It's just that it can't be regarded as a festival between him and Ze Yu, it can only be said that he can't get it himself.

Ze Yu can tame the devil into obedience, just like a dog...

But he can only silently fall in love with him... If he can't get it, he can only watch, stare, helpless...

Just his wishful thinking.

"What the hell happened!"

Jiang Mengmeng looked at Jiang Yu seriously.

Jiang Yu's lips twitched, and he finally sighed: "Then Ze Yu... belongs to the Lord Demon Lord..."




Jiang Mengmeng's expression became confused: "Brother, what are you talking about? Elder Cho, is the master of Lord Demon Lord?! How is this possible?!"

"I don't know, they are considered a husband and wife relationship... But, it's just..." Jiang Yu couldn't tell, he couldn't say it to his sister, this kind of thing!

"In private, they played tricks like that. The Lord Demon Lord called Senior Elder Master...Is that true? Brother?" Jiang Mengmeng is not an innocent girl who doesn't understand anything, she also knows some knowledge.

"Yes, so, you, you'd better not continue to communicate with'll put yourself in!" Jiang Yu spoke weakly.

Because there is a deep powerlessness.

"So, choose the senior, and conquer the Lord Demon Lord?"

"... You can say that." Hearing his sister say such words, Jiang Yu's heart was hit hard again.

"Take that demon lord..."

Jiang Yu's expression became complicated. He saw his sister's fox tail...waving there, which showed that his sister was in a good mood.

Hearing that Zeyu is such a person, I'm in a good mood...

"Then I don't have anything to ask, I, I'll go first, brother."


Jiang Yu said weakly, he could only beg his sister in his heart, don't go to choose Yu... He didn't want to see his sister and the demon master whom he had a crush on being played by the same man one day...



On the other side, Ze Yu and the Empress met again, and the Empress took Ze Yu to the Peach Blossom Forest where she retreated.

"What are you here for?"

Nangong Ruonan pretended to be cold and looked at Ze Yu.

But in fact... for some reason, her heart was throbbing all the time. From the moment she saw Ze Yu, she had an inexplicable feeling in her heart, which kept haunting her heart.


She knew the feeling, realized it.

But... She didn't know where the root of the problem was.


Ze Yu said with a smile.

"Recycling? I don't remember I owe you anything."

"Yes, the ring."

Zeyu stretched out his hand, opened it, and asked Nangong Ruonan for the ring: "You violated the agreement between us, and the succubus pattern on your body was resolved by yourself, so I will naturally take back your ring." .”

"From now on, you have nothing to do with me."

"If you give it back, I'll give it back to you. It's just a makes me feel like it's rare."

Nangong Ruonan stretched out her hand, wanting to take off the ring on her ring finger, but when she touched the ring, she hesitated.

very hesitant...

But under Ze Yu's gaze, she took off the ring and threw it to him.

"Give it back to you."


Ze Yu took the ring.

Then the scene was deadlocked for a while, Nangong Ruonan couldn't help saying: "Get out of here quickly!"

"My lord empress...I don't like your tone of voice."

"Huh? You don't like it?" Nangong Ruonan felt baffled, and even a little annoyed: "What does it matter to me if you don't like it?! You said it yourself, there is no relationship between us!"

"Now, I am not restricted by you, the cursed thing... let it be there, so what? You can no longer threaten me with Zi Nao and Zhuyue, and they have a certain amount of trust in me now...You threaten me, they will know!"

"So I don't have to listen to you anymore, scumbag!"

Nangong Ruonan looked at Ze Yu coldly.

Ze Yu smiled softly, and snapped his nails: "Really?"

"Take off your clothes and crawl under my feet, bitch."


Nangong Ruonan responded subconsciously, then stood up subconsciously, peeled off Tsing Yi's belt with her fingers, let it slide down gently, along her soft jade body, Bai Xue's carcass, and was immediately exposed to the air.

Inside is pale pink underwear with a little simple pattern, which reflects the empress's rosy jade body. The slender jade legs twist slightly, and a pair of beautiful feet are extremely attractive.

In front of outsiders, the incomparably pure, cold and aloof Empress Fuyao, at this moment, is like an X. dog, slowly bending her knees, with a charming and flattering movement, slightly licking her rosy lips with her tongue, her eyes full of confusion, as if For this kind of thing, this posture is very skilled.

Kneeled down.

Then it was the hand, which also fell to the ground.

Like a dog, it crawls on the ground with its head slightly lick its master's feet to please him.

She doesn't have the dignity and arrogance of the Fuyao Empress at all!

Like a contrast. bitch.

No, just a bitch!


When her eyes fell on the ground and on Ze Yu's dusty shoe, Nangong Ruonan came back to her senses and regained her consciousness. What was she... doing?

She got up in a panic, leaning on the table with one hand and touching her face with the other, she looked at Ze Yu tremblingly:

"what did you do to me?"

"I, why am I, why is it like this again..."

"No, this shouldn't be like this... I've untied the succubus pattern! Untied! I'm no longer at your mercy, I don't want to be tricked by you anymore, I'm still... Fuyao Empress!"


Nangong Ruonan's delicate body trembled, she couldn't understand, couldn't understand why.

Untied!She paid such a high price, endured such humiliation, and finally untied the succubus pattern!

But why is she still like this... Hearing Ze Yu's order, she took off her clothes like a dog, then got down on the ground, and crawled over like him without dignity?

Wagging his tail, as if longing for his luck...

"I didn't do anything, maybe, you are essentially a good dog who obeys orders? Empress?" Ze Yu chuckled.

"Who told you to stand up and get down! Put it on!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry husband... I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Nangong Ruonan knelt down on the ground in a hurry, the collar was thrown in front of her, she looked at the collar dully, then she got up in a panic, backed up in a hurry, backed up to the corner, only then did she A little bit of peace of mind... But the panic in her eyes still couldn't stop.

"Why? Why... is it still like this..."

Nangong Ruonan thought about it carefully.

Thinking back on the reason, what popped into her mind was that she had experienced 99 times of absence, in the memory of losing consciousness, in the fantasy of herself...

Because it was in fantasy, and in that scene, every time she imagined, she always regarded Ze Yu as her husband... And she also imagined the most suitable character for Ze Yu, rough, indifferent, in With such a personality, treating her...

After going through 99 times, he finally untied the succubus pattern.

"Won't it be my body, remembering the contents of those hallucinations?"

Nangong Ruonan's voice was trembling and low, whispering this fact that made her feel horrible.



【Good night, ask for a monthly pass~ please~】

310 The Fall of the Empress

"You cheated on me again!"

Nangong Ruonan clenched her silver teeth and stared at Ze Yu.

"My lord empress, you can't wrong a good person. I didn't do anything to you. You broke your oath first and wanted to undo the succubus pattern, right? Then you can't blame me."

Ze Yu shrugged helplessly.

"This is clearly calculated by you! You calculated me!"

"So? Kneel down!"

Ze Yu's voice became cold again.

Hearing such a tone, before Empress Fuyao's consciousness could react, her body moved first, her knees immediately bent down, and then she knelt down on the ground...


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