Grace had a puzzled look on her face.

I don't understand what Xiao Chen means, is he proposing to Aponia?

Gracie didn't know that Xiao Chen didn't know that he was the uncle Gracie was talking about. After all, although Xiao Chen was not young, he was not old enough to be called uncle by Gracie.

After all, Gracie's age... I don't know how much older than Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's decades are not enough to watch.

However, Gracie didn't know what it was like to have a father.

To her, Aponia is like a mother... As for the love of her father, she has not yet felt it.

However, the current Xiao Chen is more like a neighbor's big brother than his father.

It's not enough to be a little different from the father in Gracie's impression.

But it's nice to have a brother...

It’s just that, if Xiao Chen became the older brother, and Aponia is Gracie’s mother, wouldn’t that be…

"I don't know your name, big brother."

Gracie asked.

"My name is Xiao Chen, Xiao of musical instruments, and Chen of time." Xiao Chen said.

"I remember……"

Gracie nodded.


Meanwhile, something about Eden is playing on TV.

Although the body of Eden will remain in the last century as art, after chatting with Xiao Chen, the Herrscher who ruled before leaving.

Eden also seemed to be relieved, it turned out that she had dedicated herself to art.

Of course it was also because of Alicia's death...

However, after chatting with Xiao Chen, she seemed to be a little relieved. After coming to reality, she had nothing to do and started performing again.

"Recently, the singing skills shown by a singer named "Eden" in a charity performance attracted everyone's attention.It is reported that Eden used to be a singer under the Yae Company, but had terminated the contract with the company and its agent two months ago.This public welfare performance is an opportunity for Eden to get on stage after contacting the organizer on her own. "

"There were not many audiences who came to watch the performance that day, but it is said that after Eden sang on stage, everyone was taken aback. Some audience even sent the video of the performance to the Internet, this is the opportunity for his singing to attract everyone's attention in the past few days."

A professional singer said: "It is really rare to have such powerful singing skills at such an age. I can imagine her dedication behind it."Coupled with his beautiful voice, if nothing else, he should become a new star in the music world in the future. "

"And some critics said: "If you listen to it as a song, its singing is indeed good, but everyone should not praise it as a god.It can be seen from the video that his performance as a singer on stage is still insufficient.And with the limited repertoire she performs in her shows, it's hard to see if she's uneven in other stylistic areas.Maybe, this is just another epiphyllum that has been popular for a while because of the traffic. "

"After interviewing Eden's former manager, we learned that Eden seems to have his own insistence on song selection, and often refuses to participate in some performances arranged for him. This is the arrogant paranoia of an ignorant woman, It is still a unique insight of a rising music star, we can only wait for time to prove it."


"Hey! Eden, what are you doing?"

Alicia hugged Eden Road from behind.

"Ah, Ellie. Don't jump on people from behind suddenly."

Eden turned to Alicia and said.

"Eden, you are very active recently. I can't help but see Eden, uh~ Today's Eden is also so beautiful~"

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble. Now that you're here, Ellie, help me look at these blueprints."

"Huh? What picture, we don't have to fight anymore?" Alicia said.

"You don't need to fight anymore..." Eden said with some emotion when he heard this sentence: "It's not a battle suit anymore, it's just some daily clothes. I tried to design a version. Do you like it?"

"Oh Yiyi! You are so beautiful, as expected of you, is this the aesthetics of a big star?"

"Ai Li, it's fine if you like it. I also made designs for Dr. Mebius and Ms. Yae Miko. Ask them what they think for me. Although Yae Miko didn't tell me her size, I want to match Sakura. Almost... and Miss Lei Movie, how can there be such a similar person in this world." Eden said.

"Oh, the clothes you designed for Mebius are really bold, but her figure has also recovered, I think it fits well, she can throw away that white coat and change it to something else... the pink coat you How do you feel?" Alicia chirped and saw.

Eden's singing is "a noise that can be tolerated" for Mebius, but what is unbearable are "Alicia's ideas and suggestions" and "the sound of a thousand catastrophes smashing my laboratory".

"I think it's good, but Mebius may not like it." Eden said.

Before joining Flamemoth, Eden was in charge of designing the uniforms of Flamemoth.

It even includes the team uniform of Qianjie.

However, Eden is not good at dealing with Qianjie, neither singing nor playing some soothing music is very effective, but Qianjie is willing to wear the mask she designed.

In the Paradise, only Mei and Su are willing to calm down and listen to her stories about the past. Su never interrupts or leaves the table.Eden is not flattering about Kevin's taste.Especially every team building organized by Kevin is eating noodles in the conference room...

It's a pity that Kevin is gone now...

By the way, Kevin in the paradise did not come out.


Most of the Yingjie who came out are now trying to adapt to the modern life. If there is anyone who doesn't, it is probably only Su who is still alive in the true sense.

Throughout his life, Su has always followed the shadows of others.

As a doctor, he recklessly embarked on a battle with the abnormalities outside this world.

Those abnormalities not only brought disasters that destroyed the world, but also brought diseases that eroded human civilization.

Escaped from distress with a one-thousandth chance. From that day on, Su not only had his responsibility on his shoulders, but also the wish of thousands of people to die.

Day after day of rescue, day after day of unsaved, disasters have swayed the young man in the past, but his eyes dimmed for a moment.

The calamity had already happened, and he was ordered in the face of danger. He finally became enlightened in a moment of fantasy and dreams, as if he had been reborn—at the cost of the death of another life.

At this point, all those figures who led him along the way turned into dust in the disaster.

God sent Buddhist verses for the isolated and struggling life. After seeing off countless lives around him, he finally gained wisdom beyond the ordinary world.

At the end of time, he turned into a wise man with his eyes closed and meditating, ups and downs among the grotesque three thousand worlds, hoping to find a glimmer of life for the declining civilization.

This was originally the end of su.

But Xiao Chen's appearance extended Su's lifespan.

Originally, Su would observe the parallel world until the end of his life, but the appearance of Xiao Chen made him lose the ability to observe the parallel world.

But what is lost cannot be made up. When Xiao Chen is not around, the lifespan consumed by su predicting the future cannot be made up.

However, without these more than ten years of observations, su's lifespan would be longer than that of ordinary people.

Originally, he was still very satisfied with his current life, but after Kevin left, he was not so happy...

Although he knew it was Kevin's decision, he still couldn't help being a little worried...

It's a pity that now he has lost the power to observe the parallel world... and there is an agreement with mei...


"Please kill me, Mei-san"

Gu Yan obtained a system, as long as he died in the collapse, he could gain the power of the Herrscher.

"Simple, in the collapsed world, is there anything easier than death?"

[Obtain the Houkai Adaptation Physique, the host will resist 99.99% of the Houkai attack]


"Can't afford it, can't you?"

In order to die, he tried his best to try various methods, from ordinary dead soldiers to emperor-level Honkai beasts, but all failed without exception.

Therefore, Gu Yan could only aim at Herrscher.

"Raiden Mei, come, kill me!"

"If you can't even do this, what qualifications do you have to become the Herrscher of Thunder!"


"Qiana, hold your head up and move on! Go and turn this imperfect story into what you expect!"

"Take it, this is my last ripple!"


However, even though Gu Yan worked hard, he still couldn't reach the reality of death.

But what he needs to think about now is not how to obtain the power of the Herrscher, but how to get it from the hands of these women who found that he is not dead...

Survive one by one!


447 Albania: This is the most comfortable time

For Sue, Kevin is his best friend.

Although he knew that the two of them would part ways sooner or later, Su never thought that Kevin would be ahead of him.

Su always thought that he would go first...

Although Kevin wasn't going to die, when he parted from him, his tone was like going to die.

Su guessed that Kevin probably found some way to die with the Herrscher of the Last Yan, but this world has been saved by Xiao Chen, and he has no other way.

So I can only travel to other worlds to fulfill my wishes.

But I really can't do anything...

I can only watch my best friend leave... Should I go with Kevin in the first place?

Su felt a little regretful, but Kevin asked him to stay and witness the end of this world.

It's not easy for su to refuse, after all, this world is the closest to eradicating Honkai he has ever seen.

It is very close to the world they are working hard for... If Mei is still there, he will definitely let him observe here.

Kevin just made the same decision, and he was a little relieved that Kevin gave up the stigmata plan.

But also saddened by Kevin's departure.

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