"I've been watching it for tens of thousands of years, what else is there to see?" Mebius put his hands on his chin and said, "Besides, they probably don't want to see me either."

"If you meet Gracie, say a few words for me, I'll go out for a while, and let her not miss me."

Gray Xiushui Chasing Fire Thirteen Heroes No. 11, bearing the inscription "Stars".

Her mother Blanca is Mebius' assistant. Mebius thinks that she can become a slightly inferior but still excellent scholar, but is deceived by a man (Shen).Blanca introduced Klein to Mebius before leaving the laboratory, so Mebius would not treat their family badly.

But things are unpredictable, a disaster takes Blanca away, and Gracie is also involved.For Gracie, the super transformation operation is the way to survive. Fortunately, she won the bet, the operation went smoothly, and Gracie became a fusion fighter.

Gracie likes to paint, and the super-transformation surgery not only brings her a continuation of life, but also injects strength into her brushes.

Cosmo and Aponya have been taking care of her since her parents died.Aponia is good to her, just like a mother.Gracie calls Alponia "Mama Alponia".

Although Mebius took good care of her, he could only get the title of aunt——

To be honest, calling Mebius is still too young.

Later, Cosmo will leave to carry out the "Ark Project".Gracie saw the reluctance in Cosmo's heart and knew that Cosmo wanted to fight more.So he found Weiwei later, and proposed to take the ark instead of Cosmo—"It's lonely in the sky, and Cosmo is afraid of loneliness."

After that, she quietly looked at the painting on her drawing board - a girl sleeping peacefully under the embrace of the stars.She seems to have nothing, Zi Ran.But she seemed to have everything, because the starlight turned into her quilt.

Finally, Gracie boarded the ark alone, looking for a new home.

If the Ark still exists, it may be one of the Ying Jie who is still alive...

But the Ark lost contact a long time ago.

Maybe Gracie is just sleeping somewhere in the universe.

Yae Kamito rolled her eyes at Mebius's overly self-aware thoughts, and then asked, "What about you, Raven, do you want to go in with me?"

"Me? I'll forget it. I'll go in and there's nothing wrong."

Yae Kamito didn't say much, and directly used the power of the Herrscher to invade Paradise, but this time the place she invaded was the center of Paradise.

Previously, Xiao Chen just wandered around outside, which didn't affect the center, and Aponia didn't come forward either.

This time Yae Kamito wants to take away Aponia, and Alicia, these two people must pass through the center of Paradise to take away...


It is very simple to fill in 370 next time!

It can also be seen from Mebius' relationship table that Mebius' popularity is indeed not very good.

The only Alicia who radiates kindness to herself, Mebius's attitude is also...you are fat!

Speaking of Alicia.

She is another extreme, because she likes everyone in Paradise, the kind of liking from the bottom of her heart, no matter what personality, experience, or what she has done, Alicia loves everyone from the bottom of her heart Paradise... I like comrades who are also Yingjie.

As if God loves the world.

Even Mebius made things difficult for her and bickered, she didn't care at all.

Apart from Mebius, I got some good comments from other Yingjies.

Kevin's rating is one

"The founder of the Yingjie system, a powerful and reliable warrior."

Eden's rating is

"Ari always gives people a warm and lively feeling, even a little naughty, but this is exactly her sincere expression. She likes interesting people and interesting things, and she never hides it."

Sakura's review -

"Most of the time, our work overlaps very little. However, I heard that the missions that Alicia took over have basically never failed. Those enemies that seem a little tricky to me are 'very simple' in the middle of her report. Perhaps this It is the strength of the 'second place'."

It is very simple to fill in next time, the culprit (fog) that caused the difficulty of the collapse to rise.

Thousands of evaluations one by one

"you ask me?"

Qianjie simply recognized Alicia's strength... and expressed helplessness that she couldn't beat Alicia.

Hua's evaluation one by one

"At the beginning of joining the team, I received a lot of attention from Alicia. She seemed to be very close to everyone and could always solve problems in unexpected ways. It seemed that nothing could trouble her. Although the style was different , but she is without a doubt as great a leader as Kevin was."

On the other side, the arrival of Yae Shenzi also caused a storm in Paradise.

"Is the Herrscher of Restraint calling again?"

"Damn! I knew he was not a good person!"

"Where is he? This time I must beat him up?!"

Qian Jie jumped out and said.

"Are you sure you didn't get beaten up by him?"

Everyone complained in their hearts.

Just when everyone was thinking this way, 'Sakura' and Ling also walked over, and Qian Jie said when he saw this.

"Ring! You're here too? Sakura, have you seen that Herrscher?"

"Well, he's not far from there." That Sakura nodded and pointed in one direction: "I'll take the bell to hide for a while, and visit the paradise by the way, it's up to you."

"Okay!" The simple Qianjie didn't think much, just as Sakura pointed in the direction and rushed over.

Looking at Qian Jie who left, Ling couldn't help but said: "Sister, is it really okay for you to lie to Qian Jie like this?"

"Cheat? When did I lie to him? He said it was Sakura, but he didn't mention that Sakura. I thought he was asking about another Yae Sakura on me. As for my outfit, it's my latest interest!"

Yae Sakura: I won't take the blame.

"The Herrscher..." Ling said a little speechlessly.

"That's right, he didn't ask which Herrscher it was." Yae Kamito waved his hand and said.

"Compared to that... How was my performance just now?"

"Although the appearance is exactly the same, but the heart is completely rotten..." Ling complained.

"No need for the second half of the sentence."

Yae Shenzi said.

"Then what are we going to do next?" Ling asked curiously.

"To find a person named Patofelis... the cat girl?" Yae Kamiko thought for a while, and said, "She will take us to the deepest place."

The lady proprietress of Padofelice's "Paradise of the Dead" store is the last of the Thirteen Heroes, claiming to be the weakest Hero.On weekdays, he is lazy and fishes, and never participates in missions.In her opinion, life should be to enjoy every day happily, even if the world will be destroyed tomorrow, it is not what happened today, so why worry about it.

The fusion gene is also related to cats, and her personality is also a carefree girl like a cat, and she is also a shrewd businessman.As the owner of the shop in the paradise of the past, she likes to collect all kinds of shiny gold coins and gems, or extremely rare items.

This kind of person should like things like the Eye of God, or the Heart of God.

It's a pity that the heart of God is on Raiden Mei.

"Padofelice...it's such a long name, I'll call her Catwoman." Ling scratched her head and said.

"Padophyllis was originally a resident of the "Twilight Street" of the former civilization, and later joined the Fire Moth, underwent super-transformation surgery, and became one of the heroes.Likes shiny things and collects them around.He once joined and quit all teams, including the assassination team "Poison Chrysalis", in order to collect all the team uniforms of Firemoth, but he didn't participate in a single mission.Xia Tian likes Kevin because he is cool, and is afraid of Qianjie because of how weak his hair is. "

"The guy who takes money to do things, with my identity, Sakura, it should be more than enough to use you as an excuse to go to the deepest place." Yae Shenzi said.

"But... do you have money, big sister?" Ling asked hesitantly.

"No." Yae Shenzi said as a matter of course: "What is the money in Paradise? A bunch of data? Then I can change it when the time comes."

"But even if it's really not there, it can be credited to Sakura's account."


"It's not me who pays back the money anyway."


Bell: "Ah this."


On the other side, Qianjie believed Yaegamiko's words, and ran in one direction without hesitation. On the road, he met Bell and Alicia who happened to be walking together, and the three broke into each other.

"Hi~ Qianjie." Alicia greeted Qianjie immediately after seeing Qianjie.

"Sakura? Why are you with Alicia? Has the bell been settled?" Qianjie looked at the two in front of him with some doubts.

Sakura will flash faster than him...but why did she suddenly run in front of him?

"Ling? Has Ling come to Paradise too?" Sakura asked with some doubts.


Qian Jie made a puzzled expression and said: "Of course, didn't you still say that you would bring the bell to visit the Paradise?"

"I just felt the breath of the familiar Herrscher coming out to look, but I didn't see the bell." Sakura replied truthfully.

"Wait? Didn't you tell me that Herrscher is here?" Qian Jie realized a little and said.


Qianjie and Sakura looked at each other with question marks in their eyes.

At this time, Alicia next to her said: "It seems that someone has cheated thousands of calamities. The intruder is more cunning than we imagined. It may not be the Herrscher who came."

371 Please Get Out

"Sister, I have a question."

After walking for a while, Bell thought of something and said.

"What question? Say."

Seeing Bell's curious look, Yae Kamiko asked.

"We're just going to the deepest place. Why do we have to dress up like a sister? Isn't it good to show our original identities?" Ling tilted her head and looked at Yae Kamiko's body, which was similar to Sakura's.

"Because it's more interesting." Yae Kamito said.


I forgot that this guy is also a potential pleasure committer.

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