"They have the talisman I gave them, so they're fine. Of course, on the other hand, as you said, she is very busy... That's why I entrust this job to her." Yae Miko lied.

Of course, Yae Miko is not completely lying.

Kiyana does have the talisman she gave her, but that talisman is not only used to resist low temperatures.

"Amulet? Are there any other mysterious powers in this world?"

Xiao Chen asked with some expectation.

Seeing that Xiao Chen finally asked this question, Yae Shenzi took a deep breath, and had a showdown with Xiao Chen: "My power does not come from this world, you asked me just now, why do I know that you are a time traveler... …not surprised, since I'm also a time traveler."

"I come from a place called Tevat, which is a fantasy world that uses the intersection of seven elements. In the distant past, people were given the power to drive elements through their belief in gods, and they were able to build homes in the wilderness. And I come from a country called Inazuma, where I used to be a shrine maiden indifferently, and I don’t know why I traveled to this world.” Yae Shenzi said truthfully.

"You are really Yae Shenzi...???" Xiao Chen was greatly surprised by this news, and then he thought of something and asked: "Then is the real Thunder?"

336 Xiao Chen vs Thunder God's Pre-Battle Preparations

"Yes." Regarding Xiao Chen's question, Yae Shenzi simply nodded and said.

Anyway, as long as you don't talk about the collapse, it doesn't matter if other things are true or false.

It doesn't matter even if Xiao Chenlei is told the identity of the movie.

Xiao Chen thought of Lei Yingying's attitude towards Raiden Mei, and asked: "Lei Dian Mei can't be Lei Dianzhen?"

"No." Yae Kamito simply shook his head.

"That's good." Xiao Chen breathed a little cowardly, and suddenly thought that he seemed to have a fight with Lei Movie, and suddenly began to panic again.

Playing Thor himself...?Can you beat it by yourself?

Ah, pausing with time should be fine.

That's fine.

However, just in case, find a place to test how far you can manipulate ice.

Xiao Chen made up his mind in his heart and suddenly thought of a question.

If Yae Miko is the real Yae Miko, then her body should be a pink fox... I used to raise a pink fox too.

There are very few pink foxes...is it possible?

Xiao Chen took a mouthful of saliva and said, "Then when you came to this world, did you change back to your original appearance?"

"..." Yae Shenzi was silent for a while, and there was a strong desire to recognize Xiao Chen in his heart, but in this way, Xiao Chen was likely to know his identity as a Herrscher.

After all, the memories of that year were sealed together with the identity of the He-Lerscher.

If he wanted to say something, Xiao Chen would most likely recall what he had awakened at that time.

At that moment, Yae Shenzi shook his head and said, "I can't remember the past things clearly. This is how I looked after I became conscious."

"Oh..." Xiao Chen lowered his head in frustration, but quickly returned to normal, and said, "Sorry, I asked you some strange questions."

I obviously watched it stop breathing with my own eyes... I still have this kind of thought. Recently, I have really become a little sentimental.

"It's okay, I also have a question to ask you, the director, why...you know our world so well, could it be that you have been to our world?" Yae Kamiko asked with a smile.

I’ve been there, of course I’ve been there, in games, on computers, often.

Xiao Chen complained in his heart, then scratched his head, and said: "I've just heard of it, I've heard of it."

I can't say I've played games, can I?

"I'm just a little curious. Thunder God and Miko have not been in power for so long, who will take care of Dao Wife?" Xiao Chen is telling the truth, he is really curious about this.

"Then do you know about the original twin demon gods of Thunder God?" Yae Shenzi asked.

In order to make what he said before a little more true, Xiao Chen shook his head specially, and said: "I don't know."

It's a lie, but Xiao Chen's appearance of pretending to be stupid is quite cute...

"Baal and Balzeb——"True" and "Shadow", are a pair of twin demon gods, they won the war of demon gods together, and became the gods of Daozuma.Baal believed in Xuyu and established the shogunate, while Baalzebu served Baal as the "shadow warrior" of the royal side, and jointly managed the rice wife. " Yae Shenzi explained to Xiao Chen suppressing the smile in his heart.

It’s just that what happened next made the smile in my heart a little restrained, and he said: “But 500 years ago, Baal went to Kanria alone without telling Balzeb, and he died in the war of Kanria, and Balzeb was hit hard. , could only bring Baal's remaining consciousness back to Dao's wife, and it was at that moment that she discovered that there was a huge thunder cherry tree growing on the shadow mountain."

"Ah..." Xiao Chen had a surprised expression on his face.

"After witnessing the things he cherished disappear one by one, Balzebu no longer believes in the moment, but believes in absolute eternity. In order to conceal the truth of the death of the gods and prevent his will from being worn out by time, Balzebu used unknown technology to create I created a puppet with self-awareness, and the puppet performed the duties of General Thunder and Lightning, while I meditated in Yixin Pure Land."

"After traveling to this world, Ying was re-given with a physical body, and the puppet that replaced her should still be carrying out its duties while traveling in Inazuma."

In fact, Yae Shenzi is not clear about the current affairs of Tivat. This is just her guess, but in fact, it is almost the same whether there is a movie wife or not...

"I see. I will have a photo contest with me as agreed in the near future, but the shooting is still the priority." Xiao Chen said.

The reason why he chose to accept Shadow's challenge in this place was mainly because Siberia was full of ice and snow. In some inaccessible places, even if there was a little freezing, it would not be too noticeable.

If it is elsewhere, the sudden appearance of a huge ice block is very conspicuous at first.

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he began to find a place to practice his abilities.

After all, he was fighting Thor, and he was not yet familiar with his abilities, so he had to find a place to practice.

Yae Shenzi informed other people of the matter in advance in the group, no one would look for Xiao Chen at this time, and gave him a quiet time to exercise.

However, although other people were worried about Xiao Chen's use of power, they had no opinion.

Who would have thought that Xiao Chen, as the Herrscher of Constraint and the Herrscher of Corrosion, would practice the power of the Herrscher of Ice at the very beginning.As the Herrscher of Ice, she can lower the temperature of the surrounding environment and produce huge ice cubes.

The extension of the concept without constraints is a force that is easy to grasp.

The original Herrscher of Ice should be——Anna Shaniat, who was born in the Shaniat family and has been trained to fight against Houkai since she was a child. Became a Valkyrie at the age of 12, promoted to A-level Valkyrie at the age of 16, and served as the vice-captain of the Xuelian team.

Once there was a big collapse on the coral island where the Xuelian team was stationed, Anna became the fifth herrscher—the Herrscher of Ice. Due to her own resistance to the consciousness of the collapse, she was in an unconscious state and killed other people out of control. All Snow Lotus team members.

Although Xiao Chen is also fighting against Honkai, he has the power of the Herrscher of Restraint to suppress Honkai, so he won't be like Anna.

Now there are Fuhua and Corrosion Herrschers to suppress Honkai, in fact, even if you tell him that he is a Herrscher, it's nothing...

There is another reason why Yae Shenzi didn't want to tell this matter, that is, he didn't want Xiao Chen to bear such great pressure.

If possible, she hoped that Xiao Chen would live a happy life without knowing anything, but the current conditions are difficult to achieve.

Xiao Chen's strength is getting stronger and stronger, he has to think of other ways...


337 Large Society Death Scene

"It's about here."

In a forest in the Siberian snowfield, Xiao Chen walked in front of a stone and exhaled lightly, and said.

"Freeze one by one"

The cold air Xiao Chen exhaled instantly froze the stone in front of him, and a thick layer of frost adhered to the surface of the stone.

There was a click sound as the frozen surface of the stone cracked rapidly, and a piece of stone was scattered in front of Xiao Chen just like that.

Then Xiao Chen put his hand on another stone, this time he directly froze the stone together with the surrounding moisture, creating a huge lump of ice.


Xiao Chen looked at the stone beside him, and said: "Although it is only a simple operation of temperature, there will be some subtle changes due to the freezing method, the temperature difference, and the frozen object. Well, in short, before you understand , it’s better not to use it on humans.”

Although he almost understands dead things, he still doesn't have a good grasp of human beings. He still doesn't know which method can freeze the opponent and which method can directly freeze the opponent to death.

Although movies often feature scenes where humans fall into ice holes and are salvaged after many years.

But Xiao Chen's low temperature is lower than the lowest temperature in nature, it can directly freeze people into ice chips in an instant.

If you don't keep your hands, even Kevin may be frozen to pieces at once. That time when you stopped to freeze Kevin was still released.

After trying ultra-low temperature, Xiao Chenyou began to try to use ice to create various shapes.

Because no one around is even ashamed to say the lines in the anime.

"Ice modeling magic! Ice knight!"

The Ice Shape Magic comes from Fairy Tail, one of Xiao Chen's favorite anime in his previous life. The Ice Shape Magic can turn ice into various shapes and use it as a weapon to attack.It is divided into static modeling based on making objects and dynamic modeling based on making animals.

Xiao Chen finally obtained the ice attribute ability.Feeling it, I tried it out, but I don’t know that all of this is under the monitoring of drones...


Otto suppressed a smile and looked at Xiao Chen in the picture.

Although he didn't know what Xiao Chen was imitating, but his appearance was indeed a bit funny.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen would have such a childish side under his workaholic appearance.

Although the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion will hinder all situations that are unfavorable to Xiao Chen, sociological death is not among them.

The Herrscher of Corrosion even thought that this might be a cute point, and according to the standard of the protagonist's personality, this was a cute contrast.It can arouse the favor of others, which is a bonus item, and it should be seen by everyone!

Fortunately, the Herrscher of Corrosion's ability has no active awareness, otherwise Xiao Chen's social death would be infinitely magnified...

To use a line from Kaguya-san’s novel, it’s—it’s really cute.

Xiao Chen still didn't know that the secondary illness he committed when he used his ability was fully visible to everyone.

If he knew, he would probably have the desire to kill Otto to silence him now, right?

After the Second Ice Pass, Xiao Chen started to build wonders with ice blocks when he was bored.

"Ice Pyramid!"

"Raphael Tower!"

After a few operations, he basically mastered the power of the Herrscher of Ice proficiently.

Because it was Xiao Chen who took the initiative to use the ability, the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order on Xiao Chen's wrist did not intend to stop it.

Unless Tianhuo Shengcai is tired of work and is ready to make Bingzhi mourn.

In the process of experimenting with the power of the Herrscher of Ice, Xiao Chen was still thinking about the plot of the Herrscher of Ice, Anna Shaniat.

In the main plot of the game, this plot is not very good.

Anna's lawful rampage killed all other Snow Lotus team members.

After that, fight Mei when Mei and Night Owl are attacking her.

Ye Xiao here is a senior officer under World Snake, whose real name is Chen Tianwu.Most of his body was transformed into a machine due to the destruction of the Great Honkai and his own requirements, enabling him to quickly adapt to the environment.He has a loose personality, and looks like he is not motivated, but his abilities in information investigation and stealth operations have been recognized by the world snake.Like everyone in the world snake, he has his own reasons for having to fight.

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