As a pet, she has been separated from her owner for a long time, even on the spiritual level, she only wants to be the first to touch the tail she has taken care of over the years.

No matter who the others are!

This is her persistence as a pet!

"No way, since you sincerely want to invite me to go, then I will go with you to reality."

Yae Shenzi slowly opened his mouth and said: "Please give me more advice, seniors one by one the No.13 Herrscher of the last era, and the second-ranked Fire Chasing Yingjie, Alysia of the Inscription of True Self."

Seeing that Yae Kamiko revealed her two identities in one breath, Alicia was also a little surprised, and said, "I didn't expect to be discovered by you."

"It's strange, this record should not have been circulated to the outside world, how do you know? Did Hua tell you? Or... Mebius?"

"Unfortunately not." Yae Shenzi shook his head and said.

In the plot of Paradise, through the various foreshadowings buried in the memories of other heroes, it can be known that after the No. 12 collapse in the last era, the interior of the fire moth was already incomplete and fell apart. At this time, Ellie Shia voluntarily became the No.13 Herrscher, but was finally beheaded by Kevin himself. This action sacrificed Ellie herself, but successfully reunited the remaining heroes to fight against the end.

However, without Alicia, the final ending is also very bleak.

Eden commits suicide after leaving the last track.

Kevin is obsessed with the stigmata project...

Mebius is missing...

Fu Hua lost his feelings because of Shenyin...

Su self-seals and monitors parallel worlds...

It can be said that Yingjie who survived did not have a good end.

As a leader, Kevin lacks the temperament to lead people forward...or guide people forward.

Everyone recognizes Kevin's strength and determination to fight against Honkai, but Alicia is basically the one who actually handles all kinds of chores.

Does Kevin have this ability?


He advised Kevin to understand the idea of ​​fighting against Honkai first.

Don't keep thinking about the stigmata plan.

Here, Kevin also contacted the Paradise of the Past through some means, but he simply read his own memory in the Paradise of the Past.

The few words that space consciousness wakes up the paradise Kevin made the real Kevin fall into chaos.

Why did the lawyer say this to himself?

Is it to make it impossible for me to carry out the stigmata plan and let the collapse of the world be destroyed?

Or is there some other purpose?

When Kevin thought this way, another consciousness in his heart instinctively told him that it was not...

And pointed the clue to another person, Otto.

'Find Otto, will I know the truth? mei...? '

On the other side, Rita listened to the conversation between Kiana and Ulandelle for Raiden Mei.

It is a headache for Qiyana to represent herself without her own permission.

Who wants to share Xiao Chen with you!I want to monopolize Xiao Chen!

But what is the cooperation that Rita mentioned?

383 God of Cooking Forms a Team!I can do anything!

"I understand what you mean by bringing this recording."

After listening to the recording brought by Rita, Raiden Mei said.

"Let's talk about working together."

"You're finally interested." Rita said with a smile on her face.

"So what are Qiyana and the others doing? Are the sisters secretly competing for Xiao Chen?" Lei Dian Mei complained.

"This matter still needs to start with Mr. Otto..." Rita immediately explained Otto's plan, and explained the reason for Otto to find the two.

"For Xiao Chen..." Lei Dian Mei said slightly surprised.

Among these people, the one who has the least hatred for Otto is Mei Raiden.

His father was imprisoned because of Cocolia's injustice, and it had nothing to do with Otto that she became the Herrscher of Thunder.

Later, I learned that my father was caught out soon after he was imprisoned, and I was blackened, blackened and lonely.

However, fortunately she has Xiao Chen!

"Since it's my own wish, or for Xiao Chen...then let me contribute a little bit. Is there anything I can do to help?" Lei Dian Mei asked.

Upon hearing this, Rita came over and grabbed Yukiden Mei's hand, and said, "Let us both teach them a lesson!"

"Lesson? What lesson? How?" Leiden Mei asked curiously.

"The reason why they couldn't make a film after arguing was because they were fighting, you and Qiyana, Master Youlandal and I were together with Xiao Chen, but this competition didn't listen to the wishes of the two of us... don't you think Angry?" Rita incited.

"Think, so what are you going to do?" Raiden Mei asked.

Rita stretched out her other hand to grab Raiden Mei, and raised both hands to her chest, staring at Raiden Mei with burning eyes.

"Sorry, I don't have any interests." Lei Dian Mei turned her head and said.

"Me neither." Rita also denied: "I mean, since the two of them are so similar to form a team, why not form a team with the two of us? This is the best revenge for the two of them. "

"Indeed." Leiden Mei reacted after hearing the words, and said: "This will not only retaliate against the two of them, but also create a sense of crisis for the two of them, and maybe it will also unite the two of them, so that there will be no quarrels during filming." "

"That's right!" Rita agreed.

"I'm starting to look forward to the expressions of the two of them..."


On the side of Paradise, Yae Shenzi slowly revealed the truth.

"My lord, like Alponia, can see the future."

Predicting the future refers to knowing in some way information about the future that cannot be obtained through general prediction methods.Items such as divination props may or may not be involved.The future you see may be unique or have multiple branches depending on the world view setting and the strength of your ability.Usually, taking different actions based on the information obtained by predicting the future will also change the future, thus causing the situation to deviate from the originally predicted state.

"Predict the future? But becoming the Thirteen Herrschers is a thing of the past?" Alicia asked with some doubts.

"That's because in the future, there is a Herrscher named Raiden Mei. She came to the paradise and passed the test of the Yingjies, and knew your identity."

"Where's the evidence?" Wei Wei said at the side: "Since you say you can predict the future, you must provide some evidence, right?"

In fact, Yingjie or scientists didn't believe in Alponia at first, but all the things Alponia said came true, so everyone had to believe in the fact that Alponia could predict the future.

"The future has been changed the moment I came to Paradise." Yae Shenzi said: "So what I said now will not happen, but I can talk about things about the future. If you have any doubts , You don’t have to believe what I said, after all, it’s no good for me to lie to you.”

Alicia and Weiwei looked at each other and nodded.

"After Mei entered the Paradise, it was Alicia who introduced the situation of the Paradise of the Past, and for the first time mentioned the essence of the Paradise of the Past—a data space jointly constructed by the memories of thirteen heroes. And In Mei, I met the first seven heroes, but her footsteps were still unable to step into the depths of the paradise..."

Among the many heroes, only Alicia is suitable for this kind of reception work, and they nodded after hearing what Yae Kamiko said.

At this time, all the clues pointed to the same person——"Mebius". So Alicia immediately agreed to take Mei to see Mebius, although in the end she had a fight with Mei in the name of a trial , after the trial, Alicia interpreted the meaning of the existence of the paradise in her heart - the story of thirteen people fighting against fate, it should not die together with the passing of an era, it should be remembered, for future generations Provide guidance and keep good memories in my heart."

Wei Wei turned to look at Alicia, who nodded and said: "This is indeed what I think in my heart, I probably haven't told anyone outside."

Seeing that several people began to believe what they said, Yae Seed began to continue: "This conversation also laid the groundwork for the storybook that Ellie gave to Mei later. After passing Alicia's "trial", Mei was finally able to Seeing Mebius, but passed out after being forcibly given the [Infinity] mark by Mebius. Mei woke up and returned to the Paradise Hall, and Mebius also appeared in the hall and planned to continue giving Mei engraved the seal, but Alicia appeared in time to stop Mebius' move."

"Afterwards, during an exploration, the environment of Paradise suddenly changed, and the portal also became disordered. At this time, a strange voice suddenly appeared and tried to guide Mei back to the hall. Mei then returned safely to the hall, and met Klein An armed puppet made by Mebius, the administrator of the Paradise, is also the strange voice that guided Mei just now. From Klein, I learned that there are human factors in the disorder in Paradise. Although it was not found out who was behind the scenes, but It happened not long after I first met Mebius, and it is really hard not to connect the two."

"It really looks like what Mebius did." Alicia nodded and said.


On the other side, Kevin, who was guided by Mei, pulled Su by the shoulder and said, "Let's go back first."

"Don't you care about them?"

"As long as there is nothing to do in Promise, the top priority now is to find Otto. He seems to be planning something."

384 Mebius' pink skirt?

"You even know Klein?" Wei Wei said in surprise: "However, Mebius has gone out, so it doesn't seem strange that you know Klein."

"This is the future. I learned about the future from Xiao Chen. In the future, another character will appear, and that is the raven of the world snake." Yae Shenzi continued.

"Klein told Mei that there was a "guest" from outside the paradise visiting—the raven. According to the raven, Gray Snake thought that Mei had crossed the border, so he sent the raven to forcefully bring Mei back to reality."

"After another battle where the two sides put water on each other, Raven gave up on the task of executing the Gray Snake, and told her the true meaning of the existence of the Paradise in her impression-to release the restriction for the awakened stigmata, and then temporarily withdraw, Start fishing in the paradise."

"The Leiden Mei I mentioned is the holder of the stigmata."

"Then I really want to meet the Raiden Mei you mentioned." Alicia said, "I think I should become good friends with her."

"If it is the current Mei, it should be very simple." Yae Shenzi thought for a while and said: "As long as Xiao Chen is not involved..."

Comparing Mei Yi at the beginning of Honkai III and Mei Yi after entering Paradise, she has reason to suspect that these old antiques have brought Mei Yi down.

Also, with such a group of mentally abnormal people, it's no wonder that the mental state and attitude towards people can be good.

Of course, it may also be due to the influence of the lawyer's personality.

It's good that Du Lei Dian Mei doesn't mention Xiao Chen now, but when Xiao Chen is mentioned, there is also a phenomenon of transformation to the later Mei Yi.

If Alicia wants to join the fight...

Yae Kamito shook his head and said, "I will introduce you to each other in the future. By the way, you don't know what Mebius was secretly planning before?"

"We did find out that she was preparing something secretly, but she seemed to be taken away by the bell before she succeeded." Alicia said.

"She has already succeeded, but she lacks operable objects. That's why she wants to attract Leiden Mei to her territory. In order to find out the truth about the abnormality that happened in Paradise, Mei decided to take the risk and came to Mebius' laboratory. I learned from Mebius that its real purpose is to transfer the memory stored in Paradise to the successor, thereby achieving the purpose of rebirth, and now, Mei has become the perfect target in her eyes." Yae Kamiko said.

"So she's been planning this all along..." Alicia felt a little surprised, but she didn't feel surprised and said, "Then she's got her wish now."

Alicia felt happy for Mebius from the bottom of her heart...

"In the normal future, what will happen to her?"

"Relying on Klein's help, Mei successfully defeated the artificially collapsed Mebius. At this time, Klein released an image left by Mebius in the pre-civilization era, from which he learned that the memory of Mebius in the Paradise When the real Mebius came to Paradise for the last time to synchronize her memory, Us left a [hint] in her memory, causing the real Mebius to give up the infinite eternal life and choose to die."

"The memory Mebius who failed the speech therapy used the last resort to trap Mei in the laboratory and erase her consciousness and area together. As long as she succeeds, Mei's body in reality will become a Empty shell, Mebius' goal can still be achieved. Alicia helped Mei once again at this time, and Mei finally returned to the hall safely, and Mebius' plan failed...and by the way, I heard Mei Bius sets the flag in pink."

After listening to Yae Miko's narration, Alicia said, "Mebius must look good in pink."

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