Nangong Ruonan originally felt a little jealous and upset, but after knowing that Ze Yu didn't give her ring to Yuan Gupan, her heart suddenly softened.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ruo Nan... Ruo Nan knew he was wrong, Ruo Nan shouldn't run away from her husband..."

"I didn't take it to heart, after all... We don't have any relationship anymore, don't we?"

Ze Yu shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Although the empress had a very good attitude,...why should he accept it?

Apologize...that must be pouted and slapped on the snow-white roundness a few times!Hit it red and swollen!Only then can I barely forgive!

"I...I know."

From the moment Nangong Ruonan showed up and came here, he was ready to make up for it.

Anyway, it doesn't matter anyway... Falling once is falling, falling twice is also falling.

He was even known by his own subordinates, knowing that he was like that...

So, even if it really fell, so what?

"I have a way to make you forgive me... I will definitely satisfy you, but I don't want to be here, and I don't want this person to watch..."

"Yes, can you go to a place outside the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Cult?"

Although Nangong Ruonan was depraved, she didn't want Yuan Gupan to watch her degenerate, she just wanted to be alone with Ze Yu and be together.

Even if it's that...excessive treatment, she can accept it.

But Yuan Gupan was here, and she really didn't want to be in this forbidden area of ​​the Demon Cult that was full of surveillance.

Everywhere in this forbidden area, there are light spots of video hidden in the spiritual power in the air.

"You said you can make me satisfied, can you?"

"...Yes." Nangong Ruonan came in front of Ze Yu: "If I say yes, I can. If your husband thinks that I am lying, you might as well feel whether I am lying."

Empress Fuyao actually took the initiative to grab Ze Yu's hand, and then stuck it to her plump place... so that Ze Yu could feel her heartbeat.

"Husband, you are a doctor, right? Is my heart beating smoothly?"

"Steady, but jumping fast." Ze Yu said softly.

"Of course, because I saw my husband, my heartbeat couldn't help but speed up, but I didn't lie."

"OK then."

Seeing that Nangong Ruonan was so sincere, sacrificed so much, and took the initiative, Zeyu didn't refuse much.

After all, there is no enmity between him and Nangong Ruonan.

"Thank you husband."

But Yuan Gupan on the side suddenly frowned slightly, a little unwilling, and tried his best to stick his jade body to Ze Yu: "Master... what did you promise her? I have everything she has!"

"Hey, I'll be with you when I come back."

"……All right."

Yuan Gupan didn't dare to make a fuss, so she had to compromise, she knew that if she made a fuss, the master would definitely be unhappy, so if she was more obedient, she would be able to get the company of the master instead.

But she still gave Nangong Ruonan a dissatisfied look.

Naturally, Nangong Ruonan didn't care.



"Or, right here?"

Ze Yu and the Empress came all the way to the area where Zhengdao was stationed at the border. There are few people here now, because the main force has withdrawn, and the last few people are left to finish off.

There are also people from the Dongxuan Dynasty. After all, they have no place to go, they are rectifying, and they plan to go back to the house in a few days, and go back to the Dongxuan Dynasty.

"...Here, isn't it good? If someone finds out..."

Nangong Ruonan is still a little scared. Although there are a lot fewer people here, there are still people. If someone sees...then...

Her plan was to take Ze Yu to the place where she had been retreating, that is, the peach blossom forest.

"If someone finds out, what will you do?"

Ze Yu asked.

Nangong Ruonan was stunned for a moment, then bit his lips lightly: "...Husband, do you want me to be seen?"

"Just kidding, but what if someone was listening at the door?"

"...Then, then I will feel..."

"What do you think?"

Nangong Ruonan's face was extremely red: "I feel very exciting..."

"Bitch... so cheap."


Nangong Ruonan could only respond in a low voice, since Yuan Gupan was no longer watching anyway, if he admitted it, he would admit it.


Then, Nangong Ruonan and Ze Yu entered an empty tent together, Nangong Ruonan swallowed, feeling very nervous, but she knew what to do.

"Please husband... treat me casually, you can do whatever you want with my body, and let you dispose of it... I will cooperate with you if you want to call it...whether it is husband or it daddy, yes, yes Can…"

The Empress's Tsing Yi slipped off a little bit, revealing the black erotic underwear she had already worn underneath...


It's just that when the empress raised her head to apologize, Bai Cheng noticed that the empress and Ze Yu had stepped into the same tent, so he frowned slightly, held his breath, and approached the tent with a slight trembling body...



312 The collapsed Bai Cheng, the arrival of the little fox girl~

Bai Cheng approached the tent step by step, and then heard a somewhat familiar voice, it was the voice of the empress, and he would not admit it.

"Dad... um..."

The first title he just heard made Bai Cheng very defensive!

And after that, there were even a bunch of unsightly, filthy words!

It really made Bai Cheng almost out of breath.

I just watched the video before, just saw the empress groveling to that man... But it was a record after all, it was a video, what if, what if it was fake?

But now, he saw the empress and Ze Yu walk into the same tent with his own eyes, and then came out various words that he couldn't accept...

The yelling became louder, and Bai Cheng's eyes became more hollow.

"This is the Empress?"

"...I don't believe it...I don't believe it!"

"I can't take it! Can't!"

He roared loudly in his heart, but Bai Cheng was still eavesdropping outside the tent, listening to the hysterical shouts of the empress he admired.

Calling other men husband...even master...father.

Then he demeaned himself... as if he was just trying to please that man.

"Go to hell! Go to hell!"

Bai Cheng covered his ears, even if he was a strong man who was half-step into a god, his mind was a little unstable at the moment.

His feelings for the Empress... are complicated.

To him, the Empress is a high-ranking existence who can only be looked up to. If he can touch an inch of the Empress's skin, even if it's just an arm...he feels that this life is worth it!

The first time he saw the Empress, he felt that such a pure and charming Fuyao Empress was very suitable for his mate selection criteria... But the Empress was so much higher than his standards that he couldn't get it at all.

But the empress he couldn't get was a dog in front of other men. For that man, the empress could shout hysterically and belittle herself like that!

Simply, it made him feel suffocated!Aversion to cold!

"go back…"

Bai Cheng couldn't listen anymore, walked straight into the tent, patted the table, and looked at the subordinates in front of him: "Retreat, return to court!"

"General Bai, we haven't finished reorganizing the remaining troops. Some people are still in the depths of the battlefield and haven't been brought back..."

"I said, withdraw troops! NOW!!!"

Bai Cheng roared loudly, his mind was filled with the cries of the empress, alluring and charming, but was for Ze Yu.



"Husband? Husband...? Master? Like?...Um... like?..."

Nangong Ruonan was lying on the side, hugging Ze Yu's arm, still muttering in his mouth, his voice was charming and pleasant, his eyes were a little blurred, but he had obviously lost consciousness.

"Go to sleep..."

"Okay, husband?~"

Hearing Ze Yu's words, Nangong Ruonan also closed her eyes heavily, and her murmurs gradually stopped. The once pure and proud Empress Fuyao has degenerated into this appearance. She is clinging to Ze Yu's side tightly, I don't want to be separated for a moment.

[The host dedicates himself to the patient and spends so much time and energy. This spirit has moved the system to the extreme.]

[Here is a reward: the initial cultivation base of the God Transformation Realm]

At this moment, the originally clear sky at the border suddenly changed color and became cloudy... gloomy.

No one knows why.

But that's just a thunder that can't fall.

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