Looking at the pretty and flushed Honolulu, St. Louis pursed his lips and smiled lightly.

Did not continue to tease Honolulu.

She blinked her gentle and beautiful eyes, and looked at Bai Yi.


This word, to her, is both strange and warm.

Don't talk about her.

Perhaps even the indifferent Bunker Hill would have something to look forward to~ Thinking to himself, St. Louis looked in the direction of Bunker Hill, only to find that she was always staring at Bai Yi coldly.

Because she was so focused that she didn't even notice her undisguised gaze.

St. Louis also noticed that Bunker Hill would occasionally touch his head, and when he did so, his gaze would also fall on Bai Yi's palm.

This made St. Louis a little puzzled.

But she quickly shifted her focus.

Because her eyes were unconsciously focused on Helena.

At this moment, Helena was wearing an azure dress, her little hands were hidden behind her back, her face was pretty and shy, and she secretly glanced at Bai Yi from time to time.

At least from St. Louis's point of view, Helena was sneaking a shy glance at Bai Yi.

This made her smile a little, but also a little worried.

For the ship girls, the commander is not only the harbor of their hearts, but also their vital family members.

Not a couple, but better than a couple.

This means that everyone's favor towards the commander is already very high.

Although St. Louis believes that the vast majority of the White Eagles are still at the stage where they regard Bai Yi as their respected commander, and have not considered a more intimate direction.

However, after a long time, it is impossible to say.

Thinking to himself, St. Louis was also a little worried for Helena.

Helena has such a shy personality, if she is left alone, she will definitely become a loser.

If you want to date the commander then, you probably have to be at the bottom of the queue.

This will not work.

St. Louis mused.

Beside her, Baltimore stared blankly at Bai Yi.

As one of the few people who met Bai Yi for the first time, Baltimore never expected that one day, Bai Yi would become their White Eagle's commander.


Of course it was unexpected.

But she didn't feel the slightest resentment in her heart.

Not to mention Bai Yi's ability.

Just Bai Yi's gentle and unassuming personality towards his own people, as well as his help to Bai Ying during this period, have already gained her approval.

I believe that the vast majority of the White Eagle Ship Girls will follow the public without hesitation and decide to become Bai Yi's Ship Girls based on these two points~ Thinking to himself, Baltimore recalled Bai Yi's words.

From now on, shall we forge ahead together...

She pursed her lips, feeling a little emotional.

She knew Bai Yi's character very well.

As long as Bai Yi doesn't have salted fish, it won't be so spicy.

At the same time, she also knew that Bai Yi would usually joke and tell some irrelevant and playful lies.

However, once he got serious about the promise he made, Bai Yi would never act recklessly.

It can make Bai Yi solemnly give the promise of "forging ahead together in the future", which shows that Bai Yi cares about them very much.

Probably even agreeing to become their commander is because of this...

Thinking to myself, Baltimore felt a little complicated.

There is no better commander than Bai Yi.

From now on, their commander, and only one, is Bai Yi.

That's it!


Thoughtful, Baltimore approached the company, "Are we ready for the official appointment ceremony of the commander?"


Enterprise nodded.

Although she was a little sloppy when deciding on the commander, she didn't consult the commander in advance, which made her feel very sorry for her commander.

She was well prepared for the ceremony of appointing the commander.

after all.

Although their White Eagle Ship Girls don't pay much attention to the sense of ritual.

But today is also the day they recognize the commander.

In the infinite life of Jianniang, in this life, there is one and only one time like this.

of course.

After all, the time was a bit rushed, and they didn't have time to prepare any elaborate and solemn ceremony.

Fortunately, their White Eagle Fleet Girls don't care too much about this, as long as the basic procedures are in place.

So, soon, the banquet hall was vacated.

Under the company's skillful command, the ladies of the White Eagle came to Bai Yi in an orderly manner and introduced themselves.

The first is the flagship.enterprise.

She looked at Bai Yi who was wearing a tuxedo with a rare serious expression, took off her hat and saluted seriously: "Yorktown-class No. 2 ship, Enterprise; from now on, your orders are my mission, Commander .”

Bai Yi nodded and responded solemnly.

After that, White Eagle's girls came to him one by one and introduced themselves.

There are aircraft carriers and there are battle lines.

There are cruises, and there are expulsions.

And submarines.

They came to Bai Yi in an orderly manner according to their respective ship types, and introduced themselves.

This is very time-consuming, because the white eagle has a lot of ships.

But everyone felt that time passed too fast.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, the ceremony was coming to an end.


Nuo Nuo came to Bai Yi, Lafite was a little ignorant, still immersed in the daze that Bai Yi had suddenly become a commander.

"Although I don't understand it very well, the feeling that Bai Yi is the commander is not bad..."

Lafite rubbed his beautiful wine-red eyes, "Benson-class destroyer, Lafite, I will sleep with the commander in the future Zzzzz." Hearing Lafite's ravings, Bai Yi smiled slightly, and he touched Lafite gently. Fei's head immediately turned to look at everyone.


That's right, from now on, he will be the commander of White Eagle~...

Chapter 112 Drunk Restriction~

Time flies.

With the afterglow of orange red like blood, the setting sun disappeared into the sky, and a full moon rose slowly, spreading bright and pure white moonlight to the earth.

In the brightly lit Baiying Port area, it was extremely lively.

Although the ceremony of appointing the commander took some time, the celebration banquet for this expedition was still held as usual.

of course.

This celebration banquet has also changed at this moment.

It was no longer to celebrate the victory of the expedition, but to celebrate their success in finding the commander.

This is more cause for celebration than an expedition victory.

corner of the banquet hall.

Looking at the wine glasses stacked into a pyramid on the table, Saratoga picked up her naval cane depressedly.

A wine tower like this must be taken from top to bottom.

Otherwise, it would be as if a tall building lost its foundation, and the entire wine tower would collapse in an instant.

This made Little Gaga a little upset.

Because - she, dear Sister Sara, can't get it (shock)!

Looking at the wine glass at the top of the standing wine tower at the 04 end, Saratoga puffed up his face. Really, stacked so high, have you considered the feelings of the lovely Sister Sara!

That's when Saratoga began to seriously consider whether to summon the ship and use the carrier-based aircraft to bring over the wine glass at the top of the wine tower while everyone was not paying attention.

A delicate and flawless jade hand gently stretched out and took the wine glass from the top of the wine tower.

Seeing this scene, Saratoga looked at the owner of the jade hand.

The pure black banquet dress exudes elegance and hazy beauty, the silver hair shawl, and the delicate and flawless snow-white pretty face, besides being gentle, there is also a rare blush.


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