But right now, that's probably the only thing he can do.

"Go to Wu Muqing first?"

Because he didn't know when he would lose his memory again, Ze Yu directly wrote a note to "myself" this time, telling him some basic things, at least allowing him to use his spiritual power to protect himself.

A strong person in the Transformation God Realm, even if they use their spiritual power at will, can cause terrifying damage to the Nascent Soul Realm.

Self-protection is enough, no matter how troublesome it is... then I will resign myself to fate.

"Is there that Miss Bai...Wu Su, Wu Muqing's son? What a coincidence."

Ze Yu smiled lightly, unexpectedly, a yellow hair tried to ride on top of his yellow hair... How could this be possible.

For Bai Xiaoxiao, Ze Yu didn't have too many thoughts, but he didn't want to see Bai Xiaoxiao being taken away by others. He could not want it, but what he didn't want, no one else could take it away.

"In that case, I can only humiliate his mother to comfort my sad heart."



"What am I expecting?"

Wu Muqing, who was covered with a black cloth and dressed in white, sat by the bed. She didn't tie herself up today, and obediently waited for Ze Yu.

She was tricked yesterday!

Ze Yu didn't come at all!


However, she was still sitting by the bed today, thinking about when Ze Yu would come.

This is weird again.

"Yeah, what are you expecting?"

A fluttering voice came from Wu Muqing's left, which made her immediately... look to the right.

She knew that Ze Yu liked to tease her, but she was also surprised that Ze Yu came today...

"Blindfolded and deaf?"

Ze Yu slapped him from the left.


Being slapped suddenly by someone made Wu Muqing's emotions instantly aroused. Being slapped by someone is actually the most insulting to self-esteem, not to mention that Ze Yu was merciless:

"Why hit me? You scum!"

"You say I'm a scum, why do you say I beat you?"

Ze Yu directly pushed Wu Muqing down on the bed, reached out and tore her clothes, exposing her snow-white skin again.

This made Wu Muqing feel humiliated again...

But this time, it was different, she felt... a little exciting.

After experiencing it once, she felt a kind of commotion in her body, luring her, seducing her.

"Are you going to... bully me like this until early morning?"

"It depends on my mood, do you understand? You just need to be responsible for screaming in terror."

"I can call you... I can call you whatever you like."

Wu Muqing tried her best to calm herself down, then forced a smile and said, "Call you husband, call you master...you can call you father, whatever."

"Are you cooperative today?"

Wu Muqing's hand firmly grasped the quilt, rolled the quilt into a ball, and held it tightly, but she couldn't help but let out a muffled groan:

"...you, increased my lifespan."

"It seems that you have noticed. I didn't expect that the slut female general who shouted so loudly would notice these changes?"

"... Well, I am your bitch female general... You can increase my lifespan, so what if I let you play with it? As long as you can let me live a few more years."

Wu Muqing had no choice but to grab the quilt and maintain her posture. It was impossible, so she could only grab Ze Yu's back tightly instead, but couldn't avoid the collision, and kissed Ze Yu's lips directly.

But she actually took the initiative.

It took a long time to separate: "Let's... make a deal? It seems that you are very satisfied with my body. You help me increase my lifespan. I can let you play like this every night."

Ze Yu stopped, threw Wu Muqing's body aside, and then roughly stomped on Wu Muqing's face with her foot, even causing her nose to bleed and making a whimpering sound.


Covering Wu Muqing's mouth with his foot, Ze Yu looked down at her condescendingly:


"Do you still think that you are the great general of the Dongxuan Dynasty, commanding thousands of troops, and killing people when you see them?"

"No, you are not now, you are a useless person now! A bitch, a dog that I trample on, you have no right to trade with me, I can do anything to you, but you can't resist me, I You can be rewarded, but you cannot ask for it!"



Only then could Wu Muqing breathe air, panting heavily, her vision was pitch black, she almost suffocated, at this moment under the blindfold, her eyes were full of horror.

The expression is also very panicked.

Yes, now that she has lost her spiritual power, she is a useless person, a scum, a dog, the lowest existence... She is useless, unable to resist, and unable to do anything.

I can only feel fear, panic, despair, and helplessness, and endure torture and be devastated under endless pain.

At this moment, Wu Muqing really realized her situation...

"You, you let me go... okay..." Wu Muqing's business trembled, all the majesty of the past disappeared, and now only the delicate and blindfolded jade body kept retreating, crawling backwards...

But the only response to her was a low smile.

"not good."



322 Wu Su's Arrival

After that, it was a constant numbness process, repeated over and over again.

Wu Muqing fell back on the bed, her eyes were full of emptiness, this time she was also ordered to tie it up by herself tomorrow and wait for Ze Yu to come, no matter whether Ze Yu comes or not, she must tie it up.

To Wu Muqing's surprise, her lifespan has also increased today, and she has much more vitality, which she can clearly feel.

"How long will this day last?"

Wu Muqing clenched her fists tightly, her face full of bitterness.



As time passed day by day, Ze Yu would still lose his memory from time to time.

Two days of amnesia, one day of recovery.

Two days for recovery, one day for amnesia.

There are no rules, which makes Ze Yu a headache.

But the only thing that can be understood is that it will take at least seven hours for him to recover his memory.

And Wu Muqing gradually changed from despair to adaptation, and even...began to enjoy it.

It is better to resist than to enjoy.

Anyway, compared to fighting on the battlefield, the pain of being stabbed by someone, and the pain of visceral damage, this kind of thing is not painful at all. Instead of screaming hoarsely and resisting, it is better to cater to it.

For half a month, Wu Muqing took the initiative to tie herself up, hung her wrists from the beams of the house, covered herself with black blindfolds, and even wore the kind of light gauze clothes that women in brothels would wear. The graceful black gauze slightly covered her Her jade body, with black stockings on her thighs, is simply not too attractive.

Every time before Ze Yu came, she would take the initiative to take a bath, which was very fragrant, and her body carried the fragrance of flower petals when she took a bath.

Even after a whole night, Wu Muqing would not feel particularly tired.

In the early morning, Wu Muqing's eyes were completely blank, and she couldn't speak a word. She just wanted to lie like this, unable to think about anything.

But now I can still talk...

But Ze Yu didn't have that much time, because he didn't know when he lost his memory and recovered his memory, so he could only hurry back to the Bai family's mansion within seven hours.


At this moment, Wu Muqing didn't call Ze Yu a scumbag, a bastard or anything like that, her tone was breathless and coquettish.


Ze Yu was buttoning his clothes.

"Tomorrow, can you come early tomorrow? Okay? Come in the afternoon... we, let's take a bath together, please, please... okay? Mu Qing wants the master... very much~"

The gauze on Wu Muqing's body was almost torn, and the silk stockings were ripped out of the threaded holes. She sat up slightly from the bed, holding Ze Yu's arm with her jade hand, and her black silk beautiful feet slightly rubbed against Ze Yu's calf.

"I said..." Ze Yu turned her head coldly.

"Yeah, I know, I know I don't have the right to beg, I'm just the master's plaything, but...but..."

Wu Muqing hugged Ze Yu from behind, her warm jade body was warm and soft.

"But I want Master to accompany me... okay?"

"I don't have any other thoughts, but I... want the master, because I am a shameless female general who wants to be dissatisfied..."

Biting her lip, Wu Muqing uttered these words that she thought was impossible to say in the past, she was extremely ashamed and made people blush.

She also hesitated for a long time before saying this.

Because... because it is really inseparable from the master?

"If I'm in the mood tomorrow afternoon."

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