After hearing this line and what Xiao Chen said before, Qiyana's originally dim eyes suddenly began to glow with some light.

Obviously, Qiyana was fed up by Xiao Chen's chicken soup.

That's right!I want to keep fighting!If I fall down!That guy called Herrscher in my body will really come out!For the world!For Mei!To protect my beloved!I can't give up!

No matter what the sacrifice!Even if it is your own life!I will not let you out either!

Kiyana yelled at the Sirin personality in her heart.

'Then we'll see...'

Sirin's personality responded in her heart.

She doesn't want to wake up now. After all, she wakes up here. With the restriction of Honkai, she will probably be beaten on the head by several people present.

Yae Miko looked at Kiyana's reaction a little bit surprised, she originally wanted to comfort (fool) the injured Kiyana afterwards, but she didn't expect that the other party was actually fed by Xiao Chen's chicken soup.

This saves her a lot of effort.

She originally planned to serve Qiyana a few bowls of chicken soup first, then pull her up and tell Qiyana about Xiao Chen.

Unexpectedly, this little girl has learned to find chicken soup by herself.

very good!have a future!

The next thing is to tell her that Xiao Chen can suppress the Honkai Neng!

Raiden Mei devoted herself to saving her friends and father.

And Qiyana who had to choose to be close to Xiao Chen in order to seal the personality of the Herrscher in the body.

You two have to work hard for me.

On the other hand, Walter also fell into deep thought after hearing this sentence... He kept thinking about the sentence that the hymn of human beings is the hymn of courage.

I don’t know why Walter feels that this sentence is full of a sense of mission, just like the previous acting Herrscher Walter Joyce passed on the power to himself, and the spirit he said is also in line with the concept of the Herrscher of Reason !

The Herrscher of Restraint can deal with this man!

Just why didn't he himself know the existence of the collapse?And neither Bishop Otto nor the people around him had any intention of telling him about this matter.

Walter was a little puzzled about this.

At the same time, I also thought of something, is it possible that something terrible will happen if I tell him this matter?

Although Fu Hua looked at Xiao Chen with some vigilance, at least he was not as afraid of Xiao Chen as before.

"I have one last question. What do you think of Herrscher?" Walter asked the question in his heart.

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said.

"The Herrscher? I personally think that the first nine Herrschers are human beings' cognition of the surroundings. Human beings invented civilization, so there is a Herrscher of Reason that can replicate civilization. Human beings are afraid of the void, so they have room to manipulate Herrschers of space, human beings are afraid of the power of nature such as wind, fire, thunder, ice and earth, so there are the next five Herrschers, as well as consciousness. The first nine Herrschers represent human beings' cognition of their surroundings, if Human beings are aware of the existence of souls, so it is not impossible to have one more soul herrscher among the nine herrschers."

"Then what about the last few Herrschers?" Walter asked this question carefully.

"The last few are the herrschers that were obviously created deliberately for human beings. For example, the herrscher of a thousand people caused human beings to fall into chaos. For example, the herrscher of restraint that restrains genetic soldiers and the herrscher of civilization erosion are obvious. Strikes against weaknesses."

Xiao Chen paused again as he spoke, and said.

"Among them, I think the most interesting is the Herrscher of Binding."

After hearing this sentence, everyone's hearts were raised.

"The Herrscher of Constraint obviously has a strong restraint effect on genetic warriors, but in fact, it has the least damage to civilization and the planet among many Herrschers. His ability is to eliminate the Houkai energy and weaken other energies .If he is capable, he can completely stop the rotation of the earth, which will cause huge damage to human beings and civilization."

After hearing Xiao Chen say these words, except for a few people present who didn't know the truth, everyone's faces showed solemn expressions...

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86 Fu Hua: Weak, pitiful, helpless jpg

"If his ability is sufficient, he can completely stop the rotation of the earth, which will cause huge damage to human beings and civilization."

This instantly filled Fu Hua's blood pressure, who had just eliminated some of his vigilance.

I thought the Herrscher of Restraint was very friendly just now!I was so naive!If he really wakes up!It may cause more disasters than all other Herrschers combined!

Can't let him wake up!He must not be awakened!

Otto was thinking about the possibility of this matter.If it is an ordinary Herrscher of Restraint, I am afraid that it will not be able to eliminate the rotation of the earth.But if it is Xiao Chen, maybe he can really do it, after all, the range of his enchantment is based on the continent.

Especially after he had read today's report, after devouring the core of Eroding Herrscher, the scope of Xiao Chen's barrier continued to expand, and some spaceships driven by Honkai were directly scrapped.

Most of the experiments that rely on Houkai can be carried out are now also stopped.

This can't help but trouble Otto a little, because of Xiao Chen's existence, although the Honkai Beast and the Soldier are all sluggish, the Destiny has also scrapped most of its functions.

It is also effective for the enchantment of anti-entropy. Those titan robots driven by anti-entropy can't even exert one percent of their power now.

Xiao Chen's dangerous speech just now also made Walter, who was originally supporting Xiao Chen, tremble a little.

Although this Herrscher is very friendly, his ideas are too dangerous.

He finally knew why Otto didn't tell the truth about Xiao Chen being the Herrscher, and he wanted to stop the earth's rotation as soon as he came up. He wanted to experiment on a whim that day, is that okay?I beg you to quickly receive your supernatural powers!

Cocolia, on the other hand, sat on the spot with an unclear face and did not dare to move.

Teresa and Wuliangta Jizi, who didn't know Xiao Chen's real identity, were also confused. I don't know why everyone's expressions changed after Xiao Chen said this.

Although the Herrscher of Restraint is very powerful, hasn't he come out yet?

While Teresa and Wuliangta Jizi were still in a daze, Xiao Chen said: "Ms. Walter's questions are very professional. Does anyone else want to ask me any questions? If not, I would like to ask you questions today." Let’s take a test shot. Any comments?”

If I disagree, would you stop the earth from spinning?

Walter complained in his heart.

You just finished saying this, who dares to refuse!

Teresa expressed regret that she did not modify her on-screen image.

Wuliangta Jizi felt unrealistic about the scene in front of him.

The anti-entropy lord and the bishop of destiny are filming together?

Is this the sun coming out from the west?

Apart from the crisis of destroying the world, she has never seen Destiny and Anti-Entropy teaming up. Could it be that Xiao Chen's existence is related to the crisis of the world?

In a sense, what Wuliangta Himeko was thinking was indeed correct.

After hearing Xiao Chen's speech, Fu Hua nodded stiffly. Even if Xiao Chen carried her to the bed now, she probably wouldn't resist, right?

Fu Hua: Weak, pitiful, helpless jpg

Lei Movie is a little eager to try, among all the people, she is the only one who has basically no knowledge of the world and Xiao Chen, so she has the least pressure.

Qiyana also didn't react a little bit, she was obviously talking about the crisis of the world just now, right?Why is it involved in making movies again at this time?

and many more?Didn't I seem to be here to make movies in the first place?Why is it involved in the crisis of the world?And his own life experience?Didn't I come to make a movie? ?

Hey?Ugh?Ah?What is the situation now?

Kiyana's brain was a little unresponsive like a paramecium.

Xiao Chen was obviously talking about the movie, but then he brought it up to her, and then his body really had another consciousness.

Could it be... Xiao Chen's power is to make things in the movie come true!

No no no!Isn't this even more ridiculous?

and many more!Let me understand, first of all, Xiao Chen wants to film, but the content of his films are all real things...

I understand!This is the so-called documentary!I heard it said on TV!

Wait, there still seems to be something wrong.

What Xiao Chen is filming now, probably hasn't happened in reality yet, right?

After all, there was no third collapse in Changkong City, and they did not join St. Freya College.

Then... it can't be a future science fiction documentary, right? ? ?

This series of problems and contradictions overloaded Qiyana's head.

In the end, he could only shake his head helplessly, thinking to himself.

never mind!Or leave the brain to others!I just need to follow the instructions!

Do you really want to film?

In addition, Cocolia was a bit confused, but Xiao Chen's pressure on her had penetrated into her bones, she didn't have the luxury of thinking at all, and just acted subconsciously according to what Xiao Chen said.

At that moment, seeing that no one had any suggestions, Xiao Chen continued to speak: "Otto, have you brought all those drones?"

"Oh, I brought them all?!" Otto nodded and said.

I don't know why Walter felt an indescribable comfort in his heart when he saw the former Catholic Bishop, now reduced to a lawyer's wage earner.

"With these things, you can shoot without too much preparation." Xiao Chen nodded and suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Then can you operate it?"

Otto was about to answer yes, but suddenly thought that wouldn't it mean admitting that he had something to do with the company behind the scenes?

Immediately changed his words: "As long as it is turned on, the person in charge over there can conduct remote operations."

"Really? It's so convenient, can the signal of this drone be transmitted so far?" Xiao Chen said with some emotion.

Ao Tuo looked at Xiao Chen, who was starting to prepare, and suddenly thought of a question, and said, "By the way, if there is a film to be made, there should be a few characters missing in this film, right? For example, the director you mentioned earlier, who is Siegfried? to play?"

You can't get Siegfried out of the prison of destiny, can you?

Simply letting Siegfried out is actually nothing, but Siegfried's mood may not be stable now.

If he is released directly, Otto is afraid that Siegfried will find Xiao Chen desperately.

"Siegfried can be played by me." Xiao Chen gently lifted his hair with his hands, and said.

"You you you!!! You really want to play Siegfried!" Qiyana looked at Xiao Chen and said speechlessly.

"I can't help it. I haven't found a suitable actor. I will make up to look older, so I can only make ends meet."

If I didn't play Siegfried, Bianca wouldn't be obedient to Cecilia.

Xiao Chen added something in his heart.

It's not a question of old age!

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