Now I just hope that Fu Hua can come soon...

Hurry up and defeat the troops of destiny, I'm still waiting to rebel...

"Xiao, are you there?"

Xiao Chen was waiting for news from Fu Hua in the tent, and then heard Kalian's voice from outside the tent.

"Huh? What's the matter, sister? Come in."

Listening to the voice outside the tent, Xiao Chen said.

"Xiao, what are you doing with the tent closed in broad daylight?" Karen opened the tent and looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"There are a lot of chemicals here that can't be seen, and it's best to reduce direct sunlight." Xiao Chen casually found an excuse and said, "So what do you want from me?"

"Can't you teach me how to use the God's Key?" Kallen asked.

"Ah? Why did you say that suddenly?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise.

He doesn't remember saying anything about the power of Judas' oath.

Why did Kallen suddenly mention Judas' oath?

No... Xiao Chen ignored the most critical question.

That's why he himself knew about Judas' abilities?

Void Wanzang should not have said information about Judas, but as soon as he thought of Judas, some information such as the enchantment of divine grace would directly appear in his mind...

As if he had used the oath of Judas?

Could this be the legendary sense of sight?

"The Skyfire Holy Judge you use has awakened the great sword mode, so I wonder if Judas has other modes? So I came to discuss with you." Karen said.

Kaslana is one of the three major families that support Destiny's operations, representing the "Knights" of Destiny.It is the earliest family born among the three major families, and has long been the pride of Destiny.The family with the highest combat effectiveness among the three major families.

People born in the Kaslana family have a special physique that is extremely resistant to Houkai.Therefore, the Kaslana family is generally active at the forefront of the Honkai battlefield - confronting Honkai head-on.The representative weapon of the Kaslana family is the God's Key, the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order, which appears in the form of double guns every day, and can be transformed into a giant sword mode "Heavenly Fire Unsheathed" to fight at critical moments.But the consumption was huge, and 25 warriors of the Kaslana family had died because of it.

Xiao Chen is currently the only one who survived after using the great sword mode.

"No.11 God's Key, a weapon made from the core of the No.11 Herrscher of the previous generation, the Herrscher of Restraint. It has the ability to limit energy intensity and cut off energy flow and transformation, and can be combined with the power of stigmata "Xiao Chen explained Judas' situation to Karen, and said.

It's just that he's hiding something...

Its hidden power, the enchantment of divine grace—just like the No.11 Herrscher in the pre-civilized era, when Judah liberates its zeroth rated power, a huge enchantment will be unfolded to nullify all Honkai energy, Other forms of energy are also affected to varying degrees, and even the user himself cannot walk freely in Judas' enchantment.

Especially for fusion fighters, the enchantment of divine grace has a great effect.

However, the members of Kevin's descendant, the Kaslana family, have undergone mei's genetic adjustment, and after several generations of reproduction, their genes have become relatively stable.

It is not so restrained by the enchantment of divine grace, but it will still receive some influence.

Fu Hua can also be regarded as a fusion fighter, Xiao Chen does not intend to teach Kalian this killer move now.

Even if he doesn't think Kallen can win.

Xiao Chen said: "Sister, try to restrain me with Judas."


Karen nodded and controlled Judah's wrist wrapped around Xiao Chen.

"Huh?" Xiao Chen manipulated the Honkai in his body and found that it was no different from usual, so he asked with some doubts.

"Sister, have you really activated Judas' oath?"

"Huh?" Karen nodded, and said as a matter of course: "I have been using it all the time, do you feel anything?"

"I just don't feel it. As usual, Judas' oath must be broken, right?" Xiao Chen asked back, and said.

"Impossible, how could the God's Key fail?" Kallen raised Judas in her hand.

"Try to bind me with Judas."

With that said, Karen handed Judas over.

Xiao Chen subconsciously took Judas. For some reason, the moment Xiao Chen touched Judas, he seemed to feel a burst of joyful interest coming from the God's Key...

It is obvious that Judas' oath should have no wisdom...why does he feel this way?

I didn't feel this way when I met the Heavenly Fire Sacred Tribunal...

Xiao Chen is not the Herrscher of Restraint now, so naturally it will not happen that a touch will directly trigger the enchantment of divine grace.

However, as long as he wants to activate it, he can activate it at any time.

Even in this world, the God's Key that fits Xiao Chen best is still Judas' oath.

"This time I will use Judas to limit the Houkai energy in your body."

Xiao Chen opened his mouth and said.

"Ah..." Just as Karen was about to say something, Judas was not so easy to control when Xiao Chen grabbed Judas.

Several chains flew out from inside Judas' cross, trapping her who was the original user.


"Is this Judas' oath? It's pretty easy to use." Xiao Chen commented.

"Ahem, cough, is it almost ready?" Kallen asked with a dangerous emotion in her heart.

"Oh, how do you feel? Can you still use Honkai Power?" Xiao Chen asked.

"I can't..." Kallen said with a stiff tone.

Why do I feel that Xiao Chen can use Judas' oath better than me? !You didn't work so hard when catching the Honkai Beast, did you? !

"That should be fine." Xiao Chen loosened Judas' oath, and Judas' oath lost Xiao Chen's control, and the chains fell to the ground weakly...

"By the way, about the oath of Judas..."

"Forget it, I'll do my own research!"

434 Don't be rustling!

"Oh? Sister, don't you want to ask?" Xiao Chen looked at Karen in surprise and asked.

I don't know what happened to Kallen.

"No, no!" Kallen quickly shook her head and said.

She was afraid that it would be Judas if she continued to ask, so she just left for Xiao Chen!

"Then I'll go first! I won't disturb your experiment!"

Kallen carried Judas and walked out of the tent.

Xiao Chen looked at Karen's back and shook his head.


"[Please] wake up."

In the main world, although Yae Shenzi had finished trying, at Fu Hua's request, Aponia tried to use the commandments to wake Xiao Chen up.

It's just that Aponia's ability doesn't seem to have any effect on Xiao Chen.

After Aponia finished saying this, Xiao Chen didn't react at all... Just when Aponia thought so.

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand suddenly, and murmured subconsciously, "Don't be shivering."


"Is this... is there a reaction? Has my commandment worked?" Aponia asked with some doubts.

"No, it probably triggered some kind of switch." Fu Hua shook his head and said, "He occasionally reacts when we talk."

"For example... Heavenly King Gedihu."

"The pagoda suppresses the river demon." Xiao Chen murmured subconsciously.

"You see it is like this." Fu Hua pointed to Xiao Chen and said.

"Did he really fall asleep?" Alponia said a little speechlessly.

"Probably..." Fu Hua was also not sure.

"Can I have a closer look at him?" Aponia asked Fu Hua.

"Please." Fu Hua made a gesture.

Aponia approached Xiao Chen with the God Son prepared for her by Yae God Son. When she saw Xiao Chen, she didn't know why she felt a sense of intimacy in her heart...

Is it because of this power?

"May I hold his hand?" Alponia continued.

"...Well." After a little hesitation, Fu Hua still agreed to Aponia's request.

Aponia held Xiao Chen's outstretched hand.

While touching Xiao Chen's hand, she recalled the day when she awakened her ability.

She still remembers that moment - at that time, she did not know that she had received the "gift from heaven".

Like a sudden revelation, an invisible hand pushed her a step forward, making her touch the notch left by fate to all living beings.

It is a thread-like vein made of light.They draw distinct imprints on the top of people's heads.Or intersect somewhere, entangled and coiled; then scattered and stretched to their respective ends, or stopped abruptly somewhere that cannot be traced.

Under the indescribable sense of restraint, she reached out to the "silk threads" surrounding her——

After Aponia held Xiao Chen's hand, her consciousness went into a trance, and then her consciousness came to a certain place.

The Herrscher of Restraint Xiao Chen sat on the cross and looked at Aponia, and said, "This is the first time you used the ability of "discipline" on yourself to see the picture?What a wonderful world. "

"There was once someone who asked the same question as you."

Aponia looked at the blond Xiao Chen and said.

"Oh? Then how did you answer?" Xiao Chen probably guessed who Aponiya was talking about, and said.

"I've always been willing to share everything I have with you, Alicia, but that's not a beautiful scene. I can't impose a "command" on you, and likewise... I can't fulfill your wish either.After that, I gave many people the "discipline", but I failed to give anyone the ability to see the "line". "Alponia said with a feeling of loss.

"Really? I guess she answered you like this - because you are the most special. Although I can't see the same scenery as you, I can understand the feeling of being different. So, don't feel lonely Oh. But what do those "lines" actually represent? "

Xiao Chen imitated Alicia's tone.

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