Bai Yi had a delicate expression.

This is……

Looking at the stars?

Belfast: "…"

Belfast, who was serving beside him, was a little bit dumbfounded after seeing the food that Elizabeth brought to Bai Yi.

Early in the morning, the royal knights who were tired of fighting came to her coyly and asked her to make a look up at the starry sky.

Although it felt a bit wrong, Belfast still helped out, and gave it to Warspite to look up at the stars.

As a result, it seems that the person who wants to look up at the starry sky is Her Majesty?

Even if there has been speculation before.

But after seeing Elizabeth give Bai Yi the starry sky, Belfast couldn't help but smile a little.

"Eat it quickly, it's very delicious~"

Looking at Bai Yi, Elizabeth smiled slightly.

She didn't pay attention to Belfast's expression, but focused all her attention on Bai Yi.

Looking at the stars.

This is a very famous dark cuisine that became famous when they were still ordinary ships.

She couldn't wait to watch Bai Yi taste it~ so much so that she didn't notice that she was getting closer and closer to Bai Yi.

Seeing Elizabeth's pretty face so close, Bai Yi smiled slightly.

Just when Elizabeth felt something was wrong, Bai Yi stuffed a piece of "Looking Up at the Starry Sky" into her mouth.

Elizabeth: "?"

She froze.

"It looks delicious~"

Seeing that Elizabeth was just stunned, she didn't show a disgusting expression.

Bai Yi couldn't help retracting the fork curiously, took a piece from the starry sky, put it in his mouth, and chewed lightly.

"As expected of Miss Belfast's cuisine, the taste is very good~"

Bai Yi gave a thumbs up.

It can only be said that she is indeed the almighty perfect head maid, Miss Belfast.

Even looking up at the starry sky, the famous dark cuisine that Bai Yi had heard of before time travel, was so delicious, so delicious.


"As long as you are satisfied~"

Belfast smiled.

That's why she still made this dish even though she guessed that War Weariness came to her, but Elizabeth came to her.

Although looking up at the starry sky sounds like a dark dish.

It seems that it is also a dark dish.

However, under her careful cooking, this dish has left the category of dark cuisine, completed its transformation, and entered the field of high-end cuisine.

Even if it is used to entertain the commander of White Eagle, it will not arouse his disgust.

Of course, even if this dish is really a dark dish, it probably won't arouse the disgust of the White Eagle Commander...

Thinking to herself, Elizabeth in Belfast meowed in a daze, feeling slightly moved.

Like an unsolved mystery, no one knows what happened when they were in the Baiying Port area.

As a result, the relationship between the commander of the White Eagle and their majesty is so good...

Just a little bit curious...

Just when Belfast thought so, Elizabeth lowered her head slightly, her thoughts were a little complicated and chaotic.

She ate the Stargazing Sky that Bai Yi fed her.


Watching Bai Yi enjoy looking up at the starry sky.

Elizabeth was a little dazed.

What followed was the shyness of not knowing what to do.

After all, she has only seen such scenes in comics...

Taking advantage of going out in Belfast, only she and Bai Yi could work in this room, Elizabeth's pretty face turned red.

" are you doing, servant!"

Elizabeth crossed her waist, with a pretty and arrogant face.

"Good, don't make trouble~"

Elizabeth: "?"

Feeling Bai Yi's hand on her head, Elizabeth stared blankly at him.

Somewhat confused.

She was being patted again?

Thinking to herself, Elizabeth didn't realize it until a long time later.

"Hmm, servant!"

She crossed her hips, and the expression on her face couldn't tell whether it was shyness or anger, but Bai Yi was more inclined to the former.

She said angrily, "Don't touch this king's noble body casually!"

Still, say it.

Her somewhat unfamiliar pretty face gradually softened.

PS: Ask for flowers and evaluation votes, the picture is funny~... Five.

Chapter 161 Good Compatibility~

Although surprising.

But Bai Yi is already the commander of the White Eagle.

He represents the White Eagle.

His will is the will of White Eagle.

In addition, when Elizabeth first met Bai Yi, Bai Yi was not the commander of Bai Ying.

so long has passed...

Well, not for long though.

It's only half a month.

However, these times are more than enough.

Hearts change.

No one can tell, after becoming the commander of the White Eagle, whether it is military strength, or economic strength, or even whether it is the right to speak to human beings or to other ship mother camps, they have swelled to the extreme.

In her memory, the gentle person named Bai Yi, who would treat their mothers equally, might have changed.

Even Belfast can't tell about this.

It is precisely because of this concern.

Although she didn't say anything about it, Queen Elizabeth, who was looking forward to Bai Yi's coming to the royal family, was quite excited and excited. After seeing Bai Yi's arrival at the royal family, she would inevitably feel a little cautious.

Even the title of servant, which is more meaningful than Tsundere, didn't continue.

Bai Yi also noticed Elizabeth's strangeness.

After a little thought, he understood.

So there is what happened next.

Although it was his unintentional move to feed Elizabeth "looking up at the starry sky".

But the matter of touching his head was deliberately done by him.

Feeling Bai Yi's pat on the head, and the warmth from Bai Yi's hand.

Elizabeth crossed her hips, puffed up, but she didn't knock Bai Yi's hand off.

Obviously, "[-]" acquiesced to Bai Yi's Motou.

In the eyes of others, this is completely unimaginable.

After all, if it were someone else.

Don't talk about patting your head.

Even if he wanted to touch Elizabeth's dress, not to mention whether he would be thrown to feed the fish by the royal knights around Elizabeth.

Elizabeth herself would show this guy what is the main gun of an Elizabeth-class battleship.

But Bai Yi is not in this category.

For Elizabeth, Bai Yi's pat on the head was tolerable and acceptable.

This may be because, so far, Bai Yi has helped the royal family a lot.

The Royal Ship Lady's sense of Bai Yi is generally very good.

Elizabeth is no exception.

What's more, it wasn't the first time Bai Yi patted her head.

Maybe it's a habit.

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