After hearing Otto's ridicule, Joyce and Einstein turned their heads shyly at the same time.

Although this has been recognized as a fact, it is still a bit embarrassing to be brought out by Otto...

It's pure love.

Otto looked at the two and shook his head.

If Xiao Chen heard Otto's ridicule, then he would definitely complain like this.

If it were Kallen, you would be more innocent than them.

"Okay, the general task is assigned here, if you have any details, you can talk to me in private."

Xiao Chen sorted out the script pretendingly, and said.

"The meeting is adjourned now."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Yae Shenzi and said, "Yaie Shenzi stay here for a while, I have something to say."


After hearing this sentence, everyone pricked up their ears.

Even Yae Miko himself couldn't hold back the two fox ears on his head.

333 Loving you is my only weakness

This line, which was similar to unspoken rules, surprised everyone a little.

What is the reason why Xiao Chen would stay alone as the child of Yae Shen?

Among all the people, only Yae Miko is currently not considered an actor, and Yae Sakura's plot ended early, so she is not considered an actor.

However, they are considered employees who work under Xiao Chen, and if there is any relationship, it is actually considered an unspoken rule.

It's just that the number of employees is relatively large.

Not only is he the boss of the largest light novel company in Changkong City, but he also has several artist companies under him, and is involved in various industries.

You said it was an unspoken rule to the extent that no one would believe it.


There is no shortage of Yae Shenzi.

If you don't count the investors behind the scenes, Yae Shenzi's industry has already surpassed Xiao Chen's crew.


With Yae Miko's ability in this industry and her means, it is a matter of minutes to become famous.

There is no need to borrow other people's hands at all.

In other words, even if her relationship with Xiao Chen was exposed.

That would not be considered an unspoken rule by outsiders.

Definition of unspoken rules one by one

"Unspoken rules" refer to invisible, unspecified, customary, unlimited, but widely recognized and actually effective, people must "follow" a rule, compared to "meta rules", " As far as the rules are concerned.

If this unspoken rule is placed between the upper and lower levels of the company.

The strong give certain conveniences in order to gain something from the weak.

But there will be no such definition between two people of the same level.

In this case, we generally call it mutual affection.

Unless there is something in the other party's hands.

Yae Shenzi has no handle in Xiao Chen's hands.

She also knew that Xiao Chen wasn't the kind who used others' excuses to threaten others... It seemed like he had threatened...

hateful!Why didn't he come and threaten me!

Obviously I sent him my picture before!Although he was later blocked by him because of this!But don't tell me you didn't save it!

Yae Shenzi muttered in his heart.

There was no possibility of her being subject to unspoken rules from the very beginning, and if she takes a step back, even if she is maliciously distorted by the outside world, she may be slandered as a dirty deal or something...

If handled well, it may become a good story.

The female boss of a certain company gave up her business in pursuit of love, and got together with a certain director.

Very good script.

With Yae Shenzi's property, it is easy to manipulate public opinion like this.

However, Yae Shenzi did not announce his identity to the outside world, but secretly joined Xiao Chen's crew.

The reason is that if Xiao Chen chooses someone else in the future, that huge word of mouth will turn into countless criticisms.

This is something Yae Miko doesn't want to see.

Obviously, in a certain sense, Xiao Chen is the hero who saves the world.

If it wasn't for Xiao Chen, after Qiyana truly awakened, the world would still face disaster.

Although there are only a few brief mentions in the game, such as the transfer of surviving humans to Tianqiong City... It can be seen that the outside world is not so safe.

The existence of Xiao Chen avoided this kind of future, and even reduced the number of deaths due to Honkai to zero.

It's just that Xiao Chen's achievements will not be known to the world.

He is obviously a hero who saves the world, so it's normal to have three wives and four concubines, right?

In Yae Shenzi's heart, Xiao Chen takes everything for granted...

However, she didn't know what Xiao Chen wanted her for today.

After glancing at Yae Shenzi, the others pretended not to know anything and walked out.

Then they put them all on the door the first second they went out, trying to eavesdrop on what was going on inside.

A few even left bugs behind.

Yae Kamiko was very speechless about this, and used the power of Corrosion Herrscher to instigate more than a dozen bugs.

Then he used his ability to isolate the sound in the room, and asked, "Ahem, director, what do you want?"

"Wait a minute." Xiao Chen raised his hand, then walked to the door and gently opened it, a group of people poured in directly from the door.

"I knew it..." Xiao Chen looked at the few people lying on the ground speechlessly, Qiyana, Bronya, forget it, Fu Hua, you and Lei Dian Yayi, why do you want Youlandelle to join in the fun? ? !

And Otto!Don't pretend to call over there!Do you think I won't know you're there if you hide quickly?

"I really have something important to discuss with Yae Shenzi, not the kind of thing you think." Xiao Chen put a hand on his forehead helplessly, and said.

"We didn't think much! Didn't think much!"

"Just a little curious..." Qiyana and the others said with some duplicity.

"It's fine if it's about me, but this time I'm going to talk about Yae Shenzi, so it's better not to pry into other people's privacy." Xiao Chen waved his hand and said.

"Then director, you mean that you can inquire about your privacy at will!" Qiyana asked when she heard the loopholes in Xiao Chen's words.

"As long as I want to answer."

Xiao Chen rolled his eyes, and said: "There is nothing interesting about my privacy, okay, okay, I'm going to talk to Yae Shenzi, you guys go out and play first!"

With that said, Xiao Chen closed the door.

There was a silence in the room after he closed the door.

Xiao Chen didn't know about Yae Shenzi's ability to isolate sound before, but the two of them thought of going together.

I knew someone would be eavesdropping.

Is this a tacit understanding?

Yae Kamiko thought about it and saw Xiao Chen turn around and walk to the position opposite to her, and said: "I think you are a little absent-minded in the meeting... What's the matter? What's the matter? If something happens to the company, I can Substitution, I know you may have shelved the issue over there because of my matter, but your just as important."

Xiao Chen thought that something happened in the company, so Yae Miko was in a daze during the meeting.

Yae Shenzi couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and said: "Do you think I am someone who cares about that kind of thing? If I can't use it for you, then it's useless for me to keep it. If such a company is destroyed, then it will be destroyed."

After she finished speaking, Xiao Chen stared at Yae Shenzi, smiled helplessly, and said, "You still say that."

After Xiao Chen finished saying this, Yae Shenzi instinctively felt something was wrong, and then he heard Xiao Chen continue to ask: "So you are stunned because of my affairs... right?"

Yae Shenzi was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then a helpless smile appeared on his face, and said: "Sure enough, I can't hide it from you. Loving you is my only weakness."

"I've wanted to say this line for a long time!"


334 So I'm Not a Substitute Messenger!

"It was rare to be serious just now, but your words ruined the atmosphere again." Xiao Chen shook his head helplessly listening to Yae Shenzi's lines.

"What? Are you moved?" Yae Kamito asked with a light smile.

Yae Miko Narugami Grand Priestess, continuator of the blood of the fox, relatives and friends of "Eternity"... and the horror editor-in-chief of the light novel publishing house "Yaedo".

You don't have to look for either side of it.Each side is Yae Shenzi, but each side cannot become the real her.

All kinds of postures are like fragments of a mirror, reflecting a completely different version of her.Because of her many identities, she also became a precious diamond surrounded by countless royal mirrors.

Hundreds of faces, serious or cheerful, compassionate or indifferent.

No one knows the truth, just like no one can easily find a fairy fox that rubs shoulders with passers-by in the secret forest.

It's just that this fox has now found its owner.

Not as a family of gods, but as the master of human beings.

However, the family of Yae Miko was not very competent in what he did.

Other gods always ask people to give a few blows to his family members, but now when it comes to Yae Shenzi, it becomes a few blows to the gods.

Now she still doesn't forget to cheat her best friend.

Only when facing Xiao Chen would she be a little more honest.

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