"10 minutes? Hey, by the way, Theresa, how long did you fight the Second Herrscher before?"

"Four minutes and 50 seconds..." Teresa said with a depressed face.

"Oh, what a bad news, I can see the Second Herrscher now." Siegfried, played by Xiao Chen, continued to speak in a frivolous voice: "If you persist for 5 minutes, that means, Do I have to last twice as long?"

Are you thinking too highly of me?

"Hahaha, if it really succeeds, am I as strong as two of you?"

"Stop joking! Siegfried! I was just being careless!" Theresa said after hearing this, "With your strength, you can't defeat the Second Herrscher under normal circumstances! Try to avoid direct confrontation! Wait for me to pass! It's for Cecilia!! And your newborn daughter!"

"Forget it, Teresa, it's not in my style to restrain the battle. I'll try to see if I can destroy the Second Herrscher here." Xiao Chen, playing Siegfried, finally said in a relieved voice: "However, you are right about one thing, for Cecilia, for my newborn daughter..."

"Theresa, help me take care of Cecilia and my daughter..."

Siegfried, played by Xiao Chen, cut off the communication after speaking.

There was only Teresa yelling into the communicator.

"Hey! Wait! Siegfried! Don't do anything stupid! Do you want to use the Heavenly Fire Tribunal to die with the Second Herrscher? Answer me! Siegfried!"

After shouting a few times, Teresa completely gave up and turned to Qiyana beside her and said, "Qidiana! We must speed up!"

"Theresa, why did you just say that Siegfried would use the Holy Order of Skyfire to die with the Second Herrscher?" Kiyana asked while following Theresa.

"Skyfire Sacred Judgment is a family-passed weapon of the Kaslana family, and it is also one of the most destructive among the holy relics of the Destiny Organization. Especially when the two spears unseal the seal and release the Honkai to become a big sword, no matter what the enemy is can be reduced to ashes."

Kevin: Basic form, right?

"The Great Sword of Flame? I seem to have seen it somewhere? It seems to be the night my father disappeared...Damn it, why don't I remember it?" Qiyana said while clutching her head.

"Qiana? What's wrong with you? Were you injured in the battle just now?" Teresa asked with a worried face when she saw this.

"No, it's nothing, I just have a sudden headache."

"If you have nothing to do, let's go quickly! We must arrive at the scene before Siegfried uses the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order, and we cannot let the Skyfire Sacred Order fall on one more dead soul of the Kaslana family!"

"Well! You must not let the stinky dad die in this kind of place!"


"Here is the verdict—"

On the other side, Xiao Chen also set up the posses at the designated place, and held up the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment in his hand.

The drone on Qiyana's side can also take pictures of Qiyana and Siegfried played by Xiao Chen in the distance.

"It's finally here! Wait, Kiyana, look, that person isn't Siegfried!"

"How did that huge flame pit be made!" Qiyana looked at the huge flame pit around Xiao Chen and said.

Use oil!I used oil!

Because Xiao Chen participated in this plot, everyone had to say that some wasteful means were used to create a giant crater of flames.

Of course, this loss is nothing to the Destiny who just lost a Honkai Beast heavy drone.

Compared with the loss of the drone, this method only consumes the drone's gas money for half a day, which is nothing at all.

"This is the trace left after the liberation of the Holy Order of Heaven and Fire! That guy Siegfried did it in the end!"


346 Dinner?I sit at the table with no children!

"How could it be?! Use the power of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment! The stinky dad will die!"


After Qiyana uttered this line, Xiao Chen looked at the positions of the two through the drone and waved his hands, passing the drone.

"Can Kiyana's voice be a little more surprised?"

"Is the feeling I just had not enough?" Kiyana asked with some doubts.

"It's a little bit worse." Xiao Chen scratched his head and said, "Although it's a little too much to say that, please imagine the scene of your father lying on the bed dying.

Siegfried?Dying?deserve it!

Open the champagne!I want to eat the table without children!

Of course, Kiyana just complained like this, she would still be worried if Siegfried really wanted something.

Only now she can't be sad.

"It doesn't matter if it's not the father, it's fine for other relatives and friends lying on the hospital bed." Xiao Chen continued.

After hearing this, Qiyana changed her thinking and let go.

If Mei is lying on the hospital bed...

Qiyana frowned immediately.

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "That's the state, just open your eyes and say the lines."

Kiyana opened her eyes when she heard the words, and said, "How could it be?! Use the power of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order! The stinky dad will die!"

Although the lines do not match the person in mind at all, but the expression and tone are enough.

As for why the object of Qiyana's fantasy is not Xiao Chen... that's because she thought about that scene for a while, and the Herrscher energy in her body seemed to be going berserk.

Under Xiao Chen's signal, the filming continued.

"Master Teresa, please be careful! There are still powerful Houkai who can react around you!"

Kiyana heard the words and looked towards the center of the pothole, only to see a dragon-shaped figure standing up ignoring the flames.

"Wait, there is a Honkai Beast in the center of the hole! That Honkai Beast can survive that kind of flame!" Qiyana pointed at the location of the hole and said.

"That should be the apostle of the Second Herrscher. It seems that he was injured after fighting Siegfried and stayed here."

Theresa held up the oath of Judas.

"Hmph, you still want to stop us like this! You really don't know what to do!"

"Qiana, let's go!"

Theresa said that the two rushed up.

Kiyana looked at Bella with nostalgia. Although Beibeilong with a broken core is no longer the original Beibeilong, she still misses it very much.

After a stop in Siberia, Bella seems to have been sleeping in ice.

During the period, she was awakened once because of Xiao Chen's appearance, but Yae Shenzi felt that Xiao Chen didn't need Honkai Beast besides her, so she let her continue to sleep.

Now because of Xiao Chen's ability, the Honkai Beasts all over the world are under Xiao Chen's control, and Beibeilong is no exception.

However, she can still react to her former master and is very close to the current Kiyana.

The filming is also very suitable for Kiana's battle.

After the two gestured a few times with ordinary acting props, Bei Beilong was defeated and fled in a suit.

"Damn it, let that Honkai beast escape!" Kiyana looked at the direction Bella was leaving, and said indifferently.

Damn, I haven't played enough yet!

"I don't have time to worry about her! The Second Herrscher must be going to the tower! She must be stopped before she reaches the tower! Siegfried must not die in vain!" Theresa told Siegfried to death up.

"What! Isn't the stinky dad already dead?!" Kiyana said in surprise.

"I don't know, but the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order is not in place, and may still be alive."

Before Teresa opened her mouth, she heard her continue before Kiyana breathed a sigh of relief: "It may also be taken away by the Herrscher after death."

"Ah, I owe one, I owe one, I owe one."

Siegfried in the distance sneezed several times directly.

"Auntie, don't scare me!"

"Don't worry, although that guy is a pervert, a playboy, a big idiot, an idiot, and a scumbag, he will definitely not die in this kind of place."

"After all, good people don't live long and cause trouble for thousands of years!"


"Ah owe! Ah owe!!! Ah owe!!!"

"Who is scolding me behind my back!"


While the two were talking, a voice intervened between the communications, said.

"Theresa, I didn't expect you to care so much about my family's affairs."

Teresa's face changed after hearing this voice, said.

"This voice! It's Cecilia! Have you arrived in Siberia?"

"Cecilia? This is my mother's voice!" Kiyana thought to herself.

In the movie, it is naturally played in the form of sound, but it is different from other sound frequencies.

"Well, fortunately I arrived in time, Siegfried is fine now." Cecilia, played by Ulandle, said.

"Siegfried? Are you still alive?!" Teresa said in surprise.

"He's still alive, but he was burned by the Holy Order of Skyfire, and he's not out of danger yet. I'll try my best to treat him. You guys go to the tower first. I'll rush there as soon as I cure Siegfried."

Youlan Dell is beside Xiao Chen, but what is playing now is the pre-set recording, after all, it is the voice in the address book, so it is difficult to play to the best state temporarily.

Xiao Chen will not mention it for now.

It is still difficult for Ulandal to do this, so the pre-recorded voice is used.

This voice was also spoken under Xiao Chen's command.

Because of this, Youlandale got a period of time alone with Xiao Chen, which was very satisfying.

For her, the time when she played opposite Xiao Chen was her happiest time.

Xiao Chen, who is usually busy, will only pay attention to her at this time, only because she speaks alone, and carefully guides her to each of his shortcomings.

Although Xiao Chen's part in the role is about to disappear, his role as Cecilia is about to disappear as well.

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