Of course, even if you can't feel it, it doesn't mean that the time pause is useless

Xiao Chen once watched such an anime, the heroine's ability is to turn back time, but the disadvantage is that he will not have the memory of turning back, and will only keep reincarnating and repeating.

If you look at it this way, it just reverses a loneliness.

However, it just so happens that in this anime, there is a hero whose abilities match those of the heroine.

The hero's ability is complete memory, no matter what happened, he can remember it, if you look at it this way, it's just a simple memory.

But the male protagonist's complete memory will not even forget the time that the female protagonist has retraced, and the male protagonist becomes the only person who has memory in the retraced time.

The current situation is also similar, in Xiao Chen's time stop, Otto is not the only one with consciousness.

People who are highly resistant to Honkai have consciousness, but they can't move, they can only watch the paused time.

Even Kevin is like this, in front of the absolute zero under the time pause, the body temperature of tens of degrees below zero is not enough to look at.

You and your temperature make me feel ridiculous.

Since Kevin became a fusion fighter, he has basically never felt the chill. Today he felt what it means to be bitingly cold.

This kind of chill gave him a familiar feeling. When the family's stigmata space was out of his control for unknown reasons, he also felt this biting chill.

It's just that this time the piercing chill turned into the most real temperature.

Especially Xiao Chen specially took care of Kevin.

When the time suspension was lifted, the restraining force on him was first lifted, and the power of the Herrscher of Ice on Kevin was ignored.

After the time suspension was lifted, although the restraint on the body was lifted, the temperature near absolute zero was still preserved.

Kevin could only watch helplessly as he was sealed in a huge ice cube. Under the absolute low temperature, the genes of the ice pig were no more than that.

Looking at the huge ice cube, Yae Kamiko breathed a sigh of relief, first kicked it with his feet, then felt that he could use electricity to give Kevin an electrotherapy, but Su who was watching beside him was very distressed.

"It's almost enough, Kevin just doesn't know the current situation." Su persuaded from the side.

He had doubts about what Yae Kamito said before, but after seeing the power to stop the world and the scene like the end of the world, he also had to accept the reality.

At least this Herrscher is not hostile to humans.

This lawyer is not too cold.

At least it is more humane than Kevin's stigmata plan.

I have to say, this is still a very ironic thing.

It was actually a Herrscher who saved the world and mankind... However, this is not the first time in this era.

Before he could think of a way to solve Xiao Chen, he could only temporarily cooperate with this Herrscher.

Solve... After this idea appeared in su's mind, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, they don't even know how to deal with the Herrscher of the Last Yan now, the complete Xiao Chen is almost on par with the Herrscher of the Last Yan, how do they solve it?What to solve?

Kevin was directly frozen into a popsicle without the other party awakening.

This is even more tragic than when facing the Herrscher of the Last Yan.

This made su- instantly feel like he didn't want to play anymore.

I have no money to save Honkai!


On the other side, Xiao Chen shook his head to shake off the snowflakes that fell from his body, and said, "Why is it snowing so heavily all of a sudden? I'm almost becoming a snowman."

Ao Tuo looked at the snow on Xiao Chen's head and said nothing. In the state of time-stop, only a small space around Xiao Chen can move.

The Heavenly Fire Sacred Order he installed on Xiao Chen's body can only adjust the temperature around him, and cannot stop it from time to time.

Just as Xiao Chen was talking and Otto was thinking, the phone rang again.

Xiao Chen turned on the phone and said, "It's best that an actor has already arrived. They have already bought air tickets and are going to come back, but why is there a fresh food consignment fee in the reimbursement form? Why are they coming in London later?" Is there a souvenir?"

"Souvenir products?" Otto pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and then asked in a gloomy voice, "Is it possible that the fresh food contains new actors?"

"What horror movie plot?" Xiao Chen rolled his eyes, pretending to be calm and said: "Don't scare me, I don't like this."

"Isn't it just a horror movie! It's not like I haven't acted in that year!"

"The directors at the time said my acting was good! It was like seeing a ghost!"


Doesn't that mean you're really afraid of ghosts?

Xiao Chen looked at Otto's suspicious gaze, and said: "I'm not afraid of ghosts, it's the atmosphere of horror movies, you understand? It's just that I don't like the atmosphere. Besides, horror movies don't necessarily have to be There are ghosts, right? I'm not Teresa, how can I be afraid of ghosts?"

"Yes yes yes! You are not afraid of ghosts, are you?" Otto said perfunctorily.

At the same time, he complained in his heart.

This time, I really didn't lie!

It's just that your own understanding is wrong.

Is time paused?I always feel that I am one step closer to resurrecting Kallen...


301 Kevin: I'm autistic, I don't want to play anymore!

"As soon as we reach here, Xiao Chen's enchantment will start to take effect."

Yae Shenzi is driving the Second God Key to move forward in the imaginary number space. The second God Key has already surrendered to Xiao Chen and is driven by Yae Shenzi, so it can travel on the land with a bounded barrier.

This feels like the ability that Sirin has used before. It blurs the second God's Key itself, and sneaks without disturbing anyone.

Inside the Second God's Key, all the people involved in this operation are among them.

For example, Raven and Jackal, two people are mainly responsible for determining the coordinates of the Second God's Key, and the ordinary people who are dispersed.

Now the two are staring at the original Lord, the original spiritual leader of the World Snake, spiritual belief...

To be honest, if you look at the current Kevin from the perspective of the world snake, you really feel ashamed.

But think about it carefully, the two of them are now standing at Xiao Chen's point.

Then it's all right... You can continue to freeze.

The current frozen state is indeed in line with your identity as an ancient person.

Only Su looked at Kevin with a worried face...

After Yae Kamito set the destination of the Second God Key in Siberia, he gathered in front of Kevin Ice Sculpture like everyone else.

Although sealed by ice, Kevin still has consciousness and can hear the voices of other people outside the ice.

"Who of you is going to explain this matter to him?"

Yae Miko asked after setting the autopilot.

"Let me do it." Su took the initiative to stand up and said.

It was only after he stood up that Kevin closed his eyes as if he had fallen asleep, and that expression was obvious—he had nothing to say with the traitor.

Kevin's reaction hit Su deeply, causing Su to hide directly in the corner of the Second God's Key and fell into a state of autism.

Mebius looked at Kevin in this state, and said: "This is the first time I've seen Kevin in this state. He actually used his ability to strengthen the ice around him. Don't want to talk to us."

"To be honest, in this state, unless Dr. Mei comes in person, I can't think of any way to persuade Kevin."

Kevin autistic limited jpg

Mebius also wanted to see what method Yae Kamiko would use to persuade Kevin to act. If she couldn't do it... her status in Xiao Chen's heart would definitely decline!Then it's time to take the lead!

"Don't worry, even if I don't do anything, Kevin will crawl out of the ice here." Yae Kamito tapped the ice in front of him and said.

"Did you leave any secret hands behind?" Mebius asked with some doubts.

Yae Shenzi looked at Mebius' puzzled expression, and said, "Do you still remember Xiao Chen who appeared in Paradise?"

"of course I remember!"

She hasn't forgotten that she wants Xiao Chen to say that she is prettier than Alicia!

However, after actually seeing Xiao Chen, he seemed to not remember what happened that day, and he didn't even know that he was a Herrscher.

Although Yae Shenzi explained a little bit, she still didn't understand something. What exactly is Xiao Chen who appeared that day?

Is it just a pure self fused with the power of erosion?

At that moment, Mebius asked directly: "What the hell is that Xiao Chen? Are you finally willing to explain to me?"

"Actually, my previous explanation was very specific. It is the aggregation of Herrscher, the instinct bound by reason in Xiao Chen's body. As long as it does not violate the rational values ​​of Xiao Chen's personality, what is beneficial to this body is basically nothing. You can do it, such as analyzing your genes to strengthen yourself, and for example, in the danger of someone firing a missile at him, stop the missile launch and fight back..."

Yae Shenzi paused slightly while speaking, and said: "However, the Xiao Chen you saw last time was not entirely Xiao Chen's self-evolutionary consciousness, and some other things were mixed in it."

"What?" Methis asked curiously.

"The stigmata of the Kaslana family, the stigmata consciousness." Yae Kamito said bluntly.

"So that's how it is..." Mebius suddenly realized: "No wonder I think that Xiao Chen pays special attention to Kevin. Is it because of this? The stigmata of the Kaslana family really left some Interesting stuff."

Mebius thought of something and said, "That blond-haired girl is also from the Kaslana family, right?"

"However, why did Xiao Chen get in touch with members of the Kaslana family?"

"This matter is actually similar to today's situation." Yae Shenzi explained: "In order to save people, Xiao Chen used restraint power to untie the stigmata of the Kaslana family, so that Ulandal could not pass through the stigmata space. In the process, the Kaslana family's stigmata were contaminated with the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion."

"The spatial consciousness or stigmata consciousness of the Kaslana family does not have such a thing as personality. It is just a patchwork of countless fragments of memory. It is a good processor for the erosion of consciousness, so take advantage of it. When Kevin was not around, he took the stigmata of the Kaslana family as his own."

At the same time, Siegfried had a lot of obsession with Xiao Chen at that time, so he also let the power of erosion stay there.

Even in the end, even Kevin couldn't control the stigmata of the Kaslana family.

"I think Kevin closed his eyes and didn't contact us, probably because he wanted to get information from Siegfried first, as well as the location of the Holy Inquisitor of Skyfire, and at the same time gather strength to prepare for a counterattack?"

Just as Yae Miko guessed, Kevin's closing his eyes did mean that.

When he was in the Sea of ​​Quantum, he felt that it might be a problem of poor signal, and because of some interference, he lost control of the stigmata space.

This time he came out of Quantum Sea!He didn't believe that he couldn't even handle the stigmata space in his own home!

It's time for him to realize who's boss!

"Kevin doesn't know that his stigmata space has been occupied by someone, does he?"

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