"I... can't do anything."

When Raiden Mei tried to re-enter the password.

Xiao Chen also came to the position where the rapids entered the entrance.

Before the three of them arrived, the Valkyries who were in charge of the fake queuing for occasional fun all retreated.

Rapid rapids usually involves a number of people taking a boat and drifting in a well-built waterway.Along the way, you can enjoy various themed landscapes.Obviously different from motorized amusement equipment such as roller coasters, the torrent is a water amusement project. In the hot summer, it not only makes visitors feel very cool, but also has fun, so it is quite popular.During the peak tourist season in summer, among large-scale theme parks with a one-ticket system, the queuing time for rapids is often the longest.

So in some animations, the scene where there are few people queuing up to play this kind of amusement facility is completely deceiving!

If Otto hadn't controlled the entire amusement park for a short period of time, it might not be possible to play.

When Xiao Chen and the others arrived, there were only a few people queuing up at the door.

The three of them just waited for a round before they got on the rubber boat of Rapid Rapids, and there were only three of them on a small rubber boat.

Under the restraint of certain safety devices, the three of them drifted along the waterway with a designed route. As the machine was greatly improved and instantly fell, water splashed all around, and Xiao Chen sat between Youlandal and Rita.

In the front is Youlandelle, and in the back is Rita, but the three of them are used to seeing strong winds and waves, this level of excitement is nothing to the three of them, and there is no disturbance in their hearts.

It's just that when the rubber boat fell, the wig on Youlandelle's head showed signs of falling off for a moment.

not good!

Ulandell's arms are now restricted by the safety device, and unless the safety device is removed, he will not be able to touch the wig.

It's over!

If Rita saw this, how would he explain it?

Just when Youlandelle was burning with anxiety, Xiao Chen quickly pressed the wig with his hands and eyes. Xiao Chen was already tall, so Rita, who was behind him, couldn't see anything.

Otherwise, when you get down, you won't know how embarrassing it is for Ulandal and Rita to meet.


After getting off the boat, Youlandal breathed a sigh of relief, Xiao Chen gently tidied her hair and fixed the wig, but in Rita's eyes, the two of them seemed to be ignoring her and flirting.

This can't help but make Rita a little jealous.

Youlandelle enjoys the feeling of Xiao Chen tidying her hair. Xiao Chen's fingers gently brushed her hair, and the hair gently brushed her cheeks. Although it was just a wig, one day she would let Xiao Chen Chen arranges his real hair!

"You and Rita actually know each other, right?"


Xiao Chen was just guessing, after all, in this world, Kiana and Raiden Mei are related, Otto and Hu Po also seem to know each other, but I don't know why they pretend not to know each other, Xiao Chen actually sees them all.

There was an instant change in Ulandale's expression after seeing Rita. Xiao Chen was keenly aware of that slight change in Ulandale, and made a probe based on her next reaction. Unexpectedly, he really made him guess. correct.

"Although I don't know what happened between you two, it's better for good friends to reconcile as soon as possible."

It's not because of you...

Youlandelle felt a little wronged in his heart, but he still nodded and said, "Yes."

However, I did not contact Rita for a few days.

It's just because I have grown up!Not a child anymore!No need to keep in touch!It's definitely not because I've been thinking about Xiao Chen and forgot to contact him!

The interaction between the two is not only seen by Rita.

Siegfried, who had just escaped from Kiana, wanted to do something after seeing this scene, but Otto sent someone to kick Siegfried into the water.

Start bubbling and bubbling in the waterway.

My Cecilia, my Cecilia, my Cecilia...

My daughter, my daughter, my daughter...

Woohoo, I can't protect anything!

Raiden Mei: You stole my account, right?

Siegfried, who fell into the center of the water, lost his strength and finally temporarily shut down, while Kiyana, who chased Siegfried to the rapids and bravely entered the downstream, looked around.

When her eyes fell on Youlandelle, the appearance of Youlandelle coincided with the one in the photo, so Qiyana couldn't help but rushed towards Youlandelle, saying.

"Mom!!!╭(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ"

"??? (⊙o⊙)"



The three of them looked at Qiyana who suddenly jumped out and looked confused at the same time.

Especially how old is Youlandelle himself?Why did someone call mom all of a sudden?

Don't insult people's innocence out of thin air!

Rita seemed to have seized this opportunity, pulled Xiao Chen over, and said: "This kid may have something to say to this one, let's go and wait for them first."

"Eh? Eh? Eh?!"

I still want to eat melon!Don't pull me away! ——Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

Although Xiao Chen wanted to resist, he thought that if the other party really wanted to ask Youlandell for something, it would really be bad for him to be here, so he finally managed to be dragged down by Rita.

Youlandale just watched Xiao Chen being dragged away by Rita. Although she really wanted to get rid of Kiyana, the other party's strength was comparable to her own, and she really couldn't break free from Kiyana's shackles for a while. .

She could only watch Xiao Chen being dragged away by Rita step by step. At this moment, she felt that they were like the Cowherd and Weaver Girl separated by the Queen Mother.

Youlandal suddenly thought of a possibility.

How could someone suddenly come over and call her mother when I was so young?

Unless Qiyana is the one sent by the true destiny to interfere with her!

If so, it all makes sense!

After all, Rita's mission is to be with Xiao Chen, her own existence does hinder the mission...

What she did just now made Rita feel the crisis, so she called for additional staff!And use this method to reduce my favorability in Xiao Chen's heart!What a ruthless scheme!

You actually calculated me!Rita!

048-48 Raiden Mei is heading to the battlefield (free)!

48 Raiden Mei is heading to the battlefield (free)!

You actually calculated me!Rita!

Just when Youlandelle was thinking this, Qiyana suddenly rubbed against her arms, and Youlandelle only felt that his clothes were slightly wet...

"Mom, I still miss you..."

Can this... really be faked?

Seeing Kiyana's reaction, Ulandelle began to doubt his previous guess.

If it was really faked, how could it make such a sound?

But... I really can't be her mother!

It doesn't matter if she is sent by destiny or not!

You can't go wrong with this!

This time, Youlandale misunderstood the destiny a bit.

For Otto, it is not a problem for Xiao Chen to fall in love with anyone, or even how many people he talks with. The more he talks, the more experimental materials he will have in the future... Cough cough cough!A little off topic again.

I'm Xiao Chen's friend!How could such a thing be done!

It was a complete accident that Qiyana would appear here this time!

Otto didn't expect that Kiana would come here after Siegfried, and he thought it would be enough to deal with Siegfried.

Unexpectedly, Qiyana would pop out suddenly, the father and daughter would really cause trouble for themselves.

Otto shook the wine glass in his hand and silently watched what happened.

When Youlandelle was dragged by Qiyana, Rita also took Xiao Chen to a certain distance, and stopped in front of the haunted house, saying: "Before they finish chatting, let's take a stroll here Bar."

"Haunted house?" Xiao Chen looked at the haunted house in front of him, without thinking too much: "Okay."

Xiao Chen is a filmmaker and knows a thing or two about ghost movies!A mere haunted house is no problem!

"Hold on to me, Rita! Don't get lost!"


Rita grabbed Xiao Chen's hand and followed him, only feeling that Xiao Chen's hand was trembling slightly, which made her feel a little funny.

A lawyer still afraid of ghosts?

really cute jpg.

Rita followed behind Xiao Chen, at first she wondered if Xiao Chen would jump into her arms in fright.

But after walking for a while, she found that Xiao Chen didn't react to the sudden appearance of props, even if someone suddenly appeared in front of him while walking, he didn't react at all.

Could it be that the fear at the beginning was just faking?

Rita held Xiao Chen's arm pretending to be scared out of curiosity, and looked at Xiao Chen's face. Under the dim light of the haunted house, she saw that Xiao Chen closed his eyes tightly, and his ears trembled slightly, as if he was looking for him by sound. The way out of the haunted house.


How can you, a lawyer, still recognize your position by listening to your voice?

Rita fell into a brief moment of contemplation, and then she suddenly thought that the head of a certain school's Judas had the function of preventing children from being lost, and she was relieved.

Did you know there are several ways to use Judas jpg.

Didn't expect Judas' omnipotence to be a genetic self-discipline.

Seeing the way Xiao Chen closed his eyes, Rita couldn't help thinking of a mischievous idea, and brought her mouth to Xiao Chen's neck and blew lightly.

"Rita, don't make trouble."

Xiao Chen shrank his neck and said.

"I didn't do anything?"

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