"Who are you going with?"

she asked suspiciously.


New Jersey closed his left eye and stuck out his tongue.


Looking at New Jersey, who was trying to pass the test, she had a subtle expression.

"Could you be planning to go alone with the commander?"


That's right!

Although New Jersey didn't say anything, it was still acting cute.

However, the company still saw such information from her face.


"That won't work!"

She shook her head without hesitation.

Bai Yi was their commander.

Not to be lost.

Although, New Jersey is very strong.

Even if she ranks all the ship girls, she can still be at the top.

The powerful firepower of the Iowa class is no joke.

Even the famous Frederick the Great may not be able to defeat her.

However 0...

Just let New Jersey go out alone with the commander, and the company is not at ease.

New Jersey waved.

Although she really wanted to give the project ship some ship equipment experience.

But this is not the main purpose of her inviting the commander.

After all, she can do things like earning ship experience with a single ship.

The reason why I called the commander...

Thinking of this, the beautiful face of New Jersey felt a little unnatural.

Noticing the change in her expression, Bai Yi tilted his head slightly.

Businesses didn't pay much attention to New Jersey's expression.

Because her eyes were on Bai Yi right now.

"Commander, what do you think?"

Hearing that New Jersey said it was just wandering around the port area, she was not so persistent.

Of course, Bai Yi had to decide on this matter.

After all, Bai Yi is their commander.

"My thoughts..."

Bai Yi touched his chin.

The fact that a boat from New Jersey went with him didn't really bother him much.

Anyway, he has the ability of "time stop", so he is safe and sound.

Compared with this, he cares more about the change in the expression of the talent in New Jersey.

The optimist New Jersey actually showed an embarrassing expression...

He touched his chin, vaguely guessing in his heart.

However, this speculation has yet to be confirmed...

next to.

Seeing Bai Yi nodding, the company no longer persisted.

"…Hold on."

She walked to the desk, took out the communicator from the drawer, and handed it to Bai Yi and New Jersey.

"This is Akashi's upgraded communicator~"

Although Akashi's fees are super expensive, as long as you pay enough red and pointed, Akashi's efficiency is also leveraged.

Not long after the expedition ended, Akashi upgraded the communicator.

After receiving the communicator, New Jersey looked at the enterprise curiously, "Can the new version of the communicator prevent the siren's signal from being blocked?"

In the last expedition, the siren's signal shielding device made them miserable.

If the commander hadn't acted in time, they still don't know if they would be able to return to the port area safely.

This also makes New Jersey most concerned about whether the communicator can prevent communication from being blocked.

Hearing her words, Enterprise shook his head.


New Jersey: "…"

So what has been upgraded with this thing?

Perhaps after hearing her complaints, the company continued, "Although the siren cannot be prevented from blocking the communication, if the upgraded communicator loses the signal, the port area will be able to get the news soon, and the signal finally disappears." Place"

In this way, the port area can respond in time and carry out rescue.

Hearing what the company said, New Jersey nodded clearly.

However, she 0.5 does not think that she and the commander will use this function.

After all, she's only going to spawn sirens around the port area.

It doesn't matter if she can't brush it, anyway, it's good that the commander can accompany her~ I thought to myself, soon, New Jersey and Bai Yi will be ready to set off.

"Don't you bring the training cabin?"

Looking at the empty-handed New Jersey, Bai Yi couldn't help asking curiously.

Their destination this time is near the port area.

It is understandable without supplies.

Why don't you even bring the plan ship training cabin?

"It doesn't matter, I can still keep the experience in ship equipment for a short time. New Jersey put her hands on her hips and blinked, "After all, I am the White Eagle battleship, the biggest and strongest Black_Dragon—New Jersey~"

"Yes yes yes~"

Hearing New Jersey's confident words, Bai Yi seemed to have returned to the moment when he first saw New Jersey, and couldn't help chuckling leisurely.

Soon, he set off with New Jersey.

Watching Bai Yi and New Jersey disappear from view.

Enterprise blinked its beautiful lavender eyes.

She agreed to let a boat from New Jersey accompany the commander to sail. That's right.

But she never said, she won't send someone to follow~ Thinking to herself, the corners of Enterprise's lips curled slightly.

at the same time.

On the sea area hundreds of nautical miles away from the Baiying port area.

Although Bai Yi did not tell Frederick the Great the exact location of the Siren base.

But she still deduced the exact coordinates of the Siren base from Bai Yi's few words.

For a moment.

These iron-blooded ship girls began to search.

PS: Two-in-one; it feels a bit slow, I have to speed up...

Chapter 137 Miss Black Dragon~

On the vast sea.

Emperor Frederick the Great stared into the distance with his beautiful black and golden eyes.

Prince Eugen, Hu Teng, and Z23 on the side also began to explore this sea area.

"The remains of sirens do exist here, but not many."

Hu Teng frowned, his golden pupils looked at Frederick the Great, and said so.

Prince Eugen and Z23 also came over and told their findings.

Similar to Hu Teng, they only found a small amount of siren remains.

As for the Siren base, not to mention the wreckage, I didn't even see a ghost.

Hearing what the three said, Emperor Frederick frowned.

She didn't think Bai Yi was fooling her.

No trace of the Siren base was found, this is their own problem.

I thought to myself, Frederick the Great was about to let Prince Eugen and the others look for it again.

If you can't find it, forget it.


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