Theresa is only needed when there is interaction between the two places.

"Who agrees with you to leave? Kiyana, didn't I say that if you don't hit me, I don't want to leave?"

"Stop joking! Mei is in danger now! I must hurry to her side!"

Leiden Mei also reacted at this time and opened her eyes. After seeing the distance between the two, she was slightly relieved. It turned out that it was not what she thought...

"Mei? Who is that? Do you have more important things to do with Dad now?"

"Mei is the most important person to me! If you know it, disappear as soon as possible! Daddy!"

Otto: I want this part too!Material +1!

"For important people, regardless of everything, you are worthy of my Siegfried daughter, but I will not let you pass."

Xiao Chen held the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge in his hand and opened the great sword form. Just like the consciousness of the stigmata space, the temperature was perfectly contained in the gun body, and the spreading Honkai energy was also absorbed by Xiao Chen's barrier.

"Qiana, today I will teach you the Kaslana family's mission passed down from generation to generation, to protect the world from Honkai!"

The same voice came to mind at the same time on both sides

"Look out! Siegfried! That's what the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment does!"

"Look out! Qiyana! That's how the Heavenly Fire Holy Order is used!"

ps: Teach the ancestors to use the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment

133-133 Siegfried, watch it!Your daughter came straight back like this!

133 Siegfried, take care!Your daughter came straight back like this!

"Heavenly Fire Sacred Order wipes out the dawn one by one!"

Compared with the scene of destroying heaven and earth in the stigmata space, the scene of Xiao Chen holding up the holy order of heaven and fire in the outside world can be said to be quite harmonious.

"The world where father and daughter are reunited and joking is over, Kiana. The Raiden Mei you are talking about is the third Herrscher, right? In order to protect the world, Herrscher must be eliminated, even if that Herrscher is your favorite person. This is It is the fate of the Kaslana family, and it is also the curse of the Kaslana family! Letting her die here is the most correct choice!"

Xiao Chen's words made Lei Dian Mei's body tremble outside, she has now realized that it was just her own delusion.

It's just that she didn't expect to face the bloody reality just after returning from her delusion.Yes, as a Herrscher herself, if Qiyana is still on the human side, she will have a fight sooner or later.

At that moment, she turned around and left the training room...

Yae Sakura thought about the direction she left.

The plot is still going on...


"Forgive me, Kiyana, I have to."

Qiyana looked at the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge in Xiao Chen's hands, and she could feel the Herrscher's personality's fear of the great sword in her heart.

I'm afraid that the person I fear most in the depths of my consciousness is Siegfried, who is also influenced by the personality of the Herrscher.

"no no no……"

A childhood memory appeared in Kiyana's heart. It was Siegfried who broke an arm in a snowy field and hugged her, saying that he kept the agreement.

She had been reluctant to recall this memory before.

Now she can probably guess the truth, she is the Herrscher who caused Siegfried to break an arm...

"What happened just now, I seem to remember something, but I don't seem to remember anything." Qiyana can now remember what happened at that time, but she still has to say that under the requirements of the lines.

"Qiana, have you made up your mind? Give up the Third Herrscher and don't let me say it a third time! Even if you saved her today! One day you will kill her yourself! This is the Kaslana family's Fate!"

The voice of Siegfried played by Xiao Chen brought Qiyana back to her senses.

She suddenly realized a problem.

Yes, what about Mei?

She actually forgot about Mei!All he wanted was to seal the Herrscher in his body to protect Leiden Mei and the world!

But Leiden Mei is also a Herrscher, what if she awakens?

Could it be that he really wanted to kill Mei?

no!Absolutely not!

Then... is there any way to make Raiden Mei not change the Herrscher?

Qiyana subconsciously looked up at Xiao Chen.

Ah, there is a way.

"No, I will kill Mei? Don't even think about it!"

If you let Mei be like me...

I bah bah bah!What am I thinking?

Didn't I join this crew to prevent Mei from being murdered by him?

Why is it now that I want to send Mei in and let Xiao Chen do it instead?

How strange!

What exactly went wrong!

Kiyana shook her head frantically in her heart and said.

"My useless idiot daughter, if you are still stubborn, then die here for me."

Standing in front of Qiyana, Xiao Chen held up the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order in his hand, and with the background special effects, a flaming emblem appeared behind him.

The original plot of the Heavenly Fire Saint Judge is now in the form of a great sword, but Xiao Chen thought it would be better to turn on the great sword mode before, so he changed it a little.

At this time, Qiyana was still struggling with the matter of Raiden Mei.

"do not want!"

Although she didn't want to hand over Mei to Xiao Chen, she also didn't want to see Mei become a law-breaker.

For the time being, she has no good solution, but the matter of Mei is also urgent, and she has made up her mind.

When this incident is over, no matter what price she pays, she will ask for a headband from Yae Shenzi, and persuade Mei to come to the crew, as long as she is by Xiao Chen's side, the Houkai energy in her body can be suppressed!

As for the future... let's talk about it later!

If Mei Yi is also approaching the irreparable day... Lei Dian Mei Yi does not want to accept Xiao Chen's words.

Then she can only feed Xiao Chen to... and then feed to Mei...?

(Yae Miko: Who feeds who is not sure.)

Kiyana kept thinking wildly in her mind, but she didn't forget her lines anyway.

"That's right! Whether it's a Herrscher or a human being! I've made an agreement with my father that I will do everything to protect my most important person! A real father will not stop me from saving Mei! Get the hell out of here! You Counterfeit!"

After Qiyana made a decision, she raised the weapon in her hand and smashed the Fire Emblem behind Xiao Chen.

"I finally made a choice, Kiyana."

After Qiyana made up her mind, there was something wrong with Xiao Chen's words.

"I haven't seen you for four years. You have grown up and are no longer a little girl who needs my protection. Believe in your own choice, Kiyana. Be like a father, and be the one who gave up Kaslana in order to protect the one you love The big fool of the family mission..."

(It is not without reason that you have been stuck in the stigmata space.)

"Finally, it's time to say goodbye, Kiyana. Let me hug you one last time, and you will inherit the reason I fought, my proud daughter, Kiyana Kaslana."

As Xiao Chen said, he hugged Qiyana, and Qiyana, who just thought of something inharmonious, blushed instantly when Xiao Chen hugged her like this.

After hugging Qiyana, Xiao Chen stood up from the ground and looked at Theresa, saying: "Theresa, long time no see, did your heart beat faster when you saw me!"

After hearing Xiao Chen's lines, Teresa took a deep breath and complained in her heart.

Indeed, the heartbeat accelerated!

But in another sense!

Because this line is really not easy to say in front of Qiyana... But in order to prevent Xiao Chen from noticing something, Teresa still spoke loudly.

"What nonsense are you talking about! I haven't settled with you for taking away my favorite Cecilia! I hate you the most!"

In front of Cecilia's daughter, admitting that he likes Cecilia... His career as a great aunt should be over, right?

Your father's biggest rival in love is me!Did not expect it!Teresa said somewhat self-defeating.

Teresa also has Kaslana's blood in her body (it belongs to hereditary Karen). Although she really likes Cecilia, it's a pity that Cecilia didn't mean it.

She can only be seen walking with Siegfried.

It's just that when Teresa yelled these words, Yae Sakura felt a broken voice in her heart...

Kallen!My Kallen!Beep!

ps: I saw that some people responded to the summary of the previous situation in Tucao. This is because I think some readers like to skip and read. If they don’t add a paragraph, they may not know what happened before, so I add this paragraph so that other readers can also read it. I can recall what I said earlier, and by the way, polish the details that I didn't say before.And I usually add a few words to dozens of words. I have more than 2050 words in each sheet, and I won’t spend more money if I add a few more words. 2000 is the same price, 2050, and 2100 are the same price. There will be no subscription Any changes will not cheat everyone's cat coins.Of course, if you don't like it, I won't make a summary of the previous story.

134-134 Siegfried, you can safely hold your grandson now!

134 Siegfried, you can safely hold your grandson now!

"You really haven't changed at all, and I will trouble you to take care of my family Qiyana from now on. Although she is still a little fool now, one day Kiyana will grow into an excellent fighter."

Siegfried, played by Xiao Chen, looked down at Kiana and said, "Cecilia actually doesn't want you to go on the same path as us, she hopes you can freely choose your own way out. But if you really If you want to take this path, we will not stop you..."

Said, Xiao Chen raised his head and looked at the position of the ceiling, said.

"Speaking of which, is this place underground? Is this structure underground? It should be night now, right? This structure is really incomprehensible, you can't see the moonlight at all..."

"Every time you meet the most important person, it's under the beautiful moonlight, Teresa, Kiana, Cecilia...the moonlight is so beautiful..."

After Siegfried, played by Xiao Chen, stood up and said this line, he lowered his head again and hugged Qiyana's body, saying.

"But it's enough to see my cutest daughter, Kiyana, you are my most beautiful moonlight, it's really great to see you again."

His tone made Kiyana seem to really see Siegfried, and a tear subconsciously flowed from the corner of her eye.

"Take care... goodbye... my daughter."

After Xiao Chen left the stage, Teresa ran down according to the script and said, "Qiana! What's going on here!"

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