Qiyana didn't expect that her punch would actually work, and she froze in place when she saw Xiao Chen who fell to the ground.

She clearly felt that she didn't hit it, so why was the opponent lying on the ground?

"Hey, the one in front! Hurry up and stop!"

But when Kiyana heard the voice, she realized that she had really caused trouble.

"Not good! Get away!" Kiyana just wanted to get away, but Xiao Chen, who was lying on the ground just now, straightened up, and moved a little in the direction of Qiyana, and at the same time stretched out his feet to clamp Qiyana's body. With a slight twist of her ankle, Qiyana fell directly to the ground.


Xiao Chen looked at Qiyana who fell on the ground and nodded in satisfaction. He believed that in the eyes of the police, it was Qiyana who hit him, and then accidentally fell to the ground when he wanted to escape.

He also took time to look at his face, because Qiyana's fist didn't touch his face at all, so there was no injury on his face, which was too fake.

After a while the police came and there was no way to explain it, so Xiao Chen punched himself next to the eye sockets a few times where the other party couldn't see, and at the same time lay on the ground and howled.

"Help! The beautiful girl hit someone!"

When Kiyana stood up from the ground, the policeman had already run to her, and now unless she beat the policeman too, she couldn't jump off.


Even though she was stupid, she realized that she was cheated by Xiao Chen. After seeing Xiao Chen lying on the ground and acting like a happy man, she wanted to rush up and beat him up, but fortunately, she was stopped by two policemen desperately.

"Don't trust him! He is a liar!"

"Okay, okay! Let's talk about it at the police station if you have anything to say."

033-33 It is impossible to work part-time!

33 It is impossible to work part-time!


To be honest, Xiao Chen was still a little afraid that the two policemen would not be able to stop Qiyana, after all, with her strength, those two policemen were not enough for her to fight.

Fortunately, she regained her sanity at the last moment and did not rush forward.

Otherwise, he may be in self-defense.

However, I got into the game on the first day I just came here. If other people in the crew found out, wouldn't it be...


Forget it, it's worth it if you can get an actor back after entering the game once.

That's right, Xiao Chen still hasn't forgotten about filming!

In a few minutes, Changkong City Police Station...


"Xiao Chen."


"Can I not say it? I am a victim anyway, so I can have some privacy?"


I have seen your ID card!What are you pretending!




"Director, here is my ID, business card, and the movies I made."

"Really, tell me, why did you get beaten by a girl?"

"Just... I just want to ask for directions." Xiao Chen said as he took out Rita's student ID from his pocket.

"I picked this up on the plane. I wanted to give it to the airport staff, but they said no, so I sent it by myself! I haven't been here by myself for a long time, so I asked someone for directions if I didn't know the place. Maybe Is it because my way of asking the way is wrong, she suddenly rushed over and punched me, as you can see, my face is like this!"

The airport, and even the police station now belong to Otto.

Otto naturally wouldn't let him hand over his student ID card to others, but he was rather surprised by the incident at the police station. He didn't expect Xiao Chen to encounter such a thing just after getting out of the car.

"Okay, we know the general things." The policeman disguised as Tianming waved his hand and said.

"Then may I ask how you plan to deal with this matter?" Xiao Chen rubbed the bruises on the corners of his eyes at this moment, and said.

"This..." The neon police officer played by Tianming showed an embarrassing expression on his face, they were just going for a formality, they didn't want to do anything to Xiao Chen at all, they just acted like this to trick Xiao Chen.

You have to ask them how to deal with it, it depends on what Otto means.

"We need to see the other party's reaction and the instructions of the superior. You can wait here for a while."


Do you still need to ask your superiors about this kind of thing?

Standing in the interrogation room, Xiao Chen was a little puzzled, but he still didn't forget to add a few words: "Then you have to tell your superiors, I've been beaten like this, so I can't just let it go? You think Thinking that I was walking on the street singing hard and preparing to go to the hot pot, and suddenly I was punched like this! How wronged I am!"

"Okay, okay, I see, we will definitely give you a fair judgment."

The policeman disguised as Tianming waved his hand, then walked out of the room and dialed Otto's phone number, saying: "Master Bishop, the matter has been investigated clearly, the Herrscher of Restraint wanted to attract Leiden Mei, but k423 mistook it for flirting, so Shot him and punched him."

"However, I think the fist on his face is not the same as k423's fist. He probably punched it himself. How should we deal with this matter?"

"Xiao Chen wants to deal with it this way, you just need to cooperate with him a little bit, and I also want to see what he wants to do." Ao Tuo showed a smile on his face, and he was quite unconcerned with what his friend (thought he) would do curious.

"I see, Master Otto." The police officer disguised as Tianming nodded and said.

After contacting Otto, the policeman disguised as Tianming walked back to the interrogation room, looked at Xiao Chen's pitiful look, coughed a few times, and said, "We have already asked the superiors, what happened this time?" The thing is that you are indeed a victim, and the other party's behavior towards you can be regarded as an act of violence. You have the right to let us lock her up for a few days, of course, it would be better if you can choose to reach an agreement in private and understand directly."

"Really?" Xiao Chen said excitedly when he heard the words.

His purpose is this. I didn't expect things to go so smoothly!

This wave of destiny is really on me!God wants me to have another actor!

"Of course." The police officer disguised as Tianming said with a half-smile.

God knows right!Legal or not!Anyway, the Bishop taught me to help you!

"Then can I meet with her and have a chat alone?"

"Of course you can, this is your freedom." The police officer disguised as Tianming reminded: "But the prisoner is very emotional. Although she has been trapped by our handcuffs, you'd better not stimulate her too much."

"Okay, I understand." Xiao Chen nodded.

Then Tianming's police officer brought Xiao Chen to the place where Qiyana was guarding, and the latter was still trying his best to defend himself inside, saying: "I said it! The wound on his face was done by himself! It's for framing Me! I was going to run away! He tripped me! Can he do that if he's really hurt?"

Is it really good for you to tell all the things you want to escape?

Xiao Chen listened to Qiyana's defense outside the door and complained.

"I know, intentional injury, absconding in fear of crime, plus arrest, right?" The destiny officer who was in charge of interrogating Qiyana in the house also said.

"I've said it all! That's him framing me! He's a liar, I'm innocent! I did it to protect Mei!"

"Then did your companion suffer any harm?"

"No, I stopped him when he was about to make a move."

"Then it's your fault."

Just when Qiyana was about to explain something, Xiao Chen knocked lightly on the door and asked, "Can I come in, please?"

"Please come in."

After getting the consent of the other party, Xiao Chen pushed the door and walked in. Qiyana looked very excited when she saw Xiao Chen walking in. Although she hadn't made a move yet, her expression seemed to be eating Xiao Chen alive.

"The victim wants to chat with the prisoner and solve it in private. Let's go out first."


The two disguised police officers retreated, leaving only Qiyana and Xiao Chen in the room.

Xiao Chen was sitting on a table some distance away from Qiyana, while Qiyana was handcuffed to the railing with one hand, and at the same time posed in a classic pose.

"Now the police are all on my side." Xiao Chen looked at Qiyana and said the same thing, the old villain.

"Hmph! You can only lock me up for a few days at most! What else can you do to me?!"

"Yes, I can only lock you up for a few days, but in these few days, I don't know what will happen to your companion..."


034-34 If I made a movie with you, would you let Mei go?

34 If I make a movie with you, you will let Mei go, right?

"Hmph! You can only lock me up for a few days at most! What else can you do to me?!" Qiyana stared at Xiao Chen viciously and said.

"Yes, I can only lock you up for a few days, but in these few days, I don't know what will happen to your companion..." Xiao Chen shrugged with a smile, acting like a villain road.

"You! How dare you try it out!" Qiyana pulled the handcuffs hard on the fence at the other end of the handcuffs, and she pulled out an arc.

"Don't be so excited. I'm just a good citizen and I can't do anything, but I don't know if other people will do anything. According to me, your friend is not in a good situation. You have been away from her for so long. Is it really okay not to go to her? She should be very worried about you now, right? "

Xiao Chen didn't know about Leiden Mei's situation, he was just guessing and a little bit of speaking skills.

When he met Raiden Mei, he obviously didn't say anything, but the other party ran away like a frightened rabbit, and he must have felt quite insecure in his heart.

At this time, having a friend like a tomboy like Qiyana should be all her psychological comfort. If Qiyana suddenly disappears at this time...

"You...you are not allowed to attack Mei! Otherwise, I will tell you to look good!" Qiyana threatened Xiao Chen weakly.

"You have wronged me so much. I didn't do anything, and I was punched by you. I just hope that the murderer will be punished to comfort my wounded heart."

There was an evil smile on Xiao Chen's face, the expression on his face and the golden light shining in the crosses of his pupils were diametrically opposite, forming a stark contrast.

"Even if I don't do anything about your friend's state, she will collapse soon after leaving you, right? You should be very clear about this."

"..." Kiana fell into silence, she was the one who pulled Mei out of the abyss, and she was very clear about Mei's state.

If she leaves herself, the Herrscher personality might reappear, and by then it will not be her business alone.

"Why are you willing to let me out!" After thinking twice, Qiyana still chose to compromise and looked at Xiao Chen in front of her and asked.

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