"But the anti-entropy lord was lurking in St. Freya before, so it is naturally impossible to approve Cocolia's plan to invade St. Freya's Academy."

After hearing Xiao Chen's words, Walter was so excited that he almost cried. He may not have been wronged as much as he is today!

Fortunately, the Herrscher of Restraint proved it for him!

Wait... It seems that this incident itself was also a misunderstanding caused by his panting.

Walter suddenly felt a little complicated.

"In order to allow her plan to be recognized and increase her own combat effectiveness, Cocolia of the Anti-Entropy Radical Faction thought of something she shouldn't do."

"That is to clone the first Herrscher of Law and pretend to be the leader of anti-entropy."

"Cough, cough, cough!!!" Walter coughed immediately when he heard the words. If there were no people watching, he would probably hit the table angrily.

How dare that fellow Cocolia do such a thing!

When I see her, I must make her look good!

Just when he was thinking this way, there was a knock on the door suddenly, Xiao Chen calculated the time and estimated that the person in charge had returned, and immediately said: "Come in."

As soon as he opened his mouth, a silver figure rushed into the room, hugged Xiao Chen under the gaze of everyone, and said: "Xiao Chen! I miss you so much!"

083-83 Cocolia, sit down

83 Cocolia, sit down

"Xiao Chen! I miss you so much!"

Xiao Chen looked at the gray figure that suddenly rushed over, subconsciously caught it and hugged it in his arms, his face was blocked by Bronya's spiral ponytail, his nose was filled with the scent of shampoo mixed with the unique scent of a girl.

"Bronya, are you back? Why didn't you tell me?" Xiao Chen put Bronya down a little, and made her look at him.

"I want to give you a surprise!" Bronya looked at Xiao Chen and said with a smile on her face.

Because Bronya was adopted by Xiao Chen without going through the experiment, Bronya's emotional system was not damaged like in the original book.

Although it still looks like a three-no girl to outsiders, she will show her truest side in front of Xiao Chen.

"It's a holiday? Where's Xi'er? Is she back too?" Xiao Chen asked while stroking her head with a smile.

"She failed the exam this time, and she is still making up the exam at the school, and she may come back later." Sitting on Xiao Chen's lap, Bronya said.

She herself feels that it is difficult to help Xiao Chen with the current power, so she wants to see if she can trigger the power of the stigmata to help Xiao Chen, who has become a Herrscher, and is currently undergoing a formal anti-entropy inspection.

"Really? Aren't you worried that Xi'er is there alone?" Xiao Chen pinched Bronya's face and said.

"I miss you! And I entrusted Xi'er to a very reliable big sister, she's fine!" Bronya said as she slipped into Xiao Chen's arms and rubbed against her like a kitten.

"Director, when did you meet such a cute little girl? Why don't you introduce us?" Yae Kamiko who was next to Xiao Chen looked at Bronya and couldn't help asking enviously.

Once upon a time, the place in Xiao Chen's arms was still her exclusive place.

Theresa on the other side was also a little envious when she saw this. She always felt that she was too indulgent to act like a baby, but now after seeing Bronya, she felt that she was still a little too conservative.

"This is Bronya, I'm her guardian." Xiao Chen scratched his head and said.

He can't say that he is Bronya's father, after all, he hasn't even had a serious girlfriend, how can he be a father!

"My name is Bronya Zajcek, please give me your advice." Bronya got down from Xiao Chen's lap and stood on the ground and bowed slightly, then sat on Xiao Chen's lap again and did not want to leave at all. mean.

The person in charge who was watching what happened outside the door couldn't help shaking his head, and Cocolia, who was next to the person in charge, also froze when he saw the lineup in the room.

Does the person sitting next to Xiao Chen look a bit like the bishop of destiny...

Is the other person next to her the S-rank Valkyrie Teresa of Destiny?

Could it be that the reason Bronya didn't report to Anti-Entropy is because she sold me to Destiny!

Wait...why does the person with eyes on the opposite side look so much like the leader's previous disguise?

This should be the stronghold of destiny, right?

Cocolia looked at the purple-haired girl next to her, wasn't she the daughter of Raiden Ryoma, the third Herrscher she had always wanted to get back, Raiden Mei?

Why did she appear in such a place?What a headache.

Lei Movie also noticed Cocolia's gaze, and glanced at her with some doubts, without saying anything.

While Cocolia was hesitating whether to run away, Bronya spoke.

"By the way, Xiao Chen, I also met an acquaintance this time! Do you still remember the director of the orphanage, Cocolia? When I came to Changkong City this time, I happened to meet her! She also wants to come to see you I brought her here too!"

Obviously you are the one who coerced me to come over, okay?

Cocolia complained, and her eyes fell on Xiao Chen. Although there were many big men she knew in this room, they were not as good as the pressure Xiao Chen put on her.

"Dean Cocolia, what are you doing standing at the door? Come in and do it quickly? The person in charge will give the dean a seat! You should bring the portable chair I usually bring."

You father and daughter... Hiss, you can't say that, the two of you... are really convincing!

The person in charge just wanted to talk about their father and daughter, but after thinking about the relationship between the two, he couldn't say that, but he made a complaint in his heart, and then took out two folded chairs from the pile of things he brought. Hand it over to Cocolia.

Cocolia looked at the group of big shots around, vaguely occupying the surrounding position with Xiao Chen as the core, isn't it a bit too conspicuous for him to be sitting in the middle?

On the left is the Bishop of Destiny, and on the right may be his immediate boss... There is also a Herrscher next to him. The pressure is not ordinary.

Just as she was thinking this, Bronya looked at Cocolia with sharp eyes and said, "Cocolia, sit down."

Facing Bronya's threat, Cocolia could only sit down in the middle even if she didn't want to.

Originally, she wanted to join Walter, but seeing the latter's eyes that were about to kill, she stayed where she was very honestly. When she turned her head to look at Xiao Chen, Bronya didn't know when she would Xiao Chen took off his sunglasses.

When she saw Xiao Chen's cross-like eyes, she immediately had a feeling that she was about to be judged.

Cocolia still clearly remembered that the young man in front of him broke into the chaotic Siberia like a stunned young man.

His appearance in this outfit was quickly spotted by others, but no matter if it was a mercenary or a nearby gangster who targeted Xiao Chen, even if he was thousands of miles away, he eventually died of heart failure.

At that time, there was also a god of death.

However, Xiao Chen himself is not familiar with the Russian language, and at the same time, no one died in front of him, so he knew nothing about it.

These are all things Yaegamiko Shikigami did secretly, so it is naturally impossible for him to know.

At that time, his ability didn't have such a wide range, but it was enough for Yae Kamiko's shikigami to curse and kill people.

It is even easier for shikigami to exert their full power around Xiao Chen than around Yae Godko, and Yaegamiko gave them the order to kill anyone who wants to harm Xiao Chen, but not in person.

Only if someone really wants to attack Xiao Chen, if they are still in front of Xiao Chen, then you don't have to be polite, just stop the functions of several of her organs so that she can't die for a while.

Cocolia suffered a lot at that time.

When Xiao Chen came to the orphanage she founded, he reported Xi'er who had disappeared in front of her.And because of his arrival, Bronya's experiment was suspended instantly, and all the instruments were scrapped, so Bronya escaped.

Probably from then on, Bronya saw Cocolia's true nature clearly.

For Xiao Chen, he just got lost in the mist, and in the process of getting lost, he met Xi'er who was also lost.

The ability of the Herrscher of Constraint is also effective in space. Teresa used Judas' ability to get out of the space controlled by Sirin.

(Children's anti-lost mode jpg)

In addition to the ability of the Herrscher of Restraint, he himself seems to have some special characteristics.

For Xiao Chen, the purity of Quantum Sea is too low, like a thin mist.

His existence is too heavy for Quantum Sea, because the fluctuation caused by Xier can't even pull him in.

It's just that he looked at the misty Quantum Sea from one side, and saw Xi'er crying in the mist.

For ordinary people, the surrounding scene has not changed in any way, but his eyes are indeed filled with the uncertain mist of Quantum Sea.

He walks in reality, but he can interfere with things in Quantum Sea itself, but he is not aware of it himself.

After all, you said that he can understand the sea of ​​quantum, but what the hell is this fog?

To him, he is just a poor man who unfortunately got lost in the mist, and met a child who was also lost in the mist.

Of course, Xiao Chen's existence was like a miracle to Xi'er and Hei Xi, saving him from the quantum sea, and also saving sister Bronya who almost died in the experiment.

Seele was more worried about Bronya's life and death than her own comfort.

It's just that she can't do many things in the Quantum Sea. She can only watch Bronya fall into danger, and she can only cry alone in the Quantum Sea.

But Xiao Chen found her and comforted him with a gentle voice, and after Xiao Chen appeared, Bronya was also rescued with his magical power.

Even though he himself didn't know it.

With the power of the Herrscher restrained by Xiao Chen, Bronya even unlocked the reloading bunny without paying any price.

After that, Xiao Chen hugged Xi'er, who was tired from crying, and walked out of the Quantum Sea. This is the power that Xiao Chen can interfere with the Quantum Sea, but the power of the Quantum Sea itself cannot take it away.

Quantum Sea also stabilized after saving Xier. In Xiao Chen's eyes, it was only the thick fog that dispersed, and an orphanage appeared in front of him.

He carried Xi'er to the orphanage.

It was already night at that time, Cocolia looked at Xiao Chen who brought Xi'er back with ghostly eyes.Then watching Bronya rushing to hug Xi'er in Xiao Chen's arms, Xiao Chen just silently comforted the two little girls.

What Xiao Chen saw was just a lost child from the orphanage, but to the girl it was a farewell.

It's just that Cocolia didn't want to give up the experiment. After seeing Xiao Chen's existence, she even wanted to use Xiao Chen to achieve the goal of the experiment. She explained this matter to Bronya and Xi'er and got disappointed looks from them.

For the two of them, Xiao Chen is a lifesaver, and the former mother is no longer that mother.

Cocolia still intends to insist on attacking, if Xiao Chen can be sacrificed in exchange... When this idea came to her mind, her heart stopped beating as if covered by something, if Xiao Chen hadn't heard her fall The sound of falling to the ground, she might have died long ago.

In the end Xiao Chen decided to raise Bronya and Xier, the way he was sitting on the sofa negotiating with himself was exactly the same as now...

ps: Banya’s parents are really related to Cocolia. Cocolia and his father-in-law are colleagues, although the father-in-law was killed by a building during the second collapse... Hey, I can always think of a certain clown , Forget it, let’s play tricks in moderation.

084-84 Otto: Offended

84 Otto: Offended

The pupils of the cross seemed to judge himself as a sinner.

The feeling of being grasped by the heart is still fresh in my memory. When Xiao Chen proposed to raise Bronya and Seele, although she was unwilling, she couldn't bring up anything. The pressure made her unable to stop Xiao Chen.

Now there is an extra touch of purple in the pupils of the golden cross in memory, a feeling of order and chaos, making Xiao Chen's existence even more mysterious.

Is he a lawyer?

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