was trusted by Sirin.

In a sense, this is Otto's second time wearing women's clothing!

In the consciousness space, Otto reminded Sirin of how her mother died, and used Yu Duchen to modify Sirin's memory to deepen Sirin's obsession with resurrecting her mother.

Pretending to be Beibeilong himself, he fanned the flames from the sidelines.

However, for the time being, no suitable role for Beibeilong has been found.

If it wasn't for lack of time, Otto would have sent someone to capture Beibeilong, who had transformed back into a dragon, and let Sirin transform again.

In fact, Beibeilong, who has changed back into a dragon form, has been searching for it all the time.

Although Beibeilong shattered the core of Valkyrie in the second collapse, his physical body has been dormant all the time.However, for the unaware Honkai Beast, the core is her consciousness, and the destruction of the core is equivalent to death once.

Now it is Otto himself who is playing the role of Beibeilong. It is easy for Soul Steel to change its shape and appearance.

When he confronted Joyce back then, he used the body of Soul Steel Valkyrie Riana Brigantia.

After controlling Rhianna Brigantia, Otto transformed Soul Steel's body into his own, and was forced to go offline only when the special spray interfered with the signal.

The special soul steel body can easily simulate the appearance of Beibeilong, and Otto's acting skills can also perfectly express the girl's appearance perfectly!

At the beginning, it was because of Karen, so I didn't think too much about it. Now it's a bit shameful for Otto to act the same way as before!

This is camouflage!Not women's clothing!

Otto comforted himself silently in his mind: "My Lady Queen, I have already found that you want a lot of things. But if you are not feeling well today, you should choose another day..."

"Mom's clothes? Ah, yes, I'm going to revive my mother today." Sirin looked at the clothes in Otto's hand and said, "My health is fine. Bring the clothes to the top of the tower to find me. I will definitely To revive mother."

This was Otto's original plan, to use Yu Duchen to manipulate the Herrscher, make him resurrect someone with the power of the Herrscher of Death, and then find a way to resurrect Kallen.

It's a pity that Sirin's method is to use the power of the Herrscher of Death to extract the dna attached to the clothes, and then use the power of the Herrscher of Reason to create the substances needed for life. This is the same as Walter's method of resurrecting himself almost.

It's just that Walter's consciousness is based on the core of the Herrscher, and his resurrection should also be regarded as himself.

For ordinary people who have nothing, this theory cannot be tried...

At that time, Sirin used DNA to copy her current answer, which naturally did not satisfy Otto.

This is no different from copying Kallen with Kallen's genes. It's just a puppet with a shell but no soul.

In short, it is nothing more than that set of philosophical theories.

For the definition of a person, is it the body, or the consciousness, or the invisible and intangible soul?

That's what Otto said at the time——

"Your Majesty Queen, forgive me, but I don't understand, this person you are holding is really your mother? Does he really have your mother's soul?"

"Soul!? Bella, what are you talking about? She is my favorite mother, she..."

In the space of consciousness, it may be that Otto has done something, or it may be that Sirin's heart has been shaken.

The duplicated existence disappeared instantly after Otto finished speaking.

At this time, Xiao Chen also changed his clothes and rushed to the set.

He was already a little numb to this person's sudden disappearance of technical ability. For ordinary movies, doesn't this part require human special effects synthesis?

Next to it is a group of green backgrounds, which are then synthesized with special effects in the later stage.

What is the technique of doing special effects on the spot?

Of course, special effects such as projections were really used this time. Even Otto wasn't so venereal enough to make Sirin copy her mother and kill her again.

"Yes, mother is not resurrected, I can only resurrect her body, but where is mother's soul?" Sirin asked in a daze.

Even if she died once, she couldn't be sure whether she was still considered Celine.

"My Lady Queen, don't be sad, it's just a failure. As long as Her Lady Queen continues to try and believes in the ability of the Herrscher of Death, she will definitely be able to retrieve the soul of her mother!" This is the one who has failed so many times. Otto could say such words, and he didn't know how many times he failed on the way to revive Kallen.

This time, he must ask Xiao Chen the answer to resurrect Kallen!

"No... I don't understand, Bella, what is a soul?"

"Soul, the soul is..."

Otto has been looking for an answer to this question, even if he cloned Kallen's body, even if he injected Kallen's memory into the duplicate body, the essence of Kallen, the reason why Kallen is Kallen, is her smile, her tears.Her eyes can reflect a whole world that makes me peaceful and happy...

"Perhaps, only God knows the answer to the soul."

At that time, Sirin's words gave Otto the idea of ​​asking God.

At that time, he was still torn between whether to use Yu Duchen to stagnate the consciousness of the Second Herrscher to continue research, or take the risk to meet God.

In the end, Otto chose to take risks to find the answer from God.

"My Lady Queen, I believe God will understand your sorrow and help you! Please go to God to find the answer!"


After Otto finished speaking, Xiao Chen waved his hand to let everyone transfer to prepare part of the plot.

In this gap, Otto came to Xiao Chen's side and said, "Director, do you think the soul exists?"

Originally, Otto had no illusions about this question, but Xiao Chen did give the answer he wanted accurately.

"I think so."

289 What if Kallen is reincarnated?Who is the one?

289 What if Kallen is reincarnated?Who is the one?

Otto didn't expect to hear the answer from Xiao Chen's mouth at first, so he just asked casually. After all, Xiao Chen has not yet become a god, and he doesn't even know the existence of Honkai, so how could he know the existence of the soul.

However, Otto guessed wrong on this point. Although Xiao Chen didn't know the existence of Honkai, he was the only one who was very sure of the existence of the soul.

After all, he is a time traveler, and he is the most classic soul time travel, reincarnation in another world!

Xiao Chen didn't tell anyone about this matter, Yae Shenzi who used to be a little fox was an exception.

Although Xiao Chen didn't explicitly say that he was a time traveler, he never concealed his various behaviors since he was a child by Yae Shenzi's side, and of course she could tell that she was not stupid.

Yae Kamito was not surprised by this either, after all her world already had souls and the cycle of life and death.

Although the reincarnation of Xiao Chen is rare, it is not impossible.

"Director, do you believe in the existence of souls?" Otto asked in surprise.

"I believe that the existence of souls is such a surprising thing?" Xiao Chen rolled his eyes at Otto and said, "I always feel that something is wrong with you recently."

"Ahem, director, you must be thinking too much, I have always been very wrong." Otto waved his hand and joked.

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