The remaining Honkai energy of the entire moon streaked across the sky like an aurora and was absorbed by Xiao Chen like an aurora.

Xiao Chen thought he had cracked some mechanism, so he didn't think too much about getting supplements.

Isn't this normal when playing games?

The bonus level belongs to yes.

Xiao Chen looked at the big tree in a sea of ​​stars...

The so-called one-one collapse is a mechanism for screening and correcting the development direction of branches and leaves born in the competition between the tree of imaginary numbers and the sea of ​​quantum.Worlds that cannot survive the baptism of the collapse will be eliminated, falling into the sea of ​​quantum and turning into incomplete world bubbles.

If the universe is regarded as a cup of water, there are countless identical cups around him.

Let the water in the cup overflow outwards, flow along the cup wall, and form a small puddle in the middle of the table. This "water puddle" does not belong to any "cup", but every drop of "water" in the puddle may come from any a cup.

There is indeed such a magical dimension between parallel worlds, and this "water puddle" is called the "quantum sea".

Theoretically speaking, as long as you pass through the "quantum sea", you can reach another universe, but the theory is just a theory, but no one knows what the end of the "quantum sea" is.

Honkai is destruction, a test, and a gardener.

would destroy a worthless world.

The tree of imaginary numbers is called by Bianca "the law of the universe, the mystery of the cycle of life, the place where all essences and roots are formed", and Otto called it "the eternal moment, the origin of the end, the root of all truths and laws." birthplace".It is currently known that only the complete second God's Key? One Thousand Worlds One can open the door leading to the tree of imaginary numbers.


"Just be careful and the game wants to stump me!"

Mathematically speaking, the "quantum sea" does not belong to the known four-dimensional space-time, but is a "folded plane" that exists parallel to us.

Different from the "classical plane" we live in, the "quantum sea" can be described as "fragmented" on a large scale. Even the basic physical parameters will continue to change with the offset of the coordinates, but there are also It is the "island of stability" that is "anchored" by the "ether anchor".

The "quantum sea" has a fixed set of laws like our world.

The “projection” of the solar system on the “quantum sea” is very close to the bull’s-eye of a certain “ether anchor”.

If we transfer to the other side of the "quantum sea" according to the way the "projection" is generated, we will see a "clone earth" that is much the same.

What Xiao Chen did was to project himself. It’s actually okay to do this simply. The main reason is that Otto’s requirements for precision are a bit it took a long time.

As long as Xiao Chen completes this operation, he will replace Xiao Chen with his own consciousness to resist the wear and tear of the tree of imaginary numbers.

When he arrived in another world, his body almost collapsed. This time, it was enough for him to reach Xiao Chen's consciousness...


400 Xiao Chen's plan

Time goes back a few days.

When Yae Shenzi invited everyone from Paradise.

The Yingjie she was looking for this time promised her to go out first.

However, the Paradise of the Past is composed of Yingjie's memories.

It's good that Mebius left alone.

There are so many people leaving now, and two key figures in the paradise are leaving. I don't know if the paradise can be stabilized after this trip.

Yae Shenzi spent a lot of time here on the basis of packing away the entire Paradise.

Hand over the matter of Xiao Chen to Mebius.

She noticed the change in the sky and first found Qiyana, and asked Qiyana to take her to the place where the incident happened.

She has little interest in the Paradise of the Past.

After the Herrscher of Corrosion incident, Mebius accepted the golden garden gifted by Eden, which is the prototype of the Paradise of the Dead.She has stayed in that place for 5 years, and there is no result if she stays there.

Yae Miko acquiesced to Otto's plan this time, and she had no reason to stop it.

On the contrary, she was also curious about the result.

I came here only to ensure Xiao Chen's safety, and to rescue Xiao Chen if there is any accident.

However, everything is going well so far, she has been hiding in the dark to observe the changes on Xiao Chen's side...

At the beginning, Mebius thought that Mei's making the core into the key of God was a "violent thing". Mebius used the Corrosion Herrscher core to test himself, but was rejected by the Corrosion Core, so he turned the experiment on Hua. .Through Hua's self-report and Mebius' observation, she discovered that "there is indeed an unknown "possibility" in that endless void", which may be the "answer" she has been looking for.

Now she found that unknown possibility in Xiao Chen... and placed her bet on Xiao Chen.

What Xiao Chen explored this time was a field that she didn't even touch—the tree of imaginary numbers. No matter what the result was, she felt that this time it would have an impact on Xiao Chen.

As for what happened after Xiao Chen entered Xu Shu, although she was curious, it didn't matter if Fu Hua in Yu Duchen showed her the replay later.

Although the tree of imaginary numbers is the birthplace of all truths and laws.

But what Xiao Chen wants to do is not to change the law.

Even if he wants to change the laws of the collapsed world itself, he needs to sacrifice his own existence to modify the laws of the tree of imaginary numbers, just like the theory of a certain circle.

Of course, this time it was completely unnecessary.

What he wants to carry out this time is only the operation of the parallel world.

The original plot is the main route, and the event is cut as the Bad End. This is the easiest way to understand it.However, it is not necessarily a bad thing to clip things into a world that "excessively deviates from the main line and becomes a special case, and loses most of the possibility of divergence as a result".

If we want to distinguish between good and evil, the development of good is "stable and full of possibilities, and more differences can develop in the future", and the development of evil is "a one-way street that can no longer be changed due to excessive extremes."

It is generally believed that there is an ideal world that is more advanced and full of hope and happiness than any world in the edited phenomenon.However, since such a world "has been completed and ended", there is no need to continue to observe its ending, and it will usually be "cut" at the stage when the conditions of the ideal world are determined.

The universe doesn't use energy for obvious ends.

The reason why the universe continues to expand is precisely for the "future" that no matter how high-level life forms can see through.

"Finally done..."

After a hard fight, Xiao Chen finally created another timeline with his own, although he himself didn't know it.

It is a little more difficult than simple projection to talk about my own reincarnation projection to 500 years ago, if Otto hadn't prepared a 500-year venue.

The next step is to project some of his cells into another world as a clone.

For this reason, Otto temporarily put Heiyuan Baihua into this device.

The reason is that Xiao Chen and Ka Lian were cast into the same womb.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen himself absorbed the genes of the Kaslana family.

Otherwise, if Xiao Chen was born with black hair, a member of the Kaslana family... what would Karen's father think?

I was green?

At that time, it may become a family issue within the Kaslana family.

In order to avoid this possibility, Otto set up in advance in Heiyuan Baihua.

Use Heiyuan White Flower to amplify this part of the gene and fuse it with the embryo, so that the bloodline will not deviate too far.

In terms of blood, it is still the blood of the Kaslana family.

But Xiao Chen's clone is closer to the original Kaslana.

"it is finally over."

Xiao Chen put his hands on the screen and said with a tired face.

After he finished the final operation, a needle came out from his palm and stuck it in Xiao Chen's hand.

A drop of blood was absorbed into the device along the black needle, and was thrown onto the tree of imaginary numbers at the same time.

Xiao Chen's blood pressure followed the tree of imaginary numbers and merged into the timeline he had tampered with just now.

Then Xiao Chen felt dizzy and lay down on the console.

One is because it consumed too much before, and the other is because Xiao Chen wants to put part of his consciousness or something like his soul into that time, so coma is a matter of course.

"Is it finally my turn?"

Otto had been waiting by the tree of imaginary numbers for a long time, and Kevin was with him, but Kevin was lying in the device prepared by Otto. Chen is different.

Consciousness will follow this ride to another self in the quantum sea.

This is one of the reasons why Otto agreed to Kevin.

Otto stood beside the tree of imaginary numbers, and this time he wanted to ensure that Xiao Chen's consciousness entered the tree of imaginary numbers accurately.

When shooting the last scene Apocalypse said, he also confirmed the guard of the tree of imaginary numbers.

Unlike him, Xiao Chen traveled through consciousness and blood without any protection, so he wanted to escort Xiao Chen.

Send Xiao Chen safely to another timeline.

After receiving Xiao Chen's blood through the device, many enemies appeared on the tree of imaginary numbers.

He had already cleaned it up once when Otto came, and when Xiao Chen wanted to cross the tree of imaginary numbers, they appeared again.

Fortunately, Otto already knew the monster's information through Xiao Chen's script, after cleaning up the monster.

Otto put his hand on the timeline that was eroded by Xiao Chen's blood, he wanted to ensure that the blood arrived safely, for this he would endure the erosion of crossing the tree of imaginary numbers, just when he was about to take some action.

The Kongkong Wanzang beside him finally moved...

401 The Herrscher of Domination? Xiao Chen

"Karen, I'm here."

Otto said with a relieved voice.

After 500 years, he finally got his wish.

The mood at this time is extremely complicated, but this feeling should be called happiness...

If there is any regret.

That probably means that he traveled too early to see Kallen.

After all, Xiao Chen was sent to be reincarnated as Karen's younger brother or elder brother.

Time travel is too late, Xiao Chen is too young to be of much help.

So Xiao Chen had to be brought over when Karen was not very old.

Perhaps it would be good to make Karen and Xiao Chen twins.

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