"Explosion?" Youlandell looked at Hei Xuanyuan when he heard these two words, and said in surprise, "Are you planning to blow yourself up?"

"What? Are you finally scared? I told you not to kill me! You don't even want to live! It's too late to kill me now! It's just that if you do it later! It may be too late!"

Hei Xuanyuan said with a ferocious expression.

"You don't have to be like this." Youlandal lowered the black abyss and white flowers slightly, and said: "In fact, there should be people you know in this era, and I hope you are still alive."

Before coming here, Otto had already told Youlandelle about Hei Xuanyuan, so she knew about Hei Xuanyuan's relationship with Fu Hua.

"Don't try to lie to me! How many years have passed! How could they still be alive!" Hei Xuanyuan pointed the Xuanyuan Sword at Youlandale, and said, "Will you kill me or not? If you don't kill me, leave quickly Here! I really want to blow myself up!"

"Lord Youlandell! She's right! If you don't leave quickly! She might really blow herself up!" Rita on the other side of the communicator couldn't help but said.

"It doesn't matter, I trust him." Youlandelle said while clenching the Heiyuan Baihua tightly in his hand.

"He?" Rita said with some doubts, and then a familiar force swept across her body like water waves, and the power of the Valkyrie armor on her body instantly dropped to the lowest output, and the actual power was less than one-tenth of what it was before. .

The range covered by the enchantment was extremely fast, when the word Rita fell.

Xiao Chen's inferior enchantment of divine favor had already enveloped Hei Xuanyuan who was about to explode himself.

The constant flow of Honkai energy in Chi You's body stopped instantly like a river, and the Honkai energy that was about to overflow in Hei Xuanyuan's body quickly dissipated, disappearing without a trace under the shroud of the enchantment of divine grace.

"How could it be? What kind of power is this?" Hei Xuanyuan said in disbelief, her body that had been eroded by Honkai began to return to its original shape little by little, and the anger in her eyes gradually disappeared.

Looking at her current body, she slowly fell to the ground and said, "It may be a good result to die as a human being in the end."

Seeing Hei Xuanyuan who had completely lost his fighting spirit and returned to normal, Youlan Dale ran over quickly and said, "Are you alright?"

Xuanyuan, who had recovered to normal, looked at Youlandale and said, "I'm sorry, young soldier, I let you see the unbearable side. By the way, I'm afraid I can't go back with you. As you can see, it is collapsing. My body has become tattered (pineapple, pineapple) under the erosion of energy."

"Although my body's ability to withstand the Honkai energy has not reached the upper limit, I have lived as an ordinary person for too long... After Chi You's control disappeared, I could feel the loss of vitality. No, my life has come to an end."

"Life force loss? Wait a minute...!" Youlandell hugged Xuanyuan who fell on the ground, with a strange expression on his face.

"Please don't feel sad for me. This is exactly the relief I want. If there is a destiny, we will meet again in the next life." Xuanyuan thought that Youlandelle was sad for her death, and comforted her with a smile.

"No, let me finish my sentence." Youlandal split the black abyss and white flowers in his hand into two spears, and said: "This spear may save you."


Can't you let a happy death happen?

Before Xuanyuan could say anything, Youlandelle put the white flower on her chest, and the moment the white flower touched her body, it covered her body like clothes and began to restore her lost vitality.

Just when Youlandal was about to breathe a sigh of relief, without the support of the huge Houkai energy, Chi You's body began to collapse, and the cave in his body began to collapse.

Xuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief seeing this scene, and thought to himself.

Now I can finally die, right?

"Without the Honkai energy, Chi You's body began to collapse! Only this black spear, and it is very difficult for you to escape when the Honkai energy is weakened! Take back the white spear quickly! You are alone let's go!"

Let me die quickly!

"How could I leave you behind!" Youlandal looked at the collapsed cave with a dignified expression. At this critical moment, she suddenly thought of a question.

That is, the power of the black abyss and white flowers under Xiao Chen's barrier seems... not weakened much?

She thought of how Xiao Chen touched the black abyss and white flowers when he was in the amusement park.

Could it be that time?

The power to bind...and liberate!Heiyuan Baihua must still have his remaining power in his body!If you can use that power on yourself, you will be able to break through the current predicament!Give me strength!my beloved!

Youlandelle clenched the Heiyuan tightly in his hands, and tried hard to feel the remaining power in Heiyuan's body. She had touched Heiyuan Baihua for an unknown how long, so she could feel the power in it all at once.

It's just that girls like more romantic terms.

This must be the red thread between me and Xiao Chen that was guiding me!

"Awaken! Black Abyss!"


After Youlandale finished speaking, Heiyuan in his hand instantly turned into a black steed similar to that of Hei Xuanyuan.


Ji Lin and Xuanyuan raised three question marks again when they saw this scene.

How did you steal my skills!

"Success!" Youlandal looked at the steed beside him and touched its head, and said, "You are called Krishna!... The life created by Xiao Chen and I feels like the two of us like a personal child."

It's fine if you steal my skills!Isn't it too much to let me eat dog food?

As she spoke, she picked Ji Lin up and put her on the horse, saying, "Let's go! Krishna!"

Ji Lin on horseback said with a look of lovelessness.

Can it make people die well!

098-98 Kevin: Don't let me know who you are

98 Kevin: Don't let me know who you are

Can it make people die well!

Ji Lin, who looked loveless, was put on the horse's back.

"Let's go! Krishna!"


Under Youlandelle's order, the steed transformed from Heiyuan neighed, and ran quickly in this collapsed cave.

Along the way, no matter whether it was the betting cave or the gravel that was about to fall, it was like walking on the ground under his feet.

Rita, who was at the door, fell into deep thought when she heard the voice from the earphone.

"Your name is Krishna!... The life that Xiao Chen and I created together feels like the children of the two of us."


what's the situation? ?

When did you two even have kids? ? ?

Are you two moving so fast? ?

I still want to help you?

Is the clown actually me? ?

Do you have to give me some soup too!

Whoooo!Don't leave me alone!

The big crisis of Rita's life!


On the other side is a void of space.

A cold voice spoke slowly...

"Someone liberated the stigmata in the Kaslana family's bloodline without passing the trial?"

"When did the Kaslana family have such a bloodline?"

"Although there are cheating parts... But it can indeed be called a genius."

"It's just that next time you won't be so lucky."

"Hmph! If I have a chance, I'd like to see who helps her cheat! The fate of the Kaslana family cannot be interfered with by outsiders!"

Originally, Youlandale's ability was not enough to awaken, but with the help of Xiao Chen and Heiyuan, the brief early awakening was just an incomplete state, but it was enough to deal with it now.


Xiao Chen: "Ah, sorry——"

Xiao Chen in the emergency room sneezed.

"What? Are you feeling unwell?" Jizi Wuliangta put a hand on Xiao Chen's forehead and said.

"No, I just sneezed, maybe someone was talking about me behind my back, my intuition is quite accurate on this point." Xiao Chen touched his nose helplessly, and said.

Not long after he finished speaking, Otto ran back excitedly and said, "Director, I'm done calling! The show can begin!"

"Oh?" Looking at the excited Otto, Xiao Chen didn't understand why he was more excited than himself, and asked, "Why do you seem to be more excited than me?"

After these days!You are willing to film future plots!Can I not be excited!

"It's okay, I just encountered some happy things. It's better to start shooting sooner than mine, director." Otto restrained his expression and said.

"Oh?" Xiao Chen glanced at Otto lightly, and said, "By the way, I want to film a scene where the doctor carries Wuliangta Jizi into the ward. There are stretchers or beds that can be pushed in hospitals. ?"

"Yes." Otto nodded and said, "I've already prepared it!"

"That's good." Xiao Chen nodded, and said: "But I didn't call other people, so we can only play the role of doctor for a little bit."

Otto: "No problem."

Walter: "You talk again!"



The two glanced at each other, then looked away at the same time.

"But even if it's a cart, four people are better. Which of you two wants to help? Although the two of you are the main characters this time, the cart is just a shot, and no face will be photographed, so there is no problem for you to help .”

Casually using the main characters to do this kind of thing, probably only Xiao Chen can do it.

"Let me do it!" Kiyana took the initiative to stand up and said.

"Oh? Okay." Xiao Chen looked at Qiyana in surprise and nodded, and said.

Qiyana looked at Xiao Chen's face and then turned her gaze aside, Xiao Chen looked at Qiyana's reaction slightly puzzled.

Where is Qiyana's usual fearless look?

Why did you turn your face when you looked at yourself today?

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