The fact is that Mebius learned the location of Qianjie's hometown from Qianjie, but the location was erased from the map by Dr. Mei.So Mebius urgently invoked the agreement when the poison pupa was about to disband, letting Sakura be under her command, and asked Sakura to investigate on the grounds of "investigating the reason why the Fifth Herrscher disappeared in an instant".However, Sakura went to Qianjie's hometown according to Mebius' instructions, but only saw a mysterious sacrificial ground...

In the battle with the No.11 Herrscher, the Herrscher of Restraint, Flamemoth lost a large number of fusion fighters, resulting in a serious shortage of combat power and had to assign the remaining fusion fighters to various teams.Sakura is a member of the fusion fighter, but because of her identity as a killer, she is also marginally excluded from ordinary combat members in the organization.

Qianjie was rejected for other reasons...

After that, Alicia proposed to form the "Thirteen Heroes" from the remaining thirteen fusion fighters, but was rejected by Flamemoth on the grounds that "it does not recognize that more than half of the members can be called heroes".And provided the "Five Yingjie" system as a compromise solution. Although Sakura began to work for the fire-chasing moth a long time ago, the poisonous chrysalis participated in the early power struggle of the fire-chasing moth. Out of fear, the decision-makers did not include her in it.

And just after the No.11 Herrscher was defeated, Sakura's younger sister Ling was detected to have the unique Honkai reaction of Herrschers. Alicia secretly informed Sakura of this news in advance, out of distrust of the organization and Protected by her own sister, Sakura plans to escape with Suzu.Sakura worried about whether it was right to take Suzu away, but she was comforted by Alicia: "Do you think... Suzu has any abnormalities?" "Then she is human, no matter what the fire moth finds. They will not compare You know Bell better."

During the invasion of the Flaming Moth base, Sakura was blocked by Kevin, but Sakura used her ability to "blink" to escape through Kevin.At the same time, during the process of going to the prison where Bell was held, a dead man transformed from an insider of the fire moth appeared in the base, but at this time Sakura did not realize that No.12 Herrscher had awakened.

Sakura arrives at Suzu's confinement room, but Suzu has been brutally killed by soldiers affected by Aponia's "discipline". Waiting for Sakura is only Suzu's body and the strong malice and despair left in the confinement room.Kevin, who rushed to the confinement room later, wanted to punish the absent-minded Sakura, but Dr. Mei discovered that just eliminating the dead in the base does not mean that the No.12 Herrscher will also be eliminated. On the contrary, No.12 Lawyer The attackers invaded the electronic system and further seized the control authority of the nuclear bomb silo, and fired the nuclear bomb at the three remaining cities of human beings. It was only then that Dr. Mei really realized the true form of the No.12 Herrscher: with self The ultimate virus of consciousness.But Sakura wants to find Bell who has transformed into Herrscher. This is a journey that never returns, but it is also a journey for Sakura to find her own dead "future", a journey for her sister to find her sister.

At the last moment of Dr. Mei's battle with Herrscher No.12, Herrscher's activities became disordered for unknown reasons. Dr. Mei did not miss this opportunity, set a trap to trap Herrscher's consciousness in the main control system, and Ready to move further into the black box.

On the other side, Sakura collapsed in the metal ruins, and the most cherished pendant was the same as Sakura herself, like a withered flower in the ruins.

However, at the moment when her life was about to die, Sakura smiled and said to Kevin, "I accompanied the last moment...until the end...she is still my sister"

"I kept... the pride of being a sister..."

Before he died, he entrusted Kevin, hoping to bury his body under the cherry tree in his hometown.However, the nuclear bomb launched by No.12 Herrscher destroyed the only three human cities.When Kevin returned to her hometown with her body, he didn't see a single cherry blossom

After learning of Sakura's death, Qianjie was angry and killed all 54 people involved, and almost killed Aponiya.

Afterwards, on the burnt land, Kevin and Alicia paid homage to Sakura's grave, and Kevin said that sentence-"No matter how much you pay...humanity will definitely defeat Honkai."


"Are you willing? Just die like this?" In Sakura's consciousness, a voice suddenly asked.

"You are..." Sakura said a little puzzled.

"Xiao Chen... is what you call the Herrscher of Constraint, the great director." Xiao Chen said in a flat voice.

"I am planning a perfect ending. I have almost solved the tragedy of this civilization through another parallel world, but the things of the last civilization have not been resolved."

"Having said that, I don't know what is happiness to you, so I came to solicit all Yingjie's memory, what is happiness to you? Ling didn't become a Herrscher? You all survived What about the world?"

"..." Sakura was silent for a while, and then asked: "What can I do if I say it? Can you change the past?"

"I can't change the past of the world, I just use the same method as Otto to change your ending. After I completely absorb all the Houkai energy and accept all the Herrschers, I have this ability." Xiao Chen said. road.

"I don't have any dissatisfaction now. However, if possible, I don't want these ears. I want to live a normal life with my sister." Sakura said.

"Why? These ears are obviously very cute?" Xiao Chen asked.

"...I don't want to say anything about your xp, you should say this to Yae Kamito." Sakura continued.

"Uh, I understand your request." Xiao Chen ignored this sentence and said, "Then goodbye..."


458 If you are not alive, you can bite a Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge

After Xiao Chen Kaslana returned to the stronghold of Mandate of Heaven in Europe, the phenomenon of Mandate of Heaven compulsorily collecting the Atonement Scrolls was even more exaggerated than when he left.

Xiao Chen had expected this a long time ago, and after he casually dealt with a few members of Destiny who spoke ill of him, he returned to the basement transformed by Otto.

"Otto, Karen, what are you doing?"

After seeing Otto and Karen gathered in the basement, Xiao Chen asked curiously.

"Xiao! You came just in time! We are preparing for a big event!" Kallen said excitedly.

"What's the big deal?" Xiao Chen asked curiously.

Is it finally going to rebel! ! !

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen felt a little excited.

"I'm going to steal the gold coins from Victor's house! Give the gold coins to the poor!" Karen said excitedly.


That's it?That's it?That's it?

If you are dead, you can bite the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment.

Are you playing house with me?

Phantom thief playing house?

"Ah? Really." Xiao Chen said a little weakly.

"You don't look very interested." Karen looked at Xiao Chen's appearance and said.

Xiao Chen glanced at Otto and said, "You also agree to this matter?"

The subtext of Xiao Chen's words is—you know that this can't change the essence of the problem.

"How about the dress I made for Kallen?"

Otto responded.

The subtext of this sentence is... I can't refuse Kallen's dress-up meeting!

"Hey..." Xiao Chen shook his head, threw the Star of Eden over, and said, "I'm borrowing this from you for the time being."

"What is this?" Karen asked through the Star of Eden.

"The God's Key... the Star of Eden, you can control gravity, you can take as many things as you want, and you can also float in the air..." Xiao Chen explained.

'Aren't you pampering her too? '

Otto asked Xiao Chen with his gaze.

'I am my brother!I am the younger brother!Ah, why haven't I met a sister who can spoil me!Why is my sister such an idiot! ' Xiao Chen sighed in his heart.

After complaining in his heart, Xiao Chen said again: "Besides, when you really want to steal something, you should change into other clothes, so anyone can tell that you are Kallen."

"Ah, is that so? Otto, why didn't you say so sooner!"

"I think the costume is perfect."

Xiao Chen shook his head and rejected the suggestion of dressing up as a woman with Otto to attract the guards.

The plan was successfully completed.

With Xiao Chen's assistance, Karen got the gold coin without being discovered by anyone.

When Kallen was distributing gold coins, Xiao Chen found Otto, who was dressed as a woman, and the two looked at Kallen flying in the sky, and said, "What's the situation now? You know that this won't solve any problems."

"I've already talked to my father..." Otto said slowly.

"The result didn't go well?" Xiao Chen asked back.

"Hmm." Otto nodded solemnly, and said, "I have tried other things, but the results are not very satisfactory... It is almost impossible to change the destiny from within."

"Then we have to consider the issue of rebellion." Xiao Chen said slowly.

"Yeah." Otto nodded and said.

"Have you thought about it?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Think about it, for Kallen, for Kallen's ideal destiny, this is the only way to go." Otto said seriously.

"Have you told Karen about this?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Not yet." Otto shook his head.

"I want her to accept it slowly...the current activities of righteous thieves are also part of it."

"You just want to see Kalian change clothes." Xiao Chen casually complained, then waved his hands.

"Forget it, don't bother you two young couples, I have other things to go first..."


"The other me is very active." In Xiao Chen's consciousness space, Xiao Chen the Herrscher of Constraint looked at his active self and said lazily.

"I'm going to keep working."

"Who should I ask next? Just Meow Meow!"

The Meow Meow that Xiao Chen said was naturally Paduofei Lisi.

That carefree girl like a cat is also a shrewd businessman.As the owner of the shop in the paradise of the past, she likes to collect all kinds of shiny gold coins and gems, or extremely rare items.

In her opinion, life should be to enjoy every day happily. Even if the world is going to be destroyed tomorrow, it’s not about today. people.What kind of world does such a person want?In other words, she can find happiness in any world, right?

The hardships of the past have passed without a trace, only joy and the treasures in front of us are within easy reach.Open up roads, arrange houses, and gather things.She seems to have no branches to live in, but she seems to be at home everywhere.

A game, a misunderstanding, the girl strayed into the territory of moths, and before she knew her gain or loss, she was dragged by her fate to run wildly on an unpredictable road.

Her life has been derailed, but she still misses the happy and free past.The girl manages her life carefully, but no one has ever told her that she has been lucky since she was born, and has never had peace.

The girl knew nothing about it.She struggled to maintain the happiness in front of her eyes, after all, that was her only ability.

Today, even the last island is in turmoil.Disaster has swept across the entire territory, devouring life and civilization.

The vain happiness turned into dust, and on the ruins of human civilization, the girl finally grasped the dice given to her by fate, and also grasped the responsibility she shouldered by accidents.

Her luck has never been bad, and that is her only strength.

Xiao Chen used his ability to directly invade her conscious world, and asked, "If you were given a chance like never before, what kind of world do you want?"

"I want to become a billionaire!" Padufeili said without hesitation.

"I'm talking about the world, not you."

"That's the world in which I'll be a billionaire!"

"Why don't you ask the next one?"

After thinking about it, Xiao Chen chose to find the next Yingjie.

This time he decided to change to a male Yingjie.

Su... I always feel that I can guess what world he wants, Kevin... This last one says hello.

Thousands of calamities... don't consider it for the time being.

That's one person.


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