In addition to the six-way swordsmanship, the Six Meridians Divine Sword also has the sword intent and sword energy.

At this moment, Su Han didn't care to keep his hand, and integrated the mystery of it into the Tianshan swordsmanship, and the power of the swordsmanship immediately increased several times.

"Little Lord!"

Mei Jian and the others retreated hundreds of meters away. They were extremely worried. Holding their long swords, they wished they could rush up to fight the young master together.

It's just that they also understand that rushing up at this time is not a help, but a drag.

He could only stop in place and watch helplessly.

"What a brilliant swordsmanship!"

When Su Han's sword technique changed, his aura was astonishing, Wuqing suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, "With this sword technique, the four younger sisters don't have to worry."

Mei Jian's eyes sparkled, and he exclaimed: "The young master is really amazing, he can always give us many surprises."


In the void, two groups of figures were intertwined, the cold light and handprints were as fast as illusion, and they made a crisp sound.

After dozens of blows in a row, the two figures suddenly separated and fell to the ground.

At this time, Su Han's face was flushed, his arms trembled, and the long sword in his hand couldn't bear the huge force, and it shattered into pieces with a clicking sound.

On the opposite side, Jiumozhi also felt uncomfortable, there were wounds on his palms, although they were not deep, blood was oozing out.

Even with the guru-level true energy protection, he could not block the supreme sword energy blessed by the sword intent, and his body was broken.

"What kind of sword technique is this?".

17 Retreat the strong enemy, say the magician's palace (seeking flowers for evaluation)

"Master, please guess!"

Su Han adjusted his true energy, raised his eyebrows and said.

"Little brother, your sword is broken at this time, and you are at a disadvantage. It is not wise to provoke the poor monk." Jiumozhi snorted angrily.

"Young master, take the sword!"

Seeing the sword shattered in the young master's hand, Mei Jian and others quickly threw the long sword out.

In an instant, four long swords flew across the sky.

Jiumozhi sneered: "If you want to rescue, you are naive."

Slashing with vigor in the palm of his hand, he directly cut the thrown long sword into several pieces.

The swords of Mei Jian and the others are just ordinary fine iron long swords, not peerless swords, and without the blessing of true energy, how can they withstand a blow from a master-level master?

"National teacher, you have been tricked!"

Su Han's expression changed, and he suddenly dropped the hilt of his sword. The next moment, his right thumb pointed towards Jiumozhi.

At this time, Jiumozhi was swaying the true energy to cut off the plum sword and the four swords. He was empty in front of him, and his mind was divided. When he saw Su Han's thumb pointing out, he suddenly felt a deadly sense of crisis in his heart, and quickly turned backwards.


Even though he hid extremely exquisitely, it was still a bit late, he only felt a icy air flow passing by, a hole was cut in the monk's robe on his body, and a deep scar was pierced on his waist.

"How brave!"

Faced with this blow, Jiumozhi not only did not retreat, but jumped up into the air, approaching Su Han, his palm melted into a grasp, and grabbed Su Han.


Su Han's figure was erratic, and he made another sword strike.

Flying his fingers, it was infinite sword energy, which made Jiumozhi in the void feel even more dangerous, and he couldn't help but feel a retreat in his heart.

Moreover, he already guessed that what Su Han used was He Wuxue.

He came here for this reason, this son is proficient in the six-veined sword, and just happened to stop here, doesn't it mean that there may be an ambush here!

With a wave of his palm, the powerful flaming knife met the sword energy, and Jiumozhi's figure tumbled and fell to the ground. He took a deep look at Su Han and ran straight into the nearby woods without stopping.

"National Teacher, leave, I haven't finished using the Six Meridians Excalibur yet!"

Su Han shouted, "Let's fight again!"

In the woods, Jiumozhi's expression changed several times.

"Sure enough, it's the Six Meridians Excalibur. It's not good. I must not go to Dali now, or I might fall into an ambush laid by Tianlong Temple."

Thinking of this, he tapped his body a few times, stopped the bleeding on his waist, and went faster into the deep mountains.

"Grandmasters are really hard to deal with." Hearing that Jiumozhi's footsteps were getting further away, Su Han heaved a sigh of relief.

Previously, plotting against Murong Bo and killing him made him feel a bit contemptuous towards master-level masters.

Now confronting Jiumozhi head-on, only to realize that the master-level powerhouse is indeed not in vain.

After a great battle, the nearly [-]-meter official road has been turned into a mess, and the huge boulders several people high have been turned into dust. Washed in general.

"Young master, are you alright?"

Seeing the enemy leave, Mei Jian and others rushed up and surrounded Su Han.

Su Han waved his hand: "It's nothing, it's just that there is a lot of internal energy loss."

The previous internal strength and true qi were all used to lay the foundation. His current internal strength is cultivated by himself. It has only been close to 20 years. After fighting for so long, it has long since bottomed out.

If Jiumozhi refused to retreat, he could only rely on his body to fight Jiumozhi.

Lan Jian snorted coldly: "That monk is so nasty, once I have practiced the martial arts of the young bishop, I will definitely trouble him in the future."

"Then Lan Jian, you should practice hard, otherwise, master-level masters are not so easy to deal with." Su Han smiled.

Just as he was talking, he stepped forward ruthlessly.

"Thank you Brother Su for your help, otherwise, I'm afraid I'm going to end up here today." Without emotion.

Su Han waved his hand: "It's okay, I'm acquainted with the ruthless girl, so I won't help you. By the way, what kind of power are these people?"

asked the man in black pointing at the ground.

After the great battle just now, these black-clothed corpses have long been incomplete and have become extremely fragmented.

He murmured ruthlessly: "If my prediction is correct, they should be people sent by Yuan Kingdom's Magician's Palace. Before, I tracked down who was disturbing the rivers and lakes, and then I was blocked by them. It seems that this matter is related to them."

Su Han's heart skipped a beat.

Magician Palace?

Could it be that Murong Bo used the same way to kill the people in the rivers and lakes, not just for the sake of Murong's family?

Is there a magician's palace plan behind it?

These two are like shit-stirring sticks, and it is only natural that they get together.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help talking about Murong Bo.

"Murong Bo isn't dead yet?" Wu Qing widened his eyes in disbelief.

Su Han nodded: "That's right. Now that Murong Bo's body is being transported to Shaolin by Xuan Bei, Miss Ruthless should be able to find it if she wants to."

"Thank you for the reminder, Brother Su." Ruthlessly cupped his hands, "This is an important discovery. It's not too late, I will stay soon, next time Brother Su arrives in Bianliang, let's talk about it."

Saying that, Shi Shiqinggong went straight away.

"Let's go too."


A group of five people got on their horses, crossed Lijiang, then entered Sichuan and entered Qinghai, crossed the vast Gobi, and went straight to Tianshan.

Along the way, Su Han thought about the loss of Dali and his party, and suddenly thought of the manggu and Zhu clam in Wuliang Mountain.

"In the future, to fight with various forces, poison is the most common method. Manggu Zhuha will still have to fetch it in the future."

Xingxiu Sea has the Divine Wood King Ding, which is a sharp weapon for catching poisonous insects, and it is not difficult to catch Manggu Zhu clams.

As for the application, of course it is used for alchemy.

He didn't dare to swallow it raw.

In the original book, Duan Yu also swallowed many poisonous insects before swallowing Zhu clams. No one knows what the ratio is. This is why he didn't even think about Zhu clams before.

If the poisonous insects I swallowed were wrong, and instead stimulated the toxicity of the clams, then not only would I not get a physique that is invulnerable to all poisons, but I might die directly.

As we get closer to Tianshan Mountain, the weather becomes colder and colder. From a distance, we can see a jade belt winding and undulating, like a white dragon lying on the ground, which is extremely magnificent.

"Young master, the Tianshan Mountain is ahead, and we are very close to the Vulture Palace." Lan Jian cheered, "We will be safe here!"

Su Han nodded: "By the way, does Vulture Palace have such things as black iron and cold iron?"

The battle with Jiumozhi made him see the benefits of magic weapons.

If he had a divine weapon in hand at that time, how could he have fought so hard with Jiumozhi, at least he could have persisted until Jiumozhi retreated.

Mei Jian: "Of course there is. Our Vulture Palace is a holy land of martial arts, so we naturally collect these things. When we get to the mountain, the young master and the honorable master can just talk about it."

"it is good."

I can't help feeling anxious and looking forward to it.

What does Tianshan Child Elder look like?

How brilliant is Jiutian Jiubu? .

18 Grandma's Pampering (asking for flowers)

When they reached the foot of the mountain, the five of them handed over the horses to the disciples stationed here to take care of them, and then went up the mountain on foot.

Su Han originally thought that the Vulture Palace of Tianshan Mountain was on the top of Tianshan Mountain, but he didn't expect that he was wrong.

It turned out that the Vulture Palace was built at the southern foot of Tianshan Mountain, on a flat ground as warm as spring.

"Young master, although people in the martial arts world like to practice martial arts on the top of the mountain, few of them would establish their sect there. The weather is too bad, and people with strong skills are fine. If the skills are too shallow, isn't it the root cause of the disease?"

Lan Jian nodded: "Yes, grandma often brings back some homeless women. They don't have martial arts, so how can they stand the cold air on the top of the mountain?"

Su Han suddenly said: "So that's the case."

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