What Ze Yu can do, so can he... He wants to train Bai Xiaoyu to be his female slave!

And then keep Ze Yu from knowing, this feeling of teasing him behind his back... It's wonderful to think about it!



After the meal, Bai Cheng specially sent away Ze Yu and Bai Xiaoxiao, and told them to go outside as a newlywed couple...

After confirming that Ze Yu and Bai Xiaoxiao had left the Bai family mansion.

It's time for him to play! !

"Little fish."

Bai Cheng came to Bai Xiaoyu's yard, showing a false smile.

"Master? Yes, what's the matter?"

Bai Xiaoyu has already taken precautions against Bai Cheng.

"You know what it is, little fish."

"I don't know...Master." Bai Xiaoyu stepped back step by step, with a flustered expression on his face.

And Bai Cheng licked his lips: "Kneel down, take off all your clothes, and then... crawl over."

Bai Xiaoyu didn't expect Bai Cheng to say these words to her so blatantly: "Master, you..."

"Didn't you hear?!"

Bai Cheng directly pressed on Bai Xiaoyu with terrifying coercion.

And Bai Xiaoyu is a monk anyway, trying hard to bear the coercion, not to kneel down: "Master... I have a video."

"You'd better stop here, otherwise, I will hand over this video to the master...Master, you are in danger, master."

Bai Cheng panicked for a while, but he still held on, with anger and desire in his eyes: "You still dare to threaten me? A mere slave, you have been played by Ze Yu anyway? What can you do if you are played by me again?" ?! Maybe I can give you a different feeling?"



337 The White Cheng Who Lost Everything

Hearing Bai Cheng say such words, Bai Xiaoyu felt that he was in a very dangerous situation, and at the same time was completely disappointed in Bai Cheng.

She originally thought that Bai Cheng's mentality had changed slightly because the young lady got married yesterday.

But he didn't expect that this was just his true face exposed.

It's impossible for her to have anything happen with Bai Cheng... If it happened, she would rather choose to die.

The reason she was willing to let Ze Yu do excessive things to her was because she liked Ze Yu, that Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu who saved her and Miss... She did it voluntarily.

Besides, in terms of her title, she is also Ze Yu's bed warming maid, and that's what she should be.

But she didn't have any reason, and she didn't want anything to happen to Bai Cheng.

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaoyu sighed and shook his head: "Master, I am very disappointed in you, I never thought that you would be such a person..."

"You have the face to criticize me? You have been teased by Ze Yu in various ways, what are you pretending to do in front of me?"

Bai Cheng snorted coldly.

Bai Xiaoyu sighed again: "Master, I'm still a virgin, the master didn't want me at all last night, so he put a collar on me and left."

"I don't understand...why did you become like this."

Bai Cheng was stunned for a moment, Bai Xiaoyu was still a virgin, and had not been played with by Ze Yu.

Guilt and eager desires are rippling in Bai Cheng's heart.

On the one hand, he felt that what he said was a bit too much, but on the other hand, he was wondering if he could take the lead... a woman that Ze Yu had never touched...

"You don't need to worry about it. It's better if you are a virgin. I will transform you into my shape."

"What shape will it become, the shape of meat sauce?"

Empress Fuyao's light and ethereal voice came from the eaves.

Nangong Ruonan was wearing a white skirt, sitting on the edge of the eaves with her legs crossed, looking at Bai Cheng with a faint smile.

"My lord empress?"

Bai Cheng's heart turned cold at the moment.

Why, why is Empress Fuyao in Dongxuan Realm?

When did it come?

Why are you staring at him again?

Could it be that all of this is under the control of that choose feather? !

"I thought you would feel guilty and stop here, but you still have to continue to attack Xiaoyu... Then I have to show you some color."

"Kneel down."

The ethereal and feeding voice entered Bai Cheng's mind, making him feel unable to resist, his knees softened, and he knelt on the ground.

"I've seen... girl, my lord empress!"

Bai Xiaoyu said with some trepidation, she thought that she might encounter disaster today.

Unexpectedly, Empress Fuyao from Beixuan Realm would be here.

"It's okay, my name is Nangong Ruonan, just call me sister Ruonan."

"Huh?" Bai Xiaoyu froze for a moment.

"Our husbands are the same person, so there is no need to call them birth."

"...I, I see, Ruonan...sister." Bai Xiaoyu was shocked for a moment.

But thinking about how even that Great General Wu has become like that... It seems reasonable to have another empress.

"You have videotaped what happened just now, right?"

"Yes, they are all recorded with spells." Bai Xiaoyu replied.

Nangong Ruonan nodded: "That's good."

Then she looked at Bai Cheng: "Bai Cheng, you don't want this video to be seen by your sister, do you?"

At this moment, Bai Cheng's body began to tremble.

Compared to being known by Ze Yu, he is more afraid that his sister will know this, and he is afraid that his image will be shattered in her heart.

"My lord empress... what do you want?"

Bai Cheng's face was full of bitterness.

After Nangong Ruonan thought for a while, he said, "I don't want to do anything, I just feel that this kind of sentence... is indeed very threatening."

"Huh?" Bai Cheng couldn't understand.

"It's nothing, you can get out, don't be malicious anymore, otherwise... this video will be seen by your sister, and from now on you can only bow your head in front of your sister."

Nangong Ruonan didn't intend to kill Bai Cheng or anything like that, after all...she knew how scumbag her husband was.

Bai Cheng may not have been like this from the beginning.

But that was none of her business.

"I know, I won't have evil intentions again."

After finishing speaking, Bai Cheng looked at Bai Xiaoyu: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Xiaoyu, you can be regarded as my half sister, my big brother... Forget it, I have no face..."

Sighing, Bai Cheng left with a heavier body.

He didn't dare to think anymore, he was very afraid that this video would be seen by Bai Xiaoxiao, if Xiaoxiao saw this video, she would definitely deny him as a big brother!

At that time...he really lost everything.




Bai Xiaoxiao and Ze Yu strolled outside for a day, halfway through, Nangong Zi Nao also came over to go shopping together.

So Zeyu's two arms were embraced by each of them, and the passers-by on the road were very envious.

But there can only be one person serving the bed at night.

Nangong Zi Nai doesn't want to share her husband with others, either she is the only one, or...don't do it!

Zi Nao, who was satisfied yesterday, naturally handed over to Bai Xiaoxiao tonight.

But Bai Xiaoxiao's legs were weak last night and she still hasn't healed, and she was trembling and unsteady when she was shopping.

Now she is lying beside Ze Yu's pillow: "Husband, go find Xiaoyu tonight, I've been shopping all day today... I'm really tired."


Cho Yu had no choice but to go to another yard to find Bai Xiaoyu.

Bai Xiaoyu lay in the warm blanket, thinking about being almost harmed today, he felt a little scared.

"Fortunately... nothing happened in the end."

"Why are you okay in the end? Miss Xiaoyu?"

Bai Xiaoyu suddenly turned his head and stood up to look at Ze Yu who pushed the door in: "You, what are you doing here?"

"Remove something, I'm adding you."

Zeyu sat directly beside Bai Xiaoyu's bed, reached into the quilt with his big hand, grabbed Bai Xiaoyu's white and tender thigh, and slid along the thigh to the calf...

"Don't be like this...you bastard...itchy...perverted...!"

"Then can you resist?"

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