She quickly summoned the ship suit, but she didn't feel the slightest sense of security in her heart.

Just then, a voice entered her ears.

"...Miss Belfast?"

Hear this voice.

Belfast's anxious heart suddenly relaxed.


Chapter 103 Surprise in Belfast~

She rubbed her eyes.

For a moment.

Vision gradually recovered.

Belfast blinked.

The object of entry was a man's face.

If it were any other man, Belfast would have punched him by now.

In a state of vigilance, she will never hold back.

However, the man in front of him is not in this category.

Because Belfast knew him.

It was also because the other party called her name that her anxious heart could relax.

"Mr. Bai Yi, why are you here...?"

Her pretty face showed some doubts.

Aren't they in that labyrinthine sea?

So, why did Bai Yi appear in front of her?

Is it a dream?

But this dream is too real...

Maybe because he noticed Belfast's doubts, Bai Yi smiled slightly.

"It's not a dream."

He turned sideways so Belfast could see what was behind him.

The girl looked around.

blue sea, blue sky.

Seagulls fly in the sky, and dolphins can also be seen jumping on the sea.

White Eagle's fiancée, and their royal fiancée, all of them are here.

Bai Yi spread his hands.

"Don't worry, as you can see, everyone is safe~"

Hearing his words, Belfast pursed his lips, his nervous heart relaxed slightly.

"Hmm, common people?"

Rubbing her eyes briefly blinded by the white light, Queen Elizabeth soon spotted Bai Yi standing in front of Belfast.

She immediately puffed up her face.

"...You are not allowed to bully Befa!"

Bai Yi: "..."

Why did I bully Befa?

He was a little dumbfounded.

After that, he held out his hand.

Under Belfast's subtle gaze, his hand rested on top of Elizabeth's head.


Looking at the blond-haired and blue-eyed Elizabeth in front of him, considering that she seems to care about the majesty of her queen, and there are so many white eagles and royal wives here, he might as well kill them without scratching their heads...

Thinking to himself, Bai Yi withdrew his hand.

Seeing this, she had already shrunk her neck, and Elizabeth, who had become tense, relaxed.

After that, she glared at Bai Yi angrily.


Common people why is he here?

Also, why are these White Eagle's ship girls here?

Furthermore, why did their royal family suddenly leave that lifeless sea area?

Blinking, Elizabeth was full of doubts.

Among the Royal Fleet Girls, there are not a few people who have the same doubts as her.

After all, it's just too weird.

Just a moment ago, they were still trapped in the mirror sea.

In the next second, they had already come to the outside world.

To say that the Sirens were kind-hearted, they let them out mercifully.

No matter how weird the brain circuit is, people will not have such outrageous ideas...

and so……

What happened during the period when they were separated from the White Eagle Fleet?

"Miss Enterprise, did you save us...?"

Looking at the enterprise, Belfast asked curiously.

In her opinion, this may be the only correct answer.

Businesses, however, shook their heads.

Belfast: "?"

"Let's talk about what happened on the way." Enterprise pressed the navy cap on the silver hair, looked at Baiying and the royal family, "Okay, let's go back~"

Although this expedition can only be said to be so-so.

However, it is already the best ending for everyone to return home safely.

Thinking to himself, the company beckoned slightly.

Everyone set foot on their way home.

In the port area, a large number of siren wrecks are floating on the sea.

Some are still burning, billowing with smoke.

Seeing such a picture, anyone must be able to see that a super large-scale naval battle took place here.

As a result, the wreckage of the Siren almost filled the entire sea area...

That wasn't what surprised the Royal Fleet the most, though.

In fact, they were surprised more than once on the way to Baiying Port.

Because, along the way, the unicorn has already told them the ins and outs of the matter.

From the time when the Sirens invaded the White Eagle Port area, Bai Yi captured the Purifiers and turned the tide of the battle, and then Bai Yi decisively led everyone to the Mirror Sea to confront Lavos, and combined the strength of all the White Eagles to break through the Siren base...

Her words are simple and clear.

Although Bai Yi's ability was hidden and not mentioned, it was enough to shock people.

As for why the royal ship girl suddenly left the mirror sea area, it was quite dramatic.

Originally, the White Eagle was planning to destroy the Siren base, and then go to find the Royal Ship.

As a result, unexpectedly, after destroying the Siren base, the mirror sea area collapsed.

So, they suddenly returned to this world. After listening to the unicorn's narration, Belfast's expression was a little subtle.

She looked at the enterprise and asked her for confirmation.

Enterprise nodded slightly.

That's right.

What the unicorns say is true.

Belfast: "~?"

Looking at the enterprise, she slowly put out a question mark.

If what the unicorn says is true.

Then, how did Bai Yi bring the Unicorn and Lafite to break through the Siren's line of defense and capture the Purifier who was staying behind the Siren fleet?

Belfast understood that there must be something tricky in it.

However, since she doesn't even want to talk about unicorns, she won't delve too deeply into it.

Thinking to herself, her eyes fell on Bai Yi's back.

At this moment, after entering the port area, Bai Yi yawned and led Lafite away.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like you are going to sleep.

Befa thoughtfully (Qian Zhao).

On the way to the port area, she noticed that many white eagle girls would always crowd around Bai Yi subconsciously.

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