"Well, you are living a very happy life. From the current situation, you are living a very happy life. Although there are countless burdens on your body and tragic experiences in the past, none of these can stop you from pursuing your own happiness." Xiao Chen is very serious opened the mouth.


"I see." Fu Hua nodded and looked at Xiao Chen grabbing his hand and suddenly froze for a moment.

Didn't I come here to see Xiao Chen's situation?

Originally, I was wary of Xiao Chen to see if he would help Tianming, but now he is giving me psychological counseling?

Did I use Yu Duchen, or did you use Yu Duchen?

How do you feel it's the other way around...

"Cough cough cough one by one"

"I was interrupted by you just now and almost forgot my business. I came this time to ask your thoughts." Before Fu Hua could finish his sentence, Xiao Chen interrupted.

"I can."

"...What can you do?" Fu Hua asked with black lines all over his head.

"What do you ask? What do you ask, what can I do."

"I want to ask if you want to help Tianming attack Shenzhou." Fu Hua stood up and said: "Since you answered yes, then you are my enemy."

Xiao Chen fell to the ground directly when he heard the words, and said: "It's not your fault that you actually activated Yu Duchen to make me incapable of fighting. Huh! You kill me! Even if you can get me, you can't get me heart!"

"There are too many bad things, I don't know where to complain." Fu Hua shook his head and said, "Okay, don't play tricks, get up from the bed quickly. I know you don't want to help Destiny is enough .”


On the other side, Xiao Chen is trying to fully accept the commandments of Alponia.

"I am the third of the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire - Aponia, bearing the inscription "Command". "

"The imperceptible silk thread tightly binds the fate of all people. It guides life and is born in crying; it gently holds the soul and returns in silence. The end is set, just as I see it See; the prison is made, and I am trapped in it."

Xiao Chen opened his eyes and subconsciously recited the second half.

"You are a devout listener in the dark. Half in the shadows, half in the light. In the "twilight" world where crime is rampant, she defends with difficulty, protecting the weak creatures in it, like a glimmer of light in the gray world .However, Yin Yin's protection turned into a prison, and his utmost care turned into poison. "

"Everything you guarded was burned in your hands after all, and turned into a dark cage, shackling you in it. In the strange darkness, you still cling to your old persistence, using yourself as a candle in exchange for a ray of light .Just because you can see the thread of fate."

"The entangled silk thread pulls life, binds the future, and marks every moment very clearly. You set the rules with "disciplines", but fate always reverses at unpredictable moments: you use your life's strength Shake the silk thread, which is as light as flying catkins, and the more it is twisted, the tighter it will be, and the more it is pulled, the more chaotic it will be. "

"Under the bones of countless defeats, you finally realized that fate cannot be changed and cannot be replaced. And you, it is difficult to illuminate anyone. Destiny is intertwined and turned into a cage, only you are trapped in it. Now, the thread of fate is about to run out, and you are quietly waiting for the final judgment and your end."

Aponia stood in front of Xiao Chen's standing cross as she usually prayed, and said, "Please take away this commandment and this power one by one."

The real ability of precepts is to influence and even catalyze the consciousness and body of the recipients under the condition of obeying the subconscious "wish" of the recipients.

Because of this power, Aponia had more influence than Qianjie in a sense before the Flame Chasing Moth had provoked a lot.

Aponia once tried to take away the memory of the flame moth from all those who knew it, because she felt that people knew knowledge that should not be pried, but in the end she was unable to fill the hole in their memory.In order to add more hope, at the request of a woman, she completely fabricated her thinking into "another Alicia".

In order to keep 410 members alive, they stored their thoughts in one person's body at the same time, which caused nearly forty vicious incidents; also copied the personality of the Eighth Herrscher when he was at a loss... ...Similar incidents like this Aponia did a total of [-]...

It's a shame that Flamemoth didn't fire her.

The things Alponia wants to do are basically good things, and they all want to change people's destiny, but they will all screw up in the end.

Can't do anything.

In people's minds, Alponia is like a person who is entrenched in a dark corner all day long and manipulates various conspiracies.

Possessing this power and this personality really gave Aponia a headache, and finally thought of giving up...

She never thought that this curse-like power would disappear. If there is a god in the world, it must be someone like Xiao Chen, right?

437 Aponia, please cross your own destiny

As the power fades away, Alponia thinks back on the things she's done with it.

I once wanted to use this to change Fu Hua's fate.

She still remembered the girl's expression at that time, as if recalling something, the girl's tone became a little tough.

"My" destiny. "

"I know you don't like this kind of statement. So... I give you the chance to change. This was not in Wei Wei's idea, but... I still "awakened" it as the Herrscher's most basic The real power makes it a weapon in your hands, not a tool. That's a name I don't like..."First rated power". "

"It's just... the price of using it is extraordinary. Before you leave, I will show you a little bit. Don't worry about me, I didn't want to "remember" everything we said today-please forgive me Be selfish, I don't want to be reminded of myself trying to save others again..."

And when you make mistakes.

Qian Jie threw the 54 corpses at her feet one by one, and said in a suppressed angry voice.

"When Ling died, each of them was there. They all have the same precepts on them. Tell me, what is that?"

"What if...you can't get an answer?"

Qian Jie pointed to the corpse on the ground.

"Then you are next."

"You should know... I have never been afraid of death. You... I'm afraid you can't do it either. But... if you must make me pay for it, I will not refuse. The commandment I give to them is very simple ..."Never give up hope against the Honkai".I don't know why this made their hatred of Herrscher... to the point of fanaticism. "

Qian Jie laughed coldly.

"Same as all your deeds."

"Thousands of kalpas, I can know everything, but I can't control everything. I... also make mistakes. The commandment I gave you is the same. "Do not harm the innocent"... Although that does limit your power, but You have never curbed your indiscriminate nature. "

"Stupid...look at yourself, look at the world...no one dares to say you're innocent, Aponia. But you've got one thing right...even if it's unintentional, you have to pay for Sakura's death .I will kill you, today, right here. But I will give you a "fairness".I am willing to bear the precept of "Do not hurt innocent people" again... Then, give me the answer... Use your "life and death". "

She felt that she was also responsible for Ling's death, and maybe it was a relief to die at the hands of Qianjie, but her ability did not let her die there.

She seems to be a marionette under that ability, dancing under countless silk threads, pitiful and pathetic...

She also tried to approve herself one by one

"Aponia, are you pleading guilty?"

Because I can't sit still, even if it's all in vain, she thought.

But she said, "I plead guilty."

"Are you trying to take away the memory of the flame-chasing moth from all insiders, as Wei Wei discovered, and are you unable to fill the void in their memory?"

Because we have come to this point after knowing what we should not pry, she thought.

But she said, "I plead guilty."

"Did you use your own ability to completely fabricate the thinking of a female commoner into another Alicia?"

Because that was her own request, and we need more hope, she thought.

But she said, "I plead guilty."

"Did you try to let the minds of six hundred members of this site exist in one person's body at the same time, and caused nearly forty vicious incidents?"

Because they're all dying, I just... want them to live, she thought.

But she said, "I plead guilty."

"Have you copied the personality of the Eighth Herrscher?"

Because I don't know what to do anymore—she thought.

But she said, "I plead guilty."

"To sum up the above 410 crimes, Albonia, are you willing to accept excommunication?"

But who can do such a thing if I don't want to, she thought.

But she said, "I accept."

The judges began to discuss in low voices, and finally reached a unanimous judgment. They decided to drop the gavel and let the woman be executed.

It was also at this time that the unspeakable fear was completely shrouded, and they finally discovered some... abnormalities.

Why is that woman standing on a high place of light, while she is full of shackles and sitting in darkness?

"Thank you for sorting out my...failures for me."

Her voice was the same as before, only more tired.

But her expression was so gloomy, hopeless, and lifeless.

——She has exhausted almost all methods, but in her eyes, the thread of fate has not changed in the slightest because of herself.Humanity... would still go extinct by then.

"You also let me know that I haven't done enough. I...will continue. I don't know if what I'm doing is right or wrong, and I don't know if what I'm doing will succeed or fail. The only thing I can be sure of is Among humans... there is no existence that can stop me, and that is enough."

She stood up and just left.

And the "judges" began to tremble, trying to recall...whether it was before this trial, or when...

One by one, he was locked in this deep prison, but he began to think that he could judge everything?

It's ridiculous, although they are marionettes themselves, but as human beings, they have no way to judge the freedom of marionettes.

What a fate...

Just as she was thinking this, the man sitting on the cross in front of her spoke.

"Fate is a sleeping slave."

"You can say that only because of your own powerful strength." Aponia retorted subconsciously.

"No one is born that strong, and I admit that I am special."

"When I was young, Honkai tried to interfere and control me countless times—if I had succumbed at that time, I wouldn't have reached this day."

"What I want to say is that no one can help another break his own destiny. Some destiny can only be crossed by oneself-and you should cross your own destiny now, Aponia."

438 Otto: As expected of you!

In Xiao Chen's tent, after Fu Hua chatted with Xiao Chen for a while, he opened his mouth and prepared to leave.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go first."

Just when Fu Hua was about to leave, a voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Xiao Chen quickly covered Fu Hua with the quilt and threw him on the bed.

Fu Hua: ? ? ?


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