136 Siegfried: What kind of human suffering is this! 3.0

"Buried with Kevin? In a sense, you can say the same."

After hearing Siegfried's sincere suggestion, Stigmata Space began to think seriously about the feasibility of everything.

"Hey! You're not serious, are you?" Siegfried panicked looking at the seriousness of the Stigmata Space.

"You misunderstood me." The stigmata space spread out its hands and tilted its head, and said, "I want you to use Jie Mi Dawn to die with Kevin."


Does this make a difference?

If you want us dead just say so!

After seeing Siegfried's puzzled expression, the Stigmata Space slowly spit out the second half of the sentence, saying: "But it's not for you to die with me in reality."

"Don't breathe too much when you speak! Are you scaring me on purpose!"


Regarding Siegfried's complaints, Stigmata Space admitted it very honestly, saying that I just want to see your angry expression and can't do anything to me, and then asked back.

"However, is it easier to fight Kevin than to fight me?"

"Indeed." Siegfried scratched his head, although he didn't want to admit it, but it was almost impossible for him to defeat Xiao Chen.

Kiyana!sorry!Dad can't protect you!Whoooo!It's dad is useless!You didn't keep your promise with Cecilia!What kind of s-level Valkyrie am I!

Siegfried felt a little guilty in his heart. In his opinion, Qiyana must have been bullied by Xiao Chen!At least he was cheated by that scumbag!They even started playing strange things!Kiyana's father can only have me!Neither Cecilia nor I have ever done this!

correct!He actually got very close to someone who looked exactly like Cecilia!no!It hurts!My Cecilia!

Endure the calm for a while, take a step back and think about it more and more!

Siegfried's anger at being beaten down these days has risen again, and now he thought of the Jie Mi Dawn that he used before the Stigmata Space, and asked.

"By the way, aren't you afraid that I will learn from you that Jie Mi Liming will go to Xiao Chen to settle accounts?"

That move is so powerful, it must be able to defeat Xiao Chen!

Regarding Siegfried's question, the Stigmata Space shook his head and said: "One of the prerequisites for the activation of Jie Mi Dawn is to absorb a large amount of Houkai energy, but there is a barrier of divine grace around Xiao Chen. Unless you stand Another meal for the earth, otherwise you would never be able to absorb so much Honkai to activate the dawn of destruction."

Siegfried's heart instantly turned half cold when he heard this!

It's okay to be on the other side!Then who am I aiming at!I exposed my loneliness!

Siegfried couldn't help but feel a little pity when he heard the words, and the spatial awareness added another sentence, saying.

"Besides, where Xiao Chen is, your daughter will definitely be nearby, and with the power of Nirvana Dawn, the surrounding area will not be spared."

Why are you so sure that where there is my daughter, there must be Xiao Chen!What is the relationship between the two of them!That kid probably hasn't succeeded yet, right? !

"Thank you for reminding me..." Siegfried gritted his teeth.

As an old father, it is inevitable for him to worry about his daughter.

"You're welcome." Stigmata Space looked at Siegfried, and then continued to make up the knife: "And when I use the robbery of the dawn, I use half of the energy to offset the high temperature, and half of the energy is output as pure Honkai energy." Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment. So, in theory, you have to use the Tribulation of Dawn at least twice at the same time..."

Can't you expose yourself once?Twice? ?

"Stop! I got it! Let's change the subject!" Siegfried waved his hand, and then covered his heart with one hand.

"Well, in short, you only need to defeat Kevin in this stigmata space with the Dawn of Tribulation, and you don't have to think about other things so much. You can rest assured that no actual damage will be caused in the stigmata space." Seeing Siegfried in such a state, the Stigmata Space didn't open his mouth to continue to attack him, said.

"I have a question." Siegfried touched his chin when he heard the words, and said, "Since they are all in the stigmata space, why don't you do it yourself to Kevin?"

What Siegfried meant was obviously to say again—you can do it!


Stigmata Space glanced at Siegfried, and said in a helpless tone: "I have said it before, I can only show up because of your obsession with Xiao Chen. Kevin has no such obsession with Xiao Chen." Nian, even if I come to the stigmata space, I won't show up, so I need you to defeat Kevin instead of me."

"Oh." Siegfried nodded and thought of another question, and said, "But you also said just now that victory in the stigmata space will not cause any harm to reality, even if I defeat Kevin, it doesn't make much sense. Bar?"

Hearing the words of the Stigmata Space, he continued to explain: "The reason why Kevin decided to implement the Stigmata Plan was because he felt that other means could not defeat the Honkai, so he chose the final Stigmata Plan. It is the key to defeating the Houkai...or the key to defeating the Herrscher of the Last Yan."

"I want to give you hope for Kevin, or that sentence, as a fighter against the Houkai, it should bring hope to people instead of becoming a curse against the Houkai, so that he will not plan against the stigmata." There is such a big obsession. As for whether he can wake up, it depends on his own creation."

"I see! So when can we start?"

Siegfried nodded and asked.


The stigmata space seemed to feel something just after saying this sentence, and said.

"But before that, your Bishop Otto came to you again, why don't you go and see him?"


"Otto? He's here again? Forget it! It's not good for him to find me! I'm not going!" Siegfried said, shaking his head like a rattle.

Siegfried has learned his lesson this time too!Knowing that Otto must have shown him some video of his daughter again!He didn't just look at it stupidly this time!snort!

Just as he was thinking this way, the Stigmata Space suddenly spoke.

"I think you should go out and take a look."


Siegfried was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, as if he had been betrayed, he asked, "Why?"

"Mental anger is good for you to understand the power of the God Key."

"Didn't you just say that! As a fighter against Honkai, you should bring hope to people instead of becoming a curse against Honkai! Why have you changed your mind now!"

Siegfried recited the lines he said just now, and said.

"Destroyer, hold on to your anger." Spatial awareness glanced to the side and said.

"This is definitely something you made up first!"

"Let's go!"

Siegfried was thrown out by the Stigmata Space before he could finish his sentence, and then he opened his eyes and saw Otto's old face in front of the screen...

Just finished abusing me in the mental space, and I'm going to be abusing me again in reality!

Obviously I did everything according to your request!Why am I the one who got hurt!

What human suffering is this!

137-137 Siegfried's VIP viewing experience!

137 Siegfried's VIP viewing experience!

I was beaten in the stigmata space!You have to listen to him!

Come out and watch the video of Otto getting ready!

What am I trying to figure out!

I'm not shaking m!

Oh, and for me to ask about Kiyana from him...that's okay!Everything is worth it for Qiyana!

Siegfried comforted himself silently in his heart.

Although he has bitterness in his heart, there is no one around who can listen to him!

The only person he could touch, Amber had placed the big screen early this time... Wait, what the hell is this big screen projection!Call me coke and popcorn this is almost a movie theater!

Otto!You don't need to do this to persecute me, do you?

While Siegfried was complaining, Otto appeared on the big screen.

"Oh, Siegfried, my old friend, long time no see. I believe you have also noticed that I have improved the viewing experience here so that you can see your daughter's growth more clearly."

Can that be called growth? ? ?

Shouldn't it be called depravity? ? ?

Siegfried growled in his heart.

"I know you must have a lot of resentment against me for locking you here, and you must also be very concerned about your daughter's situation. Today I asked your daughter's opinion of you..."

Then he saw Kiyana speak like this in the picture, saying.

"Are you kidding! He ran away without saying anything! I ran around the world looking for Siegfried! I've thought about it a long time ago! When I see him, I must teach you a lesson ! See if I don't tear him to pieces!"

Otto just cut Kiana's words a little bit and changed the person, and then deleted some of the lines to become what it is now.


Siegfried was also a little stunned when he saw this scene, and complained in his heart.

While I admit that this is all true, isn't tearing it to shreds a little too much? ?

I'm your dear father!Blood is thicker than water!The broken bones are still connected to the tendons!

Before Siegfried complained, the screen changed, and the screen changed to last night, Xiao Chen was standing next to Qiyana, who was lying on the sofa with only a windbreaker on, holding the antipyretic suppository...


"What are you doing to my daughter!"

Although he knew that it was the screen being played, Siegfried couldn't help but speak.

Then the picture instantly blacked out a cartoon Otto's face on the screen, as well as a piece of text - just pure treatment.

Simple treatment?I believe you ghost ah!I don't know what physical fitness my daughter has?Will we in the Kaslana family be hit by a mere cold?Will she use things like antipyretics?

I'll take a step back!Even if my daughter really has a fever!That shouldn't be the drug! ! !Who the hell would use this kind of antipyretics on a girl! !

Besides, do you think I can't see the way Kiyana just got out of the bath? !That man must be plotting against my Qiyana!

It must be so!

hateful!I have to speed up the speed of attacking the stigmata space!

I don't care what Herrscher of Restraint you are, you just can't do it if you want to hurt my daughter!

Siegfried ran into the stigmata space aggressively!

Then he was beaten up aggressively by the Stigmata Space before he calmed down...

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