"Who is the illegitimate daughter!"

Qiyana also imagined what Xiao Chen imagined, but only a little.

Kiyana groaned in her heart.

Even if Xiao Chen had an illegitimate daughter, she was born with me!

Qiyana thought about it again, why did she say the one who came to the door?He changed his mind again.

Ah bah, I want to be a legal wife!

(So ​​you don't deny the existence of others?)

Kiana: Mei can!


Wait until the filming is over!I will confess my love to Xiao Chen!

And then I'm confessing my love to Mei!

You are all my wings!

Let the three of us live happily together!

"Hey, poor kid, I know it's hard for you to accept, but it's all your pervert father's fault!" Teresa patted Kiana on the shoulder and said.

What she was thinking at this moment was - if Xiao Chen marries Cecilia, then the most sad thing for you should be Qiyana.

If the others are okay, but if the competitor is Cecilia...

Hey?Why do I think so?

Xiao Chen doesn't seem to know my identity, does he?

Then the friend in his mouth should not be Cecilia, so why do I think so?

Teresa frowned as if regretting Qiyana's life experience, and it was well integrated into the movie.

It's just that the feathers in her and Qiyana's eyes have already explained everything...

Yu Duchen could already exert his original strength on Xiao Chen, and under Fu Hua's control, it was very easy to slightly influence other people's thoughts.

What's more, the person staying in Yuduchen is still Zhibao.

Of course, Zhibao just gave an inducement, and didn't know what the two of them were thinking.

"Hey! Forget it, it seems difficult to understand the current situation with Teresa's IQ! At this time, I'd better admit it according to her words and take me out of this ghost place!"

This part of the inner scene has been recorded in advance, as long as it is processed to sound like the voice of the heart.

"Well! It's all the fault of that stinky dad! He abandoned our mother and daughter four years ago, and my mother passed away four years ago. I came here just to find him!" Kiyana nodded He nodded and said.

Because Siegfried's resentment is from the heart, so there is no need for acting skills at all, it is all emotion.

"Poor boy! You must have suffered a lot."

"However, don't worry, I will definitely give you justice! When this mission is over, I will arrest Siegfried and educate him!"

Theresa raised her foot and patted Kiana's shoulder and said, "However, this place is very dangerous, so let me take you out of here first."


Comrade 343, where is Siegfried?I can't find him on the map

"Command, this is Teresa Apocalypse, report on the current situation of the Second Herrscher."

While Delisa was speaking, Sirin in Kiana's heart spoke.

Hello, here you are now.

"Master Teresa finally contacted you! It's great that you are fine! After you fought with the Second Herrscher, the signal of the Second Herrscher was lost on the radar." The voice on the other side of the communicator said road.

"In order to obtain the Houkai power in the tower, the Second Herrscher will definitely go to the Babylonian laboratory! Let the Valkyrie patrol around the laboratory, and report to the command immediately if you find the trace of the Second Herrscher!" Teresa said arrange road.

She has also commanded many battles as an S-rank Valkyrie, and she doesn't need any performances to play this kind of commander role casually.

After finishing speaking, don't forget to add a sentence.

"But be careful not to have a direct conflict with the Second Herrscher. With your strength, you are no match for the Second Herrscher. Attacking rashly will only kill you in vain."

Finally, Delisa thought of something and asked again.

"By the way, where is Siegfried Kaslana? I can't find his location on the map."

"Lord Siegfried has just arrived at the temporary command point and is currently on standby." The voice in the communicator said.

"Okay, I'll go to the command point to join him." Teresa nodded and ended the communication with the command.

After Teresa finished the communication, Qiyana ran over and shouted: "Theresa! Teresa!

"What are you yelling?" Teresa asked with a glance at Kiyana.

"I want to ask you a question, Cecilia. Has Master Cecilia Shaniat also come to participate in this battle?" Kiyana asked eagerly.

"Cecilia...why would you want to know about her?

In the game, he asked how Qiyana knew about Cecilia... But Xiao Chen thought the question was too stupid, so he changed it.

As a Valkyrie, is there anyone who doesn't know Cecilia's name?Well, it's also an S-rank Valkyrie.

Because, because Cecilia-sama is the Valkyrie I dream of the most!

Kiyana expressed the feeling of entanglement that she wanted to say but couldn't.

But actually this feeling comes from Sirin.

Sirin hopes that Cecilia is her mother, but she also blames herself for hurting Cecilia, so she can express the entanglement in Kiana's heart.

"Oh, that's right, but Cecilia hasn't come to Siberia yet. A little over a year later, she gave birth to a daughter. After that, she has been recuperating, so she didn't come to participate in this mission, but..."

"But what?"

"If Siegfried and I can't stop the Second Herrscher, Bishop Otto may force Cecilia to attack. I can't let this happen, and I will definitely protect Cecilia!"

"That's right! Please protect her!"

Kiyana nodded heavily, then thought of something and said: "By the way, Theresa, I want to ask you something. When you meet Siegfried in a while, please hide it for me first. I am his private The matter of giving birth to a daughter."

"Hey? Why?"

Because it will be worn!

I know if there is an illegitimate daughter Siegfried, if Kiyana runs over and says that she is Siegfried's illegitimate daughter.

It's okay if Siegfried doesn't admit it...

If admitted, it would be another accident.

"Look at this... Now is the critical moment of officially confronting the Second Herrscher. If too much time is wasted and other people's energy is distracted by my affairs, Lady Cecilia will be in danger! In short, my Just wait until the end of the task and deal with it! I’m sorry for your inconvenience!”

"Well, I see! She really deserves to be my niece!"

Teresa nodded on the surface with a look of relief, but actually began to calculate in her heart.

Siegfried is now in his 40s and 20s, and he was in his [-]s ten years ago.

No matter how you look at it, Qiyana looks like a little girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

Even if Siegfried is in his 30s.

So how did Siegfried have a child of seventeen or eighteen when he was in his thirties? ? ?

No matter how chaotic his private life was, Siegfried was just a child back then, right?

Maybe not even away from home yet.

Do you really think I'm stupid!

However, fortunately, this is just an illusion made by Sirin, not the real world, otherwise my smart IQ would be insulted!

Wait... If this is an illusion created by Sirin, is it possible that I am a fool who can't even count in Kiana's or Sirin's mind?

Also said, believe in a kiss to get pregnant with a child?

How naive!

How could kiss be pregnant!

And clap together!Do a sacred ritual to get pregnant!

This is what grandpa told me!


Xiao Chen nodded in satisfaction, then continued: "Next set! Move!"

This time it's time for him to play.

Everyone started to move according to Xiao Chen's instructions.

As for Xiao Chen, he had already put on his filming clothes, and sat on a big rock on the prepared set, after the drones and actors were all in place.

Xiao Chen stretched out two fingers and raised his hand to greet the two of them: "It's finally here! Theresa, I heard that you met the Second Herrscher. I'm very worried about you."

"Hmph! I don't need to worry about a pervert like you!" Theresa straightened her chest and said.

"Hey, okay, okay." Siegfried, played by Xiao Chen, shook his head helplessly, then looked at Qiyana beside Theresa, and said, "By the way, the beautiful lady beside you is ...?"

Qiyana was a little moved by Xiao Chen's compliment... Even though she knew it was acting, this was the first time Xiao Chen praised her beauty.

"Beautiful lady, if I have the chance, I really want to buy you a drink."

Siegfried, played by Xiao Chen, spoke in a lame playboy tone.

Although some rumors about Siegfried are untrue, there may be some problems with Siegfried's own statement...

If he was serious, those rumors would not have spread so quickly.

"Siegfried! Don't waste time! Tell me what's going on now?" Theresa asked.

"There's bad news, and worse news."

"The bad news is that all the Valkyrie troops have been dispatched to look for the Second Herrscher, but so far there has been no progress."

"The worse news is that the bishop has sent Cecilia to the battlefield..."

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