After all, the resurrection of Kallen is only one step away.

Even if this method is known, it is of no use.

However, I didn't expect Xiao Chen to know what happened here. Is it because he found something abnormal here when he paused the time?

As expected of the strongest lawyer...

Don't be careless at all.

But what about Morse code?

Otto was not surprised that Xiao Chen knew Morse code, after all, he already regarded Xiao Chen as an existence of the same level in his heart.

Otto has also come into contact with Morse code. After all, as the leader of an organization, codes are also a compulsory course.

Morse code is just one of the simpler types of ciphers.

However, it is still too difficult to interpret the password sent during the timeout!

It would be fine if the lights were flickering.

Intermittent sound is also OK.

But pause time...

This method of interpretation is somewhat difficult.

People's perception of their surroundings is more blurred than imagined.

Your world is used as a reference, this variable is too huge, and he is deep in the town, the main changes to the outside world are the birds in the sky and the leaves falling outside the town.

These two factors have changed greatly due to external factors, so it is difficult to interpret them.

For example, the wind and the like, the leaves will float due to the wind... The trajectory of the bird's flight is not a straight line.

But... Xiao Chen gave a reminder.

It's just that when they chatted again, Otto and Xiao Chen talked about Xiao Chen's preference for comics.

In the fifth part of jojo's adventure, Bobo in the golden wind uses the blood drip timing method to confirm whether the boss's ability is activated.

This method can also test the progress of the time pause.

And it is not affected much by the wind.

As long as you see the frequency of blood falling, you can easily interpret what Xiao Chen wants to say.

As expected of me!

Xiao Chen and I are connected!

At this moment, Xiao Chen, who was signaling during the pause time, suddenly felt a chill...

Of course, Otto would not specifically use blood to calculate.

It's just a simple drop of a coin outside the city, on the side of the time-stop boundary.

Interpret what Xiao Chen wanted to express by confirming the time when the coin fell.

Xiao Chen naturally knew that it was not easy to pass the time pause, so he sent three messages in a row...

Otto also fulfilled his mission and intercepted the news from Xiao Chen.

"Is it Xiao Chen's account number... Casually exposing the account number may put him in crisis." Otto said worriedly.

After the inquiry, Otto breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, this is a trumpet for private use. Didn't any information leak out? That's okay. As expected of Xiao Chen, this precautionary awareness... My worries seem a little superfluous."

Otto nodded.

"As for the strength of this account...well, has it been tampered with? It's not Yae it Bronya? Xiao Chen...well, forget it, this is not something I should worry about."

"I don't need to worry about account protection. No one can deal with Xiao Chen on the Internet."

Although unconscious, Xiao Chen can now simply manipulate the comments on the Internet.

Use the power of Erode Herrscher to delete the things you don't want to see...

If any scandal really happens in the future, Xiao Chen can solve it by himself.

(Xiao Chen:? Who am I in your heart!)

(Otto: A director who can cause scandal at any time.)

Otto was slightly relieved.

He kept his destiny mainly because he wanted to continue to be a supporter of Xiao Chen's filming and an investor behind the scenes.

A super organization that specializes in dealing with the troubles of the Herrscher of Constraint!

Let's leave this question to Kong Kong Wanzang for the time being, and hand it over to Teresa later...others are also fine.

For example, Wuliang Ta Jizi.

She also likes Xiao Chen very much and probably won't refuse this job.

Although the bishop is still Teresa... Otto feels a little distressed when he thinks that his destiny has been greatly reduced under Teresa's manipulation...

Of course, the main reason is to worry about Xiao Chen's future life.

He didn't really feel sorry for the Tianming organization.

Back to the original question.

Ao Tuo looked at Xiao Chen's account, he was always thinking about what to do to get Xiao Chen's help.

He even has the idea of ​​exposing the collapse and exposing the world.

He believed that Xiao Chen would be the same after knowing the existence of Honkai, but he still hesitated.

But borrowing this identity... maybe you can.

Ao Tuo made up his mind and started to prepare, using the account Xiao Chen gave to contact Xiao Chen...

For Qiyana and the others, the sky just flickered for a moment, and now they just want to go back to catch up on sleep as soon as possible...

Otto noticed this, and at the end of the contact, he asked Xiao Chen to pause for a while, and let Qiyana and the others take a good rest.

This is also what Xiao Chen wished for.

Because the pause time was relatively long, Xiao Chen rarely took out his computer and started the game after he fell asleep for a while.

However, because there is no internet, I can only play stand-alone games... such as gal games!

It was once found by Otto, a game treasured by Xiao Chen!

It's just that Xiao Chen didn't know that there was another person on his body, because he was very close to Xiao Chen's body, so he was not affected by the time suspension.

That is the knowledge treasure in Yu Duchen...

Strange knowledge increases +1!

Strange knowledge increases +1!

Old Antique's memory doesn't have such exciting things at all!

Come on a little more!

My friend...ah, no!I like to watch!

Do men like this?

Things that even the old antiques don't know!now I know!In a sense, I have surpassed Old Antique!

I'm out of old antiques!

I am no longer bound by old antiques!

Zhibao's embarrassment was solved in this way, but the eyes he looked at Xiao Chen the next day were a little strange...or with these hints.

398 Saving Private Otto

"I love you, come here—"


After Xiao Chen received the contact from Otto, he thought about it for a few days, and the other party wanted him to come over once.

However, he still has to film on his side so he can't waste too much time.

While he can suspend time, the time of planes and other forms of transportation is also suspended.

He is going to go to Europe in Neon now, so he can't row a boat there, can he?

Freezing the sea across the sea may also be a way, but... you can't really go to the other side of the sea by bicycle, can you?

He didn't know if his physical strength could hold it up.

It would be great if there was any ability suitable for traveling.

With the ice attribute, he could only think of skating.

It would be good if it has the ability to fly.

In other words, most Herrschers can fly, right?

Needless to say, the Herrscher of the Sky, the Herrscher of Thunder can theoretically do things like flying by operating electromagnetics.

And the Herrscher of the Rock...

and many more?Why did I think of this thing?

I'm not a lawyer, but what do you say?

Why do I feel like I can have similar abilities as long as I want to?

Will I gradually take over the power of the Herrscher?


Xiao Chen shook his head. Although the journey was a bit far, he still planned to go there. As for the method...

Xiao Chen made an icicle facing the sky, frozen his feet on a section of the icicle, and then started to let the icicle extend to one side.

Like an elevator.

It's just that this elevator goes in a different direction.

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