PS: The picture shows Z23~...

Chapter 139 Iron Blood Change~

Seeing Z23, Bai Yi was slightly surprised.

Didn't she return to Iron Blood with Frederick the Great?

How would it appear here?


Thinking to himself, he looked around.

What about Frederick the Great, Hutten and Prince Eugen?

How did he not see them?

With such doubts.

Bai Yi turned his gaze to the enterprise standing next to Z23.

Notice the doubt in the commander's eyes.

The enterprise speaks lightly.


Not long ago, before Bai Yi and the others returned to the port area.

The company that replaced the commander in the office suddenly received a report from the patrol ship mother that Z23 had entered the sphere of influence of the white eagle.

Hear the news.

The company also had the same doubts as Bai Yi.

Didn't the Iron-Blooded Ship Girl headed by Frederick the Great already go back?

and so…

What is Z23 doing in Baiying Port area at this time?

With such doubts in mind, she came to the port and saw Z23, which was not in good condition. Seeing this, the company frowned slightly.

She made an immediate decision.

While summoning the Vesta to come over and treat Z23.

At the same time, he asked this weak little destroyer girl suspiciously what happened to see the enterprise.

Z23 immediately explained the ins and outs of the matter.


After leaving the White Eagle Port area, they came to the sea area where the White Eagle Expedition Siren base was.


They met the enemy.

It was a dreamlike pure white siren loli.

After spotting the siren loli approaching them, they attacked without hesitation.


Then there is no more.

Accompanied by dazzling bright white light.

In an instant, the Z23 briefly lost its vision.

until much later.

She can see things.

But this is no luck.

Because after recovering sight one by one.

She looked around blankly.

There is nothing in the sea.

No one is empty.

see this picture.

Her heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

Frederick the Great, Prince Eugen, Hutten.

Even the pure white siren loli.

They all disappeared.

827 is like what she experienced not long ago, but it was just a dream, a flower in the mirror, and a moon in the water.

But Z23 knows that this is not a dream.

Whether it is the siren loli she met, or Frederick the Great, they are all real.


They are all gone now.

She was the only one left here alone.

Such an accident, normally speaking, would inevitably severely impact the will of the person concerned. However, she was strong and did not choose to escape.

Instead, he quickly adjusted his mentality and searched in the nearby sea area.



Except for the siren wreckage that existed here before, sleeping on the bottom of the sea.

The sea is empty.

This is both bad news and good news for the Z23.

The bad news is that she did not find Frederick the Great and the others.

The good news is that she did not find Frederick the Great and the others.


At first glance, this seems very contradictory.

However, this is not the case.

She couldn't find Frederick the Great and the others, which meant that something might have happened to them.

This is bad news.

But she didn't find Frederick the Great's shipwreck, which means that maybe things haven't reached the worst point yet.

This made her anxious mood calm down a little.

Immediately afterwards, she changed her course and arrived at the Baiying Port area without any hesitation.

Because, at present, the only one who can help as quickly as possible is Bai Ying.

This is why Z23 appears in White Eagle.


Arrive at the Baiying port area and see the flagship enterprise of Baiying.

Only then did Z23 discover that the commander of White Eagle was not in the port area.

He went out.

Maybe, come back the next day.

Although Enterprise is the flagship of the White Eagle, she is also the wife of the commander.

Without the approval of the commander.

She will never make a decision on her own.

Hearing such news, Z23 was a little at a loss.

The Jagged Port area is too far away from here.

Far water does not quench near thirst.

What's more, the area where Iron Blood is located, for some reason, has very strong signal interference.

In the outside world, if you want to contact the iron-blooded port area, you have to use the most primitive way of sending letters.

After going back and forth like this, one or two days is not enough when Bismarck brings people over. For such a long time, will Frederick the Great and the others have time?

These thoughts welled up in my mind.

Looking at the sunset.

No matter how strong the girl was, she was at a loss at this moment.


Night falls.

Suddenly a white light appeared on the sea.

It was the patrolling White Eagle frigate, releasing the lighting lights for the returning commander.

For a moment.

The commander of the White Eagle appeared at the port.

Appeared in front of her at a loss.

White Eagle Port.

After listening to the company's narration, I learned the specific ins and outs.

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