Su: Exit 3

Kevin: OK

Su: Arrived at the dormitory?

Kevin: just arrived

Su: Haven't been found?

Kevin: No, it came in through the back door

Su: Strong, buy your ticket early next time, this is too extreme

Kevin: I haven't seen you for a few months, I want to chat with you more

Su: Was the concert nice?

Kevin: Too strong, as expected of that Eden.Listening to it live, it feels really different

Su: Yes, the contagion is so strong that the girl next to me cried

Kevin: Are you crying?

Sue: almost

Kevin: Tell me, it’s up to me whether I want to learn to sing or not

Su: Calm down (; ̄Д ̄)

Kevin: Nobody watches basketball anyway

Su: It’s just that the girl you like doesn’t watch it.

Kevin: ...what do you think of her

Su: Compared with you, it’s a bit too cold, but from your description, she’s a nice girl

Su: Maybe it just complements you

Kevin: Hey, I hope so

At that time, he and Kevin were still very young, talking about the girl they liked, confused and longing for the future...

If there is no collapse.

Kevin: Sue, what do you want to do in the future?

Su: I don't think so

Su: Maybe go to study medicine, I'm quite interested in that

Kevin: Very good, it seems to be suitable for you

Su: What about you?

Kevin: I don't know, I'll think about it later

Su: Aren't you going to sing?

Kevin: Haha, I don’t have the confidence to compete with that Eden on the same stage. I’m afraid it’s only for this concert that I can get in touch with her so closely.

Su: I can't tell

Kevin: Huh?I don't know when the next tour will be.

Su: I mean, no one can say what will happen in the future

No one expected that what Su said would come true, and Kevin became the captain of Eden

Although Eden disagrees with the captain's interest... It is not advisable to have a meal and eat noodles.

Kevin: You're quite optimistic. I'm satisfied with living happily every day like this. Let's go to the concert together next time.

Su: OK, then you have to work hard to come here by plane

Kevin: No problem!as long as my wallet agrees

Sue: But what if you dated her?

Kevin: Then please buy tickets for us

Su: ...What kind of suffering am I?

Su: Are you speaking human language?

Kevin: Then, three people go together?

Su: I don't want to, I'm not a light bulb

Kevin: Then don't take her, we go together!

Su: All right, all right, I'm just kidding

Su: You go after her first, then talk.

Kevin: Hey, that's right

Su: It's getting late, I'm about to go to bed, and I have class tomorrow

Kevin: OK, sleep

Su: Let's talk another day...

In Su's impression, after this conversation, the two rarely chatted so easily.

Because the collapse has come.

Kevin chases after Mei and joins the Flaming Moths.

Disappeared in su's field of vision, and later su also joined the fire moth.

It's just that the two rarely talked about the past when they met.

Just as Su was looking at the previous chat records with nostalgia, Kevin's voice sounded.


Su quickly put away his mobile phone and said, "What is it? Kevin?"

If Kevin finds out about this kind of thing, my career as a fusion fighter should be over...

Kevin didn't notice Su's situation, and said.

"They obviously don't let us contact Paradise. I suspect they are going to do something to Paradise...We have to find Paradise of the Past to confirm the situation there."

"Okay..." Su couldn't refuse Kevin's request.

When he heard the other party ask him to help, Su seemed to have returned to the time when he helped Kevin buy tickets to see Eden's concert in a trance.

Near the deepest place, Yae Shenzi lied that he had something to do and slipped away, but actually went to intercept other Ying Jie.

Let Ling go to the deepest place alone to explain the situation.

"Ling, a little further inside is the deepest place. There is nothing interesting in there. I don't usually go in. I really don't know why you want to come to this kind of place."

"Hmm...but it's quite a coincidence. I also received a letter from Alponia some time ago, saying that if someone comes to the deepest place to look for her, let her come. She has the right to judge... what of?"

Padufelice thought for a while, and said.

On the other side, the spatial consciousness discovered the Void Manzang that was being collapsed by Otto, and after a moment of hesitation, it slipped in...

377 Aponia: Do you know that there are four ways to write precepts?

"Judgment? Judgment of what? Judgment of what?"

Bell asked with some puzzlement.

Although she has recovered most of her memories, she doesn't know much about the inside story before she was imprisoned.

During the Twelve Herrschers incident, Aponia imposed a commandment on the people in the base: "Never give up hope against the Houkai".

As a result, people's hatred for Houkai was aroused, and finally people killed Bell, the Twelve Herrschers awakened, and Sakura died because of this.

In the end, the angry Qianjie killed all the relevant personnel, and asked Aponya to impose the commandment of "not harming innocent people" for him, and then asked Aponia to see if she would be killed by Qianjie.

Because she felt that she was also responsible for Bell's death.

In the end, she was alive...

Albonia is actually not very satisfied with this result.

But there is no way.

However, this time the victim himself came, so let the victim himself decide whether he is innocent...

When Ling came to the depths of the Paradise of the Dead, where Aponia was in charge, such a voice came from her ears.

"The devil deceives the world and makes them believe that heaven is above, hell is below, and the world is in between."

"this is not the truth."

"The journey to hell is also destined to travel through the whole of heaven."

"Please stop here, Alicia. Only in this way can we not fall."


Although she didn't know what these lines meant, she vaguely knew that it was a memory from the past.

After this voice sounded, another person who was completely opposite to the solemn voice and tone spoke.

"Well, that is to say... If you think of the whole world as a sandwich biscuit... then heaven is the cream sandwich in the middle of the biscuit, and earth and hell are soda crackers on the top and bottom? Hey, how about my analogy? Doesn’t that describe the abundance there aptly?”

"Hmm... It doesn't seem quite right. How can the world and hell be the same... Hey, forget it, don't think so much. After all, it has nothing to do with what I'm going to do~ What do you think? , a thousand calamities?"

Hearing his familiar name, Ling's ears moved slightly, and then he heard Qianjie's familiar voice.

"Hehe...Heaven? Hell? Hehehe... Can I find my enemy there?"

As expected of you... Ling complained in her heart.

"Uh... well, I shouldn't ask you. Aponia, let's talk again. Although there are many strict conditions attached, the organization has indeed agreed to let Qianjie leave here and join" Poison pupa".It's something I've worked so hard to get... So, my good Aponia, you'll help me, won't you? "

Is this Qianjie's memory before he joined the fusion fighter?

Suzu listened patiently, because the task Yae Kamito gave herself this time was to confirm the power of Aponia.

Precepts... Although Yae Shenzi knew that Xiao Chen was a time traveler, even though she spent the longest time with Xiao Chen when she was a child.

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