Qiyana and Raiden Mei were shocked at the same time!

Mother-in-law?What mother-in-law?Did they see Xiao Chen's parents?

"Can what I want be the same as what I gave you?" Youlandal asked.

"Why is it different? This also represents a kind of recognition, doesn't it?"

Rita spoke.

Upon hearing this, Youlan Dale felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

Then I heard, Rita continued: "But I think the team formation you said, Mr. Ulandell, is also very reasonable."

There was hope in Youlandelle's eyes, and then Rita suddenly grabbed Leiden Mei's hand and said, "That's why I chose to form a team with Leiden Mei."


This time it was Qiyana who touched the forehead of Youlandelle's head...

The two looked at each other.

"elder sister!"

"younger sister!"

Sure enough, only family can be relied on in this world! ! !

"Good sister!"

"Good sister!"


After some comforting each other, Kiana and Ulandal formed a sister alliance, and they were on each side of the God of Cooking alliance of Rita and Raiden Mei.

After the two stabilized their emotions a little, Otto introduced the plot to Raiden Mei and Rita again, and this time he also talked about the situation of other people.

"One day after the great battle that dominated the theater, Otto suddenly announced that he would resign as Bishop of Destiny, and Teresa would take over. For this purpose, Kiana and the others went to the former base camp of Destiny, the town of Korosten."

"There, they met Ulandal who came to greet them, and saw Otto Apocalypse 500 years ago. Several people were invited to the Church of St. 537, but they saw Otto commanding Rita to pass killed himself, and took out the core of the Herrscher from it."

"My story?" Rita nodded and said, "I know."

Leiden Mei asked silently.

what about me?

After a few people broke up with Otto, they wanted to experiment with the dominance core that Otto gave. During the preparation of the experiment, Qiyana and Ulandal had a conversation, and they became friends with each other more. Afterwards, Qiyana and Bronya's Herrscher core experiments also yielded results."

"As Otto recalled the S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny, and used the stolen dominance to manipulate the prosthetic body to surround Hyperion, his plan was also revealed. It is unacceptable for Otto to burn 'now' in exchange for a time rollback of 500 Qiyana and her party in [-] are preparing to divide into three groups and stop Otto in the last twelve hours."

"Qiana and Fu Hua teamed up as a surprise soldier. During the march, Fu Hua stayed on the way to deal with Li Sushang who was blocking the way, and Kiyana went to St. 537 Church alone. In front of the church, Otto held Youlandelle's Heiyuan Baihua stood there, and Kiyana wanted to start a decisive battle with him, but Otto, who had mastered the power of imaginary numbers, escaped calmly. Watching Otto slowly walk into the light curtain, Kiyana intended to swing the big sword of condemnation, But the great sword of Xinyan disappeared out of thin air after touching the light curtain, unable to reappear its brilliance."

"Subsequently, Bronya and her team arrived, and through a remote call with Dr. Einstein and others, it was confirmed that this was due to the power of "constraint". After paying a huge price, everyone broke the "constraint" Barrier "At this time, Yolandal, who fully inherited Kaslana's power and became the awakened stigmata, also returned from the imaginary space."

Raiden Mei: What about me?what about me?what about me?

Why is there no me in the final battle!

Leiden Mei complained frantically.

Am I not a heroine? ? ?

Under the torture of Raiden Mei's eyes, Otto couldn't hold back and said.

"Qiana and Yolandelle walked into the church, determined to make a final settlement with Otto. At this time, Otto had escaped into the imaginary space through the second key of God, and Kiana decided to use the law of emptiness to The power of the hunter entered, but it seemed reluctant due to the excessive consumption before. At this time, Leiden Mei, who was far away in the snake in the concave paradise of the world, got in touch with Qiyana through the core of the Herrscher, and the two finally met again. Mei gave Kiyana comes from her own power, helping Kiyana open the way."

"Passing through many obstacles, Kiana and Ulandal finally met Otto, and fought the final decisive battle with Otto, who inherited the power of imaginary numbers and became a false god. However, Otto, who is connected to the tree of imaginary numbers, is 'Infinite', which makes it invincible, and at this moment, Kiyana remembered Changguang's entrustment before departure, and used the power of the Herrscher of the Sky to reverse the boundary between 'infinite' and 'limited' , completely kill Otto."

After Otto finished telling the story, a voice sounded, saying.

"So that was your original plan, Otto?"

387 Kevin: I can't do anything

Qian Jie, who was lying on the ground in the paradise, moved his fingers slightly.

It was not the first time he felt this kind of "weakness", and he was not worried about it at all.

To borrow the words of a woman he hated so much... this is "the fatigue of the Manifestation", a drop that he felt after reaching the peak of his vision and ability for a short time.

This feeling reminded him of his conversation with the woman.

"Same as I said before. Qianjie, this side effect is not temporary. Is it really worth it to you?"

That... the woman I hated so much, she was covered in green skin and wore a white coat, and she couldn't tell whether she wanted to be a monster or a human being.

"You should ask yourself more, Mebius."

At that time, during that operation, he concentrated on feeling the difference in his body crashing like waves.

Even when he became a fusion fighter, he didn't think that the changes in his body were already the same as they are now, and even made him feel strange.

"Mebius, what have you done to me?"

A few steps away from the temporary operating table, the green-haired girl was still working on the work she was doing—unfortunately, no matter how many methods she tried, the armed puppet that stopped functioning under the influence of the Herrscher of Restraint , still no sound at all.

"What did you do? Isn't this your own request... a different kind. No wonder you are different from Hua and the others. It's just that you just fell down when you first came into contact with the barrier of the Herrscher of Constraint. It's really ugly. , Thousands of kalpas."

Regarding Mebius' ridicule, he said with his usual attitude at the time.

"...do you want to die?"

Mebius said indifferently: "Okay, okay, you also know that you can't kill me, so don't waste your efforts. The operation I performed on you just now...is just the opposite of the super-transformation operation—I just learned from you I just took some things off of me."

"……To shut up."

"Hehe...it's still the same as before. After you get what you want, your attitude is completely different. All right. All in all, limited by your body structure that is different from ordinary people, now...you are truly "human." ", and became a fusion fighter.As for the price... You shouldn't have forgotten it, right? "Mebius' amber eyes flickered with scrutiny.

"...how much time do I have?"

"what you mean?"

"The time limit for rushing to the battlefield before everything is over, or... in this state, can the lifespan of the human mind still be maintained?"


Qian Jie remembered that he didn't say anything at that time, but kept silent.

"It seems that everyone wants to know, don't worry. If you are not willing to change your personality, the two... are more than enough. Before you completely become a beast that is hostile to humans... I believe that you must have already collapsed Burned out from the bad. However, Qianjie...you are the first person who will continue to fight at all costs. You...are really ugly."

What Mebius said is indeed the truth. Although he is just a memory, he doesn’t know what battlefield he fell on in the end, but it should be the battle to the end...

"Wait, there is one more thing. In the previous transaction, you gave me a deal. So, I don't want to investigate any pretense of hometown. The secrets of you... directly start "research", It should be much more efficient than "investigation".Qianjie, before you leave here...you must first give your unique "heart"...to me.We agreed, right? "

Memories stop here...

After thousands of calamities finished recalling, the body returned to directness again, got up from the ground and looked around in a daze.

It's just that when he got up, Alicia and the others had long since disappeared.

What he vaguely heard when he was unconscious, they should have gone to the deepest part of the paradise.

Qian Jie felt that his body had recovered and he stumbled towards the deepest part of the Paradise.


Everyone on the other side was a little surprised when they saw Kevin running out suddenly.

"Is this really a rare visitor? What brought you out?"

Otto looked at Kevin in surprise and complained in his heart at the same time.

Can I still make this movie?Why are you alone for a while?

In the original work, Kevin had what he wanted. Otto proposed to ask Kevin to hand over the Thousand Worlds, which is no longer useful to him, so that Otto can reach the tree of imaginary numbers and fulfill his wish. If Kevin agrees, the destiny will be fulfilled. It will not interfere with the World Snake's stigmata plan.

Now Kevin doesn't have any capital to talk to himself, whether it's strength or things.

However, it is a good thing for the world that Kevin is so downcast.

At least the stigmata plan will not be launched, which is a good thing for all human beings.

Of course, even if you are not down and out.

Kevin, an autistic young man who has lived for 5 years, is still not enough compared to Otto's scheming. During the negotiation, Kevin was in a strong position at first, but the conversation was firmly controlled by Otto. In the end, Kevin used Qianjie Yicheng was exchanged for the nominal peace of the Mandate of Heaven and the World Snake, as well as the Ten Thousand Zangs of the Void.

Otto: Is that all?

The only person Kevin persuaded was Mei Raiden.

Persuading Raiden Mei to become the Herrscher of Thunder again and join the World Snake can protect Kiana's safety.After Kiana was attacked, she was sent to Senba Academy, and after explaining her situation to her, she left with Mei...

It's just that this plot looks like one by one

Mei, you don't want to see Kiyana being bullied by others, do you?

However, Kevin can't do anything now.

"Are you here to stop my plan?"

asked Otto.

In fact, in this situation, if Otto really implements the original plan, it will be very beneficial to Kevin.

According to the research of Chang Guang and others, if Otto really reverses the world back to 500 years ago, all the people who have awakened the stigmata will not be affected during this reversal process, which is why the World Snake will not intervene in this matter.

After all, he, Kevin, was born 5 years ago, and it's okay to go back 500 years.

Even speaking of the current situation, Kevin hopes that Otto will do this.

Because of Xiao Chen's existence, his plan completely fell through, but if the time was turned back 500 years, Kallen's world was saved... maybe it would be different.


388 Please!another me!

For the current situation.

If Otto wants to adjust the time to 5 years later, it is a good proposal for Kevin.

Because of Xiao Chen's existence, the collapse energy of this world has dropped to a very low value.

It is impossible to continue to implement the stigmata plan.

Although Honkai was eliminated in a sense, it was only under the control of Xiao Chen, the Herrscher, that Honkai was no longer capable.

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