"I've always been talking."

Before, when he decided to go to the mirror sea area to rescue the company and them, Bai Yi promised that as long as everyone can return to the port area safely, he will consider letting the purifiers leave.

Although he habitually left enough room for wrangling in these words.

However, Bai Yi was not prepared to do this.

The Purifiers have done their best in this expedition.

If there is no purifier to lead the way dutifully.

He wants to rescue the expedition fleet, but he doesn't know how many detours he will take.

Bai Yi has always had the character of reciprocating favors.

So, he will keep his promise and let the Purifier go.

next to.

After listening to Bai Yi's ins and outs, Enterprise pursed his lips.

Although it is said that the information about the sirens that Purification has mastered has been almost squeezed by the white eagle during the expedition.

However, a living siren who has intelligence, can communicate, does not have enough courage, and most people will never let him go just like that.

At least, companies don't think they have the courage.

I can only say that he is worthy of being their commander~ "Ah? Are you really going to let the purification go?"

Suspecting that he had heard it wrong, the Purifier asked again.

After getting an affirmative answer, she looked at Bai Yi in surprise, feeling a little dazed.

So far, she has never expected Bai Yi to keep his promise.

The reason why she wholeheartedly helped was also because, on the one hand, she was a little afraid of being scratched, which would make her face look weird.

On the other hand, she thinks that Bai Yi is a good person, even in front of their sirens, he can talk and laugh happily.

And also has the unknown ability to catch her.

This made her quite curious about Bai Yi, and she was happy to help.

Anyway, dead friends don't die poor daoists.

After all, Purification Pro is a partner of justice!

However, at this moment, looking at Bai Yi with a gentle expression, the Purifier's mood became a little complicated.

During her long life as a siren, she also encountered many humans.

There is this world, and there are other worlds.

However, someone like Bai Yi is still the first one!

Thinking to himself, the Purifier pursed his lips.

However, the optimist personality quickly gained the upper hand.

"~ Heh heh heh, that's what you said~"

Blinking his big golden (Qian Dezhao) eyes, the Purifier looked at Bai Yi curiously.

"Speaking of which... How do you go back to Purify?"

Bai Yi: "?"

He slowly made a question mark.

This question, you ask me?

Purification pro: "..."

She spread her hands in a daze, "You guys have destroyed all of Purification's outfits. Without the outfits, Purification has no way to go back, right?"

Bai Yi: "..." emmmmm...

"Then you can only live here for the time being..."

After thinking about it, Bai Yi made a decision.

early morning.

Jagged port area.

Although Akashi Express is expensive, it is very efficient.

Not long after, the letter from the company was successfully delivered to Bismarck.


Chapter 124 Everything is fine~

Iron blood.

in the office.


Gently tilting up the slender jade legs wrapped in black silk knee socks, resting his chin with one hand, Bismarck was also a little surprised when he saw the reply from the company in the letter.

She knows the character of the enterprise best.

If this application comes from the royal family, the company will definitely agree.

Because the relationship between Royal and White Eagle is very good.

How cooperative they are.

However, this application was sent to White Eagle by Iron Blood.

The relationship between White Eagle and Iron Blood can't be said to be bad, but it's not.

Considering this, when Bismarck contacted White Eagle, he had already guessed that the company might refuse Sangvis's visit.


She actually agreed?

Gently placing his wrist on the steel desk, Bismarck rested his chin on one hand, looking at the letter from White Eagle.

For a moment, she couldn't make up her mind.

It was mainly the changes in the company that disrupted her thoughts and made her feel a little at a loss.

"... What's wrong with you?"

Bismarck: "?"

Hearing the sudden voice in the office, she raised her head vigilantly and looked at the owner of the voice.

The exquisite and plump body is wearing a black and gold military uniform, and her hip-length hair is draped behind her back, with hair covering her eyes.

820 black silk stockings with slender thighs wrapped in flesh, paired with a short skirt extending from the military uniform, forming an absolute domain.

In the beautiful black and golden eyes, gentleness and cruelty coexist.

She is Frederick the Great, and the prestige in Iron Blood is second only to the existence of the flagship Bismarck.

Seeing her, Bismarck's guarded expression relaxed slightly.

Although, this is the iron-blooded port area.

The chance of her being attacked by the enemy is very small.

Tiny to the point of insignificance.

However, adhering to the principle that being cautious is never wrong, Bismarck still maintained sufficient vigilance in the port area.

in the office.

Gently clasping hands, looking at Frederick the Great, Bismarck rested his chin on one hand, and told the ins and outs of the matter.

"Is that so~"

Hearing what Bismarck said, Emperor Frederick nodded slightly.

"So, do you think the company's attitude has changed a lot before and after, and there may be some hidden problems...?"

Seeing Bismarck nodded.

Frederick the Great pursed his thin lips and said softly, "In this case, then leave the task of visiting the White Eagle to me." (aeaf)

"it is good.

Bismarck nodded.

As an iron-blooded ship girl who pursues efficiency, and she is also a flagship, she is certainly not the kind of mother-in-law.

After confirming the iron-blooded fleet visiting the White Eagle this time, led by Frederick the Great.

Bismarck immediately began to discuss with Frederick the Great which ship girls she would take with her on this trip.

With an iron-blooded and resolute style, they quickly decided who would visit White Eagle this time.

After half an hour.

Even if it is not yet dawn at this moment, the iron-blooded fleet that is ready to go has already rushed to the route to the White Eagle under the leadership of Frederick the Great.

That's when the Jagged Fleet set sail.

White Eagle Harbor.

A seashore, beside a marble fence.

Resting her chin on her jade hand, looking at the sparkling sea, Essex recalled for the first time, the scene she saw during the day...

Even after the daytime buffer.

Essex was still a little confused.

In any case, she never thought that one day, she would be stunned to see the company senior she had always respected on the commander's bed...

"Are you still struggling with what happened in the morning?"

Hearing the gentle male voice, Essex nodded subconsciously.

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