Symptoms: Broken leg.

The effect of "taking precepts": the fractured area heals quickly within a week.

Remarks: This sample refused to accept any form of surgery before "ordaining", and it is speculated that the improvement in healing ability is related to it.

(Note: The cute font "So hideously avoiding medical treatment, did he suffer from Mebius?" The serious font "Unfortunately, he broke his other leg the day after he recovered.")

【Sample [-]】■■■■

■■ Years old, former deepest prisoner.

Symptoms: Severe claustrophobia and dark phobia.

Influence of "Being Ordained": Acquiring night vision ability: In an extremely dark environment, it can perform tasks with the help of hearing and touch.

【Sample [-]】■■■■


【Analysis conclusion】

The "discipline" can stimulate the biological potential of the recipient.

(This conclusion has been crossed out. Someone added an additional note below in dignified type.)

"The real ability of precepts is to influence and even catalyze the consciousness and body of the recipients in compliance with the subconscious "wish" of the recipients.In view of the fact that "Mitraro" has not shown similar characteristics, the "unforeseen special case" that occurred in Aponia still needs further research-Aponia's previous statement about his "talent" is not acceptable.For this reason, I will go to the deepest place and obtain the "commandments" personally to verify my inferences. "

This report was held in the hands of a young man, his hands trembling slightly with excitement.

"Why didn't I receive this research report?"

"Be quiet, little servant."

"May has been like this from beginning to end, knowing what she wants and how to get it."

"She has already set out to go to the deepest place, and now all we can do is wait."

"Wait, and believe."

Albonia began by thinking that even the smallest amount of freedom is used by people to do evil—"As long as a person acts, he will make a mistake."But in the process of doing evil, liberty suddenly tends to be good at a certain time.

Therefore, Aponia will use precepts to regulate people's morality and restrict their freedom to make them safer.But the boundaries of morality are ever-changing, and there is no perfect yardstick.After causing a certain tragedy, Alponia realized that human nature is unchangeable, no matter how restrained it is, it will only become more eager to emerge.

Aponya is a saint and not a saint.

More like a kind girl struggling with this power.

Since the ability to predict, Aponia has been very troubled—"I have always wanted to explore their lives, but I had to face their deaths first." The current situation of players in the Paradise of the Past. She has also tried to change the fate of others, such as Changing the cause to affect the result, using the precepts to change human beings to change their way of going, making human beings isolated individuals to prevent people from influencing each other, but all failed.

"So give me your dreams!"

Xiao Chen spoke in Abonia's ear.

"I will reverse the fate of everyone."

"I will reverse everything one by one!!!"

It was okay after Xiao Chen finished speaking, all the silk threads bound on Aponia's body were transferred to Xiao Chen's body...


The other side is in charge of Zhibao who is on duty today.

"Steal my lines, right?"

440 Abonia

When Aponia opened her eyes, there was no thread in her vision that bored her, and Xiao Chen's words were still in her ears.

"If you want Alicia to see the thread of fate, bring it here, but don't worry too much, I will try my best to weave the silk thread to look better, and when I am ready, you can bring her here."

Aponia thought of what she had said before.

It's not a pretty sight...

Is it because of this sentence that Xiao Chen proposed to make the thread look better?

For Alicia?for her……?

Although Aponia didn't have much contact with Xiao Chen, but because of this action, and Xiao Chen came into contact with the curse that has always troubled her.

This undoubtedly greatly increased Alponia's favor.

Not only did it make Alponia curious, what would the revised scene look like?

The scene that made her uneasy before, now she still has some expectations...

When entrusting his abilities to Xiao Chen, Aponia could also feel some thoughts of Xiao Chen when he read his feelings and memories.

For example, Xiao Chen thinks that Aponia is just a little girl.

Just like normal girls.

I have received many reviews.

The children in the orphanage regarded her as a sister or mother, and her colleagues regarded her as a monster, a strange person, and a foreign object to reject her.

Not just low-level employees.

Even among Yingjie, Mebius thinks so.

Call her the same kind as the runaway green-haired boy.

That's right, the same kind.

Alponia still remembered what that ordinary boy looked like before he turned into a shadow.However, at this time, the power entrenched in his body devoured him, turning him into a "monster" that was no different from the Houkaimon he had slaughtered.The only difference is that his body is still rising and falling slightly, and he is still breathing.

"However, even among fusion fighters, he is quite special... In this regard, I should be grateful to him."

"To you, he is just a 'sample'? "

The green-haired girl didn't answer, she was staring intently at the instrument next to the transparent cabin, silently recording something.

"Don't look at me like that, Alponia."

"No matter what we think of him, it will not have any impact on his current situation. On the contrary, if there is only one person who can help him, that person can only be me."

"So, you don't need to discuss abstract things like the concept of good and evil with me... You can understand that the credo of the laboratory is efficiency first."

"...Can you reverse the mutation on him?"

"Of course, but there is an indispensable "prerequisite" before I can do my own work. "

"Please...give him a "discipline".

"……I see."

"But if the commandments can't save him, what else do you have? "

"Unfortunately, if this kind of thing happens, then I really can't do anything, at least for now. The mutation will eat away at his body and reason little by little... making him more and more far away from the concept of "human being". further away.Moreover, every time a Honkai beast was devoured, his situation became more serious. "

"That's a really...very, very sad picture."

"That's what I want to remind you.

The "discipline" can certainly help him take the first step.But if...his final choice is to turn his head and walk into the abyss, then the "command"...will make him irreversible. "

"'s not up to me to decide."

"Once he's let go of his inner restraint, it's very difficult for him to get back to his original state of mind. He will realize that it feels so easy to let go, so free... It's as simple as taking a step forward."

"There is only a cliff in front of him. Even if he retreats, will the result be better? Restrain the desire to devour the Houkai Beast, and let the rationality be gradually worn away; or lose control of the self, and be hibernated in the body. Honkai can devour everything...what will he do? Let's watch quietly."

Although it's disrespectful to Cosmo, she doesn't want to be called that...

Who wants to be called a monster for a girl?

And that impolite guy Qianjie!

The man who never took off his mask was sitting next to a fire he had built himself, and he didn't seem to know how to use the modern equipment.The man, who had suffered from fatal frostbite when staff at the nursing home first discovered him, had almost healed without any treatment.

"Did you... come here from a very cold place?"

She walked to the other party's side without hesitation, and stretched out her hand to the flame.

"I just met a very cold person."

The man spoke, and for the first time—even she was surprised by it.

"Oh? Then how is she now? Is she also frostbitten like you?"

The man didn't seem to understand her words. He lowered his head and pondered for a long time.

"Now she's not alone."

Since she was used, the person Qian Jie mentioned should not be Kevin.

However, this is not a person. It is hard to say whether Qianjie was abandoned, or that person is no longer a 'person', but has become a Herrscher.

Maybe Qianjie really knew the Herrscher of Ice from the last era.

"Really...that's fine."

However, at that time, Aponia had indeed misunderstood, thinking that Qian Jie had broken up in love. Now that she thinks about it carefully, how could a person like Qian Jie, whose mind is full of fighting, understand love?

"Then... do you have any other relatives?"

"It seems that there have been, but they are all far away."

"Then... I really hope they find you soon."

At this moment, the man finally raised his head. He felt that this woman was crazy for talking to him for so long.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

"I was wondering if you needed help."

The man nodded.

"Need. Can you tell me what people usually say when they want to keep someone they hate away?"

"This...maybe...please leave or something."

"It's too long for me to remember."

"Is that so...that...although it's not very polite...but everyone is more used to saying this..."

"Get out"? "

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