Receive orders from Muhammad.

The subordinates hurried forward to plant a bomb on the pirate ship abandoned by sister Zhou at the port, and finally detonated it.

As for Cobra's order

Naturally, that's how it's done.

And the other side

Inside the World Economic News Service.


"Are you sure what you said is true?"

"Hahahaha, not bad, not bad, it is indeed unexpected big news!"

I saw that Morgans, one of the emperors of the underground world, had a happy face at the moment.

With Morgens hanging up the bug.

However, a few photos were quickly spit out from the printer at the side, each with a piece of news.

Looking at the photo, Morgans also hurriedly ordered someone to take it down.

"Quick! Everyone started working overtime to print it for me!"

"This is another big news that shocked the sea!"

With the order of Morgons

One of the press officers under him hurriedly started to rush.

And the content of this news,

Exactly what the Dumb Bride Pirates did in the kingdom of Alabasta.

The latest information obtained made Morgans very happy.

Unexpectedly, it will not be long after the Dumb Bride Pirates shine in Rogue Town.

This pirate group unexpectedly brought itself another surprise.

"What a good pirate team~"

"It seems that we need to pay more attention to this pirate group in the future!"

Soon the big news that Morgans got his hands on worked overtime to make it out.

Newspapers were quickly carried by Newsbird to all over the world.

This time it is definitely another hit.

Thinking of the shocked expressions of the whole world, Morgans looked satisfied.

as predicted.

The latest issue of the newspaper was quickly received around the world.

somewhere in the new world

On the Moby Dick

"Father, look at the latest news, that pirate group has made a big fuss again!"

"What a group of newcomers!"

Marco's shout was heard from afar.

White Beard also took the newspaper in Marco's hand with a doting expression.

But this time, White Beard's attention was not attracted by Sister Zhou and the others.

Instead, it was the defeated Crocodile that attracted Whitebeard's attention.

"Gu la la la la ~"

"This brat has been defeated again~"

"It's getting more and more worthless!"

Looking at the introduction in the newspaper, White Beard couldn't help laughing.

Whitebeard still has some impressions of Crocodile, the brat who challenged him.

Unexpectedly, this kid went to the great route without any future.

The redheaded Redforth on the other side.

Since breaking up with Hawkeye.

Red hair led the pirates to continue sailing in the new world,

looking at the newspaper in hand

For this latest content, the red-haired eyes kept shining with an inexplicable light at this time.

No one knew what he was thinking.

Compared to several emperors in the new world.

Doflamingo, who was located in the Dressrosa Palace, was much more unexpected.


"Crocodile was actually defeated~"

"Moreover, he even joined the other party's pirate group!"

"It's really surprising!"

Look at the contents of the newspaper.

At this moment, the smile on Doflamingo's face was almost overflowing.

Diamanti and others on the side also laughed when they saw this.

But soon the smile on Doflamingo's face disappeared.

"Crocodile can actually join this pirate group, so there must be something in this pirate group that attracts him~"

"Notice, let the islands that are closer to Alabasta be careful~"

"I found this group of pirates, and hurriedly reported to Lao Tzu~"

"This sea is starting to become more interesting, furfurfur~~"

After Doflamingo finished speaking, Diamanti and others hurriedly left with orders.

Looking at the people leaving,

Doflamingo slowly came to the window.

Looking at the peaceful Dressrosa, the eyes hidden under the sunglasses did not know what to think about.

Soon, newspapers spread throughout the world.

Everyone is full of interest in this dumb bride pirate group that makes news one after another.

Especially when the opponent has already defeated a king Qiwukai

This strength is enough to attract the attention of some people.

At this time the Kingdom of Alabasta.

"What do you navy do?!"

"Why don't you go after these damned pirates! Ask me instead!"

"We, Alabasta, are one of the member countries of the world government!"

"You must arrest these damned pirates as soon as possible!"

Looking at the chattering Cobra in front of him.

At this moment, Smoker looked helpless.

Originally, after Smoker received the order, he thought that the dumb bride pirates were still in the Kingdom of Alabasta

So come quickly with your troops

But still a step slower

Listen to Cobra's chatter.

Smoker couldn't help but said quietly: "King Cobra, you don't need to tell me these~"

"I just came here with an invitation to invite the dumb bride pirates to become the new king Shichibukai. As for the arrest of the other party you requested, you need to wait until they clearly reject this invitation~"

"Also, if you have any questions, you can report to our Warring States Marshal!"

As Smoker said bluntly,

Ignoring Cobra's ever-changing expression, he led the army away directly.

Now that the Dumb Bride Pirates are no longer in the Kingdom of Alabasta.

They have to continue to catch up and send out invitations.

Watching Smoker go away.

At this time, Cobra could only stand in a daze in the palace, powerless and furious.

Looking at the furious Cobra, Weiwei at the side could only sigh helplessly when she saw this.

A banquet could have maintained a good relationship.

As a result, it has become hard and deeply into the current situation.

On the other side of the East China Sea.

What about Windmill Village?

Listening to Makino read the contents of the newspaper.

At this time, Luffy is full of longing for sailing travel.


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