It just swung the sword before it gasified.

Let the Heavenly Fire Holy Order reach the highest temperature he can bear, and let the Heavenly Fire Holy Order overload to an unprecedented height while swinging the sword.

The Heavenly Fire Sacred Order is the God's Key made from the core of the Herrscher of Flame, the seventh Herrscher of the pre-civilization era. The Heavenly Fire Sacred Order in the form of two spears dominates the power of "flame" and has the most powerful destructive power.Although the np is set, it is a garbage weapon in the game. Its active weapon skills will consume a lot of HP (65%), which greatly reduces the error tolerance rate of the operation. A little carelessness will lead to the death of the character. , Combined with the setting of the plot, this weapon is also dubbed "Skyfire Suicide" by the majority of captains.

But it doesn't prevent that this is a God's Key with strong destructive power in reality!

The weak you in the game are also fake!

Really powerful in reality!

What a genius design, a genius move, but also a desperate move.

Even the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order itself would be destroyed, but the power that erupted at that moment was indeed astonishing.

If you use this trick to deal with the Herrscher of the Last Yan... maybe there is a real possibility of winning!

It's just that the conditions for this move are equally harsh, first of all, it needs a huge Honkai energy as a backing.

It was so easy just now because the spiritual space has almost unlimited Houkai ability. If it is the real world, it will be very difficult to prepare for such a huge Houkai.

But it is not impossible to do it with the power of the last era.

As for sacrificing himself, Kevin doesn't care at all.

After Mei died, that Kevin was already dead, and all that was left was ruins!

pain!It hurts so much!

As long as he can defeat Herrscher Finale, it doesn't matter even if he is sacrificed!

It's just that Kevin didn't know that such an extreme Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, such an extreme move was not because of the extreme moves, but because someone could resist the full-strength explosion of the Skyfire Sacred Judgment.

And now that Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge is still quietly carrying Xiao Chen's wrist.

Kevin?Sorry, really unfamiliar.

I'm just a gauntlet, what two guns?That's all in the past.

He believed that in the near future, all the God's Keys added together should be able to put together a good outfit for Xiao Chen.


After Kevin was kicked out by the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge, the stigmata space burned by the flames recovered again. Siegfried, who had been gasified before, looked at the previous scene and said excitedly.

"Successful! I succeeded! Did you see it! This time I finally succeeded!"

Stigmata Space Jianzhuang nodded and said, "You did succeed."

Not only did he successfully use the form of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order, but he also defeated Kevin.

Although there was an element of mischief in the stigmata space this time, Siegfried did succeed.

The spatial consciousness nodded at the moment, and said: "Okay, I will tell you about your daughter's situation as agreed."

"?" Siegfried looked at the spatial consciousness with a puzzled expression.

Seeing this, Spatial Consciousness frowned slightly, and said, "Could you not concentrate on practicing swords and forget the agreement between us?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten! It's just that I was so happy for a while! I just didn't realize it!" Siegfried shook his head and said.

Absolutely forgot!

The spatial consciousness sighed helplessly, and said, "Although it's a good thing for you to concentrate on practicing the moves I taught you, don't forget your original purpose."

Although Cecilia's stigmata is gone, she can also know the situation here. After all, the stigmata space is where information is stored, and as a stigmata, she can also read what happened here.

If she knew that Siegfried had forgotten about his daughter...

Guess... he doesn't know what will happen.

Anyway, he is just a stigmata.

"I know, can you tell me what you have been hiding before?"

Siegfried asked seriously: "My daughter, is the real Kiyana still alive?"


On the other side, when answering Siegfried's question in the stigmata space, part of the erosive force also entered Kevin's body along with the previous high temperature.

As the ancestor of the Kaslana family, Kevin, the body of the stigmata, originally only had a connection with the stigmata.

And the power of this erosion is through the connection between the stigmata, the stigmata or engraving on the reverse-invading Kevin's body!


304 Apocalypse So Promised

"Director, you drink tea."


"Director, brush your teeth."




After returning from the film crew, Otto has been following Xiao Chen's side all the time.

"Why did you suddenly follow me? Didn't I tell you about the poster?"

Xiao Chen turned to look at Otto helplessly and asked.

"Uh, actually, there is one more thing I want to ask you to direct you." After realizing that Xiao Chen can freeze time, Ao Tuo thought of many ways for Xiao Chen to achieve his goal...

But in the end he rejected them all.

He has used many people, but only this time, he didn't want to use Xiao Chen, he wanted to ask Xiao Chen as a friend, not to use.

But now he has no way to explain the truth to Xiao Chen, he can only use this simple way to improve his favorability.

After all, although he regards Xiao Chen as a friend, as the only person who can understand him, but this is just his wishful thinking.

Whether Xiao Chen regards him as a friend or not is another matter.

In terms of his attitude towards Xiao Chen, Otto is as clumsy as he is towards Kallen. Even after 500 years, our bishop still hasn't changed in this regard...

"Say." Xiao Chen leaned against the door and said.

"Didn't I say that, I have a missing childhood sweetheart?"

"Yes yes yes, haven't you been talking about that childhood sweetheart?" Xiao Chen nodded and sighed, and said, "Why do you even look like Otto in this? Your childhood sweetheart can't be called Karen, right? "

"Ahem, cough, I have a chance to introduce you to each other." Otto forced a smile and did not answer the question directly.

"Well, so what are you looking for me this time?" Xiao Chen turned his head and looked at Otto curiously.

"Actually, I recently found some news about my childhood sweetheart." Otto scratched his head and said.

Although I don't want to lie, there is no way to explain to Xiao Chen about the resurrection of Karen, so I can only explain it to him in this way.

"Oh, congratulations? Do you need me to give you some time off?" Xiao Chen asked,

If you enter the early stage of the main line, Otto doesn't have a lot of scenes, and it's okay to shoot them all in one go.

"No, please let me stay here." Otto said, seeing Xiao Chen's expression slightly relieved.

"Huh?" Otto's response made Xiao Chen a little surprised: "I thought you would be like Otto, when you meet someone you like, you will be desperate."

"I was also surprised." Otto replied with a smile when he heard the words: "I thought you would definitely keep me, the director. After all, isn't filming the number one priority for the director?"

"After entering the main story line, your plot will be a little less, and now the logistics are not so difficult with Yae Shenzi and the new members, and it's okay to give you a period of vacation." Xiao Chen turned his head and said.

Ao Tuo looked at Xiao Chen's expression, and suddenly realized something, Xiao Chen... Could it be that he has some hidden arrogant attributes?

Because I have been deliberately maintaining relationships with people before, I use this method to maintain interpersonal relationships at a similar level.

However, because other people treated Xiao Chen very well, he gradually gave up this disguise.

It's just that in order to take care of my mood this time, I deliberately made his role less important, right?

In fact, there are still a lot of work.

Xiao Chen's personality is completely opposite to Kalian's.

"Although I'm glad you can understand my situation, I still choose to stay here." Otto said in a very solemn voice.

As a bishop for so many years, it was the first time he spoke in such a tone of being dependent on others, but he didn't hate it.

"Well, I'm really happy that you can stay. But...why? The reason why you joined the film crew was because of your childhood sweetheart, right? Isn't it a little bit of putting the cart before the horse when you put acting first?" Xiao Chen was a little curious asked.

"It's my own problem. It's like using the director's favorite jojo as a metaphor. Now I'm just a negative number. With the current situation, I don't even have the face to meet any of my... friends, I think at least after I complete my improvement , only when I change from a negative number to zero can I go to see one of my friends."

Otto lowered his head and clenched his fist, said.

Xiao Chen, who was listening to Otto's speech on the other side, fell into a moment of silence, and began to think non-stop in his mind.

What is the situation?Should I keep asking?Always feel that there is something terrible hidden?

Ah, curious, but afraid to ask.

Xiao Chen struggled a bit, but he gave up the idea of ​​gossip to the end, and asked: "So everything is still the same as before, right? But, if this is the case, why is your attitude towards me so strange suddenly? I still I thought you must be asking for leave to flatter me all of a sudden."

"Even if it's not flattery, I really want to have a good relationship with you, the director." Otto said with a smile on his face.

If Xiao Chen knew that Otto was real, Otto would be frightened at all.

After all, most of the people who were regarded as friends by Otto were sent away by him.

For example, Otto, as Joyce's pen pal, was the direct cause of Joyce's death.

Another Fu Hua who was regarded as a friend by Otto was also taken away by Otto...

"The reason why I came to find you, the director, is actually because I have something to ask for." Otto returned to a serious attitude.

"Well, if you're not asking for leave, is there anything else you want to ask me?" Xiao Chen asked curiously.

"If I need your help, the director, on the way to find my childhood sweetheart, would you be willing to help me?"

Not a trick, not a calculation, not a plan.

Just a simple agreement.

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