Xiao Chen stood up helplessly, pinched Qiyana's nose, and said.

Kiyana, whose nose was suddenly pinched, opened her mouth subconsciously.

The Sirin personality in her body suddenly panicked.

What is he, what is he going to do?

Is it possible that you are not satisfied yet?

"For the sake of your being a patient, let you eat more."

Xiao Chen inserted another piece of apple from the plate and put it into Qiyana's mouth, saying.

Sirin: Damn it!He really came again!

Seeing that Qiyana ate the apple again without showing signs of choking, Xiao Chen looked at the remaining apples on the plate and said.

"I'll give you all of these."

Sirin: ... Mmmmm!

Sirin: ...I can't eat anymore!

Sirin: Damn it!Why am I grateful for a hint of sweetness!This is not right!

Under the night outside the window, a photography drone hovered outside Kiana's window, monitoring the scene in the room.

After all, there are still two Herrschers in the room, and this level of monitoring is still necessary. Of course, these are just passing through the scene.

Otto knew that if Xiao Chen really awakened, then the world might be over, it would be the same whether it was monitored or not.

However, for him, this video is an excellent material for Siegfried to watch!

He has already planned to record a growth record for Qiyana!

Let Siegfried in the prison see Kiyana's growth at any time!

This can be regarded as a little compensation for him locking up Siegfried!

As for why Xiao Chen has always existed in Qiyana's growth record, he can't be blamed!



"This should be the last one!"

In the basement of St. Freya College, the ark that anti-entropy usually used for meetings was assembled, said.

"Thank you, Dr. Tesla."

Einstein, who was in charge of connecting the Ark and the Destiny equipment, looked at Tesla, who had been busy for a long time, and said.

There are many devices for destiny and anti-entropy that can be used directly.

After all, anti-entropy is also an organization split from Destiny, the two just went to different paths, the gap is not that big, and the connection between anti-entropy arks is completely fine in the underground equipment of Destiny.

"Really! This time I'm exhausted! Although there are auxiliary Titans! But some equipment is still manually operated! It's really troublesome!" Tesla complained while moving his body after assembling the ark.

"No way, after all, the Ark is an anti-entropy technology, so it's not easy to let the people of Destiny come to help." Einstein shrugged and was still doing the final data adjustment, said.

"Having said so much, it's not because of the Herrscher of Restraint. I never thought that one day I would do this in the realm of destiny." Tesla said, maintaining the movement of hammering his shoulders.

"Thinking of the best, Dr. Tesla, at least everyone can stand here alive because the Herrscher of Restraint you mentioned has not awakened, but is addicted to making movies..."

"Of course I know that." Tesla shrugged and said, "Then, where is the key Herrscher of Restraint now?"

"He is suppressing the awakening of another Herrscher." Einstein said after hearing Walter explain the situation to Tesla.

"Huh? Is there a Herrscher in this ghost place?" Tesla asked in surprise.

Before coming here, she only heard about Xiao Chen from Einstein, and she didn't know anything about Qiyana and Leiden Mei.

"To be precise, there is more than one." Einstein corrected after hearing the words, and said: "In addition to this Herrscher of Restraint, there is also our leader, and the Herrscher I mentioned earlier who almost awakened. There is also a Herrscher , is Cocolia's experimental product back then, the daughter of Raiden Ryoma."

"Four Herrschers! Oh my God!" Tesla was also a little surprised when he heard the words, and complained: "Isn't this academy the Valkyrie Academy! Why are there so many Herrschers!"

She said in a thoughtful way.

"This is not the academy designed by the bishop of Tianming to train Herrschers!"

Einstein shrugged and picked up his terminal to continue to adjust the ark so that it can continue to operate tomorrow.

Just as the two were chatting, a footstep sounded suddenly.

Tesla looked at the visitor like a wild cat with fur, and said, "Cocolia! You bitch! It's a shame you dare to appear in front of us!"

"Before the incident was exposed, I was still a member of Anti-Entropy. Why couldn't I come to the Ark? Dr. Tesla?" Cocolia spread her hands and said indifferently.

"Dr. Tesla, let her go for now, at least wait for her to finish her tricks." Einstein manipulated the terminal in his hand, but did not hide his meaning at all, said.

She doesn't like Cocolia, who copied the first agent Herrscher.

"Okay, I didn't come here to quarrel with you." Cocolia waved her hand and said, "The apostle of the Herrscher of Restraint, let me pass on a message to you. She said that she has a way to resurrect the first Acting Herrscher, Walter Joyce..."

Before Cocolia could finish her sentence, the terminal in Einstein's hand fell to the ground with a crisp sound.


The other side is in the stigmata space.

Siegfried's imaginary Xiao Chen stopped his attacking steps, wrapped his chains around Siegfried's body, and said: "I said you should change your enemy, your body has the genes of a fusion warrior, no matter how It is impossible to defeat the Herrscher of Restraint."

"No! I have to beat you! Otherwise, it doesn't make sense for me to become stronger!"

"Oh, you are so stubborn. I don't know why Cecilia likes you."

"You are not allowed to mention that name!"

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything if I don't say it. However, someone is looking for you outside, so you should go out and have a look."

116-116 Siegfried Human Suffering Series 2

116 Siegfried Human Suffering Series 2.0

"Okay, okay, I won't say it if I don't say it. However, someone is looking for you outside, so you should go out and have a look."

After hearing the spatial consciousness say this, Siegfried trembled all over, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

"I won't go out! I will definitely not go out this time!"

Spatial consciousness looked at Siegfried like this and shook his head, said: "Aren't you curious about your daughter now? It's useless to escape, anyway, you should confirm your daughter's current condition, right? After all, she Being alive is the best news."

Siegfried was left speechless by the spatial consciousness. He was indeed afraid, afraid of seeing his daughter look like this, afraid that he would not be able to bear the blow.

In the past, he was not afraid of anything, and thought that there must be a way to reach the mountain, but after Cecilia's death, Kiyana's death...

He was really getting more and more afraid, afraid that he would lose his last relative.

It was only when he was mentioned by the spatial consciousness that he could barely look directly at the weakness in his heart.

Just what spatial awareness looks like now...

"It's not your turn to say it yet!"

Siegfried pointed to the spatial consciousness and said.

"Who can you blame? It's not that you have to let me maintain this state to make yourself uncomfortable!" The spatial consciousness may have been influenced by Xiao Chen and began to complain.

Since Xiao Chen used the method of stealing chickens (cheating) last time to allow Youlandal to gain strength in advance, and this time Siegfried made Xiao Chen's consciousness appear in the stigmata space.

The stigmata space of the entire Kaslana family became strange.

"Hmph! Continue beating you when I come back!" Siegfried said aggressively.

"It's you who come back and continue to be beaten." Stigmata shook his head helplessly.

Siegfried's consciousness returned to reality, he looked at Amber outside the cell, and said with some displeasure: "What is Otto going to show me again this time!"

Amber clicked the play button of the video without saying a word.

This time Otto personally attached a thoughtful commentary.

I saw Otto in the video sitting in front of the table and saying: "Siegfried, I know you are very upset about my imprisoning you."

"It's not just a grudge, I can't wait to use my size 42 shoes to slam your soul steel face hard." Siegfried said through gritted teeth.

"But don't worry, in order to condolence to your hard work 24 hours a day, I specially brought you a video of your daughter this time! Are you happy?!"

Siegfried: "(Collapse#紫#毛#口#)"

"I plan to make this video into a series as a memory of your daughter. I believe that when she grows up, she will definitely feel emotional when she sees the video of her own growth process.


"Then I won't talk nonsense anymore, I believe you can't wait to see your daughter's current situation!"

Then Siegfried saw Xiao Chen hesitating beside Qiyana holding the antipyretic device, and his blood pressure immediately went up.

Fortunately, Kiyana woke up in time, which made Siegfried slightly relieved.

But before he could relax for a long time, Siegfried saw Qiyana captured by Xiao Chen with delicious food again.

hateful!my daughter!Don't be fooled by this sugar-coated cannonball!

The food made by the bad man is delicious!

But he doesn't care as much as I did with the things I burned with the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment!

Then Siegfried saw Qiyana pulling Xiao Chen's sleeve to keep Xiao Chen.

"Can you...can you stay with me?"

This sentence broke Siegfried's defense.

Whoooo!The Chinese cabbage at home was arched by a strange pig!

Sure enough, you guys were playing something weird this morning, right?

Siegfried didn't know that Xiao Chen was filming and naturally had some subtle misunderstandings.

hateful!hateful!You were with that Cecilia-like person at the amusement park!This time, let's attack my Qiyana!

no!I can't take it anymore!I have to go to the consciousness space to get the factory back!

At that moment, Siegfried's consciousness returned to the stigmata space again, and he yelled aggressively.

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