"What the hell is that stupid dad thinking?! Does he want to kill his daughter?"



In the prison of fate, Siegfried sneezed and said: "This feeling must be that my daughter misses me!"

"Are you being a little self-indulgent?"

After hearing the familiar voice in his head, Siegfried was slightly taken aback, and said, "You're still there!"

"I never said that I would disappear. I still play a role as the stigmata of the Kaslana family."

In fact, after Mei's part escaped from the stigmata, it took a long time for the stigmata space to be sorted out.

Now it has recovered to the point where Siegfried can talk.

"I can even see the current situation of other members of the Kaslana family. Do I need to broadcast the picture of Qiyana or any of your daughters for you?" Stigmata asked.

"no need!"

What he didn't expect was that Siegfried directly rejected his proposal, which made him ask a little puzzled: "Why? Aren't you worried about their current situation?"

"Worry! If possible, I also want to see their situation! But before that, you tell me first! Are they with Xiao Chen!" Siegfried said with a serious face.

"Ah this."

Stigmata Space was a little speechless, but nodded and said: "Indeed."

The filming is indeed together.

"Listen to your answer...or are they both together with Xiao Chen?!"

Siegfried trembled when he heard that.

"No, Kiyana is the only one right now. Wait a minute, and Youlandelle will come over. The three of them together..." Stigmata Space just wanted to explain, but Siegfried waved his hand and directly interrupted what he wanted to say. If so, said.

"No! No! That's enough! Stop talking!" Siegfried covered his face with his hands in despair, and said, "When I think that my two daughters will be done by him! That kind of thing! I will I will! I can’t wait to get out of the cell! Fight him desperately! Xiao—Chen—he should die! I want to kill him a thousand times! It’s not enough! I want to cut off his dirty body! Cut it up! Cut it up! broken!"

"Then you are being sent back to prison by two daughters?" Spatial Consciousness complained.


ps: I’ve been playing the near-month series recently, from 1, 2, to talk about in the future, and it’s almost over


340 is all Siegfried's fault!

When Siegfried was thinking about it in prison, and when he was filming a movie, Kiyana seemed to feel something.

He sneezed under the watchful eye of the drone.

"Ah, thanks—"

Qiyana also realized what she had done wrong and quickly covered her mouth, looking in Xiao Chen's direction apologetically.

Xiao Chen directly shook his head and told the staff next to him to keep this paragraph, and then signaled Qiyana to continue with his eyes.

Such small broadcast accidents are quite normal.

For example, in Avengers, there was an Iron Man who forgot to put down the snacks in his hands when filming. He did not choose to shoot again, and even ate the snacks in his hands very naturally, and even handed some to the American team next to him.

It is very natural to sneeze in the snow, and it is also very natural to cover your mouth with your hands. Except for the last one that may have missed the eyes, the rest of Qiyana performed very well.

However, the problem of eyesight can only be subtracted through almighty editing.

This is great late game power.

From the audience's point of view, Qiyana just sneezed because of the weather, which is a very natural thing. Even if it is a member of the Kaslana family, isn't it normal to sneeze without awakening any blood power? ?

As for that look?What look?Kiyana just sneezed, covered her mouth and looked up again.

There is no superfluous action.

On the other side, after receiving Xiao Chen's instructions, Qiyana continued to speak: "It's so cold, I don't know where the stinky dad is doing now? Are you doing something stupid now?"

"I miss him a little bit."

Siegfried: "Oh no—"

"I don't know how long I walked in the snow, I feel a little lonely..."

"Huh? It's really strange. I actually feel lonely. Even though I have been walking alone for so long when my father is not around, I still feel lonely?"

"Now my mind is full of Mei preparing for dinner, and playing games with Bronya... Theresa's hell training is much more interesting than this."

Theresa:?I know, then I'm a little more serious.

Teresa suddenly thought of looking at the sky and saying.

Oh, I haven't trained Kiyana yet, so it's fine.

"And Aunt Jizi got drunk and stripped naked on my bed..."

After hearing this, Xiao Chen took a sip of coffee, he had really encountered such a thing.

At the beginning, Wuliangta Jizi might have been thinking about cooking raw rice and cooking rice, and kept persuading him to drink, but Xiao Chen is also a person who came back from Siberia anyway, and just because he likes sake doesn't mean he can't drink it.

In the end, it was Wuliangta Jizi himself who got drunk, and it was quite unlucky at that time, Xiao Chen didn't know where Wuliangta Jizi lived, and the academy was closed, so he could only take Jizi to the hotel for one night.

Unfortunately, there is only one room left in the hotel.

Xiao Chen arranged Wuliangta Jizi in the hotel, and lay on the sofa by himself.

Just when Xiao Chen turned off the lights and was about to go to sleep, Wuliangta Jizi seemed to be a little more awake, but also seemed to be in a state of drunkenness.

He took off all his clothes and threw them on the sofa.

Xiao Chen's body was covered with Wuliangta Jizi's clothes, and there was a black thing hanging on his face...

Xiao Chen couldn't just throw them on the ground, so he had to put these clothes elsewhere, and left the hotel early in the morning.

Before leaving, he took a look at the sleeping Wuliangta Jizi, and accidentally caught a glimpse of the sudden spring...

Then Xiao Chen walked out of the room silently.

Then he walked back silently, came step by step to Wuliangta Jizi's bedside, and gently stretched his hand towards Wuliangta Jizi's shoulder...

Then cover her with a quilt.

Only then did I leave the room contentedly.

He was also impressed by Wuliangta Jizi's habit of sleeping naked when drunk.

It cannot be said that he was deeply affected by it, but it can also be said that he felt empathy.

If he had been in his current state at that time, he would have married Wuliangta Jizi long ago.

Xiao Chen imagined his life with Wuliangta Jizi a little bit, the picture of the two holding the child together, looking at each other and smiling...

"Hmm! Wait! What the hell is the last picture!"

Kiyana's lines brought him back from his fantasy, and he just fantasized a little bit, after all, he had a kiss with Wuliangta Himeko... This memory is hard for him to forget.

On the other hand, the people around him, except for Rita and Yae Miko, were all too young.

Although Xiao Chen didn't like the older ones, he was really too young to attack, and Rita was only slightly older than the others.

As for Yae Kako... It's not that he hasn't thought about it, it's just that his feelings for Yae Kako are complicated.

Before he figured it out, he wouldn't attack Yae Kamiko.


Under Qiyana's lines, Xiao Chen also came back to his senses and shook his head, focusing on filming.

Qiyana didn't know that what she said interrupted Xiao Chen's thinking.

Because of Xiao Chen's gentle actions just now, she was a little moved. She clearly made a mistake and sneezed during the critical filming process. Xiao Chen didn't blame herself, but nodded gently to cover up her mistake.

Does this prove that my existence is above filming?

I'm more important than filming? !

Thinking of this, Kiyana couldn't help being a little excited.

Although this is probably because she thinks too much...

Wrong is wrong, though.

Why would I sneeze at such a critical time?

Will the Herrscher of Flame sneeze because of the cold?impossible!

Someone must be talking about me behind my back!

If Bronya or Qiyana said it, they would definitely say it in person, behind their backs... people who talk about themselves... must be the stinky dad!Who else but him?

It's all the fault of Dad!

It's all his existence!

Let me make a mistake in front of Xiao Chen!

However, it would be great if Xiao Chen could catch my mistake... just like the first time, and then threaten me to do something.

Just like the beginning...

Kiyana thought with a little expectation in her heart.

Xiao Chen: 'What happened to that sneeze just now? '

Self: 'I'm sorry I was wrong!director! '

Xiao Chen: "Is it a problem that can be solved with an apology?"It's necessary for your body to remember this...'

341 Siegfried's illegitimate daughter

Self: "Use your body, but in that case, wouldn't it become the unspoken rule you hate the most as a director?" '

Xiao Chen: 'If it's to get you!It doesn't matter even if it violates your own principles!Just accept my punishment obediently! '

Myself: "Baa~"

Qiyana still looked forward to this kind of development, but after getting familiar with it, the disguise of Xiao Chen's previous villain portrait disappeared.

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