Jiang Mengmeng was also stunned.

She covered her mouth and ran away flushing.

Because she was so wronged, she wanted to find someone to confide in...so she said it accidentally, it was so embarrassing!

But these words had a great impact on Jiang Yu.

So... this is my younger sister's cheating, for cheating, in order for Ze Yu to sleep with her, even at the cost of her body and her own innocence...

Call yourself a slut or something... to please him.

In the end, was kicked out?

At this moment, Jiang Yu didn't know whether to be happy or to sigh. He sat on the chair with his head up, looking at the scarlet sky of the Demon Cult, and his whole body was numb...why did all the people he cared about get fucked by that man? gone?

Why? !



"So, Mom, have you become Brother Yu's concubine?"

Nangong Zi Nai looked at Nangong Ruonan with eyes like interrogating a prisoner.

Nangong Ruonan lowered her head, she was really embarrassed about this kind of thing... She was serving a husband with her own daughter, and her status was not as high as her daughter's...

what a shame...

"So, I'm going to call you now, Dad, aren't I?"

Nangong Zi Nai glanced at Ze Yu.

"You can do whatever you like." Ze Yu smiled coyly.

"I like a ghost! Bite, bite you to death!"

Nangong Zi Nai gnawed on Ze Yu's neck...biting and biting.

And Nangong Zhuyue looked at her mother who was blushing at the moment, and suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar... Is she also the same...


One month later, Ze Yu lived a very warm daily life in the harem. All his harem lived in the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Sect, so it can be said that he lived a happy life.

At this moment, the apparent pattern of the entire Beixuan Realm has not changed.

Being ruled by the Demon Cult and the Righteous Way respectively... It's just that secretly, the Demon Lord of the Demon Cult and the Empress of the Righteous Way have sunk under Ze Yu's body.

It can be said that the entire Beixuan Realm is under the control of Ze Yu.

Just at this moment, Dongxuan Realm.

Bai Cheng brought the Dongxuan Forbidden Army back to the capital of the Dongxuan Dynasty.

"So, you didn't do anything, just came back, didn't you?"

The majestic and majestic female voice of a slightly older age came from behind the curtain at the top of the court. Through the curtain, only a slight outline of the inside could be seen clearly. In front of the curtain sat the young emperor who dared not say a word. There are hundreds of puppet emperors.

And behind that curtain is the real mother of the Dongxuan Dynasty, the Empress Dowager Dongxuan.

Just seeing a blurred outline, one can also see that the queen mother's beautiful cheek outline is not old, but looks much better than most young women.


Bai Cheng reported in a low voice, apparently the matter of the Empress still affects him now.

"Empress Fuyao... is really good, is she playing alone? Or is there another accident?"

The empress dowager raised a pair of jade legs, overlapping each other in warmth, and behind the curtain, she slightly narrowed her pair of beautiful red phoenix eyes.



[Little fox girl can't hold back, let's just open the next map]

[The next map, our yellow hair will lose its memory for a while, but don't worry, hold back the big one]

Book information:

Title: Brother, you don't want your sister to go crazy, do you?

Author: Sadako cute pinch

id: 576657

Book introduction:

On that day, my brother knelt on the ground and begged me to save his crush for ten years

As a doctor, how can I just sit idly by.

pulse, massage, injection, guidance

And senior brother knelt outside the door, obviously I met her first, why...? !

"Senior Brother, this is all necessary, you don't want Senior Sister to go mad, do you?"

The senior sister recovered from her illness, and the senior brother mustered up the courage to confess to the senior sister, but...

"Senior Brother, this is what Senior Sister herself wants to confess to me!"

At this moment, the senior brother's eyes lost their light.

But the senior sister lay beside my ear: "Junior Brother, Senior Sister's body seems to be a little uncomfortable, please show me again?"

Dongxuan Dynasty!Miss Bai ~ Empress Dowager ~ ~ Lord General ~

315 Amnesia, Miss Bai Family

【Ding, you have a new patient】


Ze Yu was lying in Su Xiaoqing's arms, resting with his eyes slightly squinted, but the long-lost mechanical sound of the system suddenly sounded in his ears.

【New patient: Wu Muqing】

[Identity: General of the Dongxuan Dynasty, a strong man in the early stage of the God Transformation Realm, and the maid of the Empress Dowager Dongxuan]

[Illness: I have been using the magic sword for many years, and was affected by the magic energy in the magic sword. She was forcibly promoted to the state of becoming a god by relying on the magic sword. Now, her lifespan is only the last few years]

[Mission Help Item: Powerless Eye Mask]

[Weakness Eyepatch: After wearing it, the spiritual power will be blocked, and the body will be in a state of weakness. After wearing it on the patient, it can be treated more cooperatively, which is beneficial to the patient]

"The general of the Dongxuan Dynasty... I thought I didn't need to go, but I didn't expect to go."

Ze Yu shook his head and sighed inwardly.

"However, the general of the Dongxuan Dynasty turned out to be a woman disguised as a man..."

Ze Yu also knew some information about the Dongxuan Dynasty, among which the information about the general said that the general was male, extremely brave, wearing a mask of evil spirit all the year round, known as ghosts and gods.

Now it seems... the real function of that mask is probably to cover up the fact that she is a woman.


"Brother Yu, are you going to Dongxuan Dynasty? What are you doing there?"

Nangong Zi Nai asked softly, puffing up her cheeks slightly, obviously they have only been together for a few months, are they going to part again?

"Of course there is something wrong. Ruonan may be targeted by the Dongxuan Dynasty. After all, no matter how you say it, the borrowing of soldiers this time, in the eyes of the Dongxuan Dynasty, Ruonan is playing tricks on them."

"Husband, they are staring at me, they are staring at me, I am not afraid of them, their queen mother is a little lower than me, and now I am not bound by the curse... I will break through to the god of transformation in a few days, she It's just a perfect transformation, so why be afraid?"

Nangong Ruonan's voice was calm, as if he didn't pay much attention to the Dongxuan Dynasty.

She is now Ze Yu's concubine, so there is no need for Ze Yu to continue to bind Nangong Ruonan with a curse.

Nangong Ruonan, without restraint, can break through to Huashen at any time... At that time, she will be the strongest in the four realms.


Zeyu coughed in a low voice, which was transmitted to Nangong Ruonan through sound transmission.

Nangong Ruonan was stunned for a moment, and then remembered...the queen mother of the Dongxuan Dynasty seems to be very beautiful, in terms of appearance, she is not inferior to her.

Immediately, Nangong Ruonan stopped talking, but in her eyes... could not help but have a bit of resentment hidden in her pair of almond-shaped eyes.

"Then... what about me? Master?"

Yun Miao walked out with a slightly enlarged belly: "There are still five months, and the child will be born... Although my blood is humble, this is the master's child after all."

"I will come back in the last month."

Ze Yu touched Yun Miao's head, and Yun Miao narrowed her eyes in comfort... This seemed to be the first time that Ze Yu touched her head, and he had always treated her very roughly before.



Three days later, Dongxuan Realm, the boundless beach.

A young girl was wearing a light blue dress, stepping barefoot on the beach, looking up at the boundless sea in front of her, blowing the sea breeze.

A maid stood beside her, holding an umbrella in her hand to shade the girl from the sun:

"Miss, it's getting late, if you go back later, you will be scolded by Master Bai Cheng."

"It's okay, my brother won't scold me, it's hard for me to come to the boundless seaside, let me stay for a while."

The young girl whispered, quietly blowing the sea breeze.

"Okay." The maid didn't say anything more, but looked at the beach with the girl.

But suddenly, the maid pointed to the beach, where the beach meets the sea: "Miss! Look, there... is there a person lying there?"

"Seems to be!"

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