Ze Yu suddenly found it funny.

"...I, I don't have it!" Jiang Mengmeng suddenly felt a little guilty: "I'm not the kind of burning fox who actively seduces men!"

"Tell the truth." Ze Yu used a psychological hint.

Jiang Mengmeng's face turned red immediately, and she was very reluctant, but she couldn't help but spit out the truth:

"I...I rubbed against...I, I'm a fox...wanted to seduce Senior Yu and teach me...you bitch fox..."

After speaking, the sullen fox lady covered her face, not daring to see anyone: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

And she didn't know that her brother was outside, listening to her say such words.



359 Jiang Mengmeng's Secret Revealed!

"Bastard! Lord Demon Master, that's all, not even my younger sister will be spared!"

Jiang Yu couldn't restrain his emotions anymore, and pushed open the door of the wooden house.

Zeyu knew that there was someone eavesdropping at the door, but anyway, the three of Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Xiaoxiao in the room were all fully dressed, and nothing happened, so eavesdropping didn't matter. Somewhat unexpectedly, it was Uncle Jiang Yu who was eavesdropping at the door?

No, what uncle?

He hasn't had anything to do with this fox girl yet.

"Isn't this the leader Jiang?" Ze Yu looked at Jiang Yu with a smile.

"Brother?" Jiang Mengmeng was still being held in Ze Yu's arms at the moment, but when she saw her brother suddenly push the door and enter with a look of anger, she was suddenly confused and scared.

Because she sneaked out!

And...if my brother really has a crush on Lord Demon Lord, then seeing himself falling into Senior Yu's arms like this, I'm afraid he will really explode with anger.

"Well, bro, listen to my explanation..." Jiang Mengmeng said with a guilty conscience.

Jiang Yu stared at Jiang Mengmeng: "You don't come down quickly! What kind of words are you talking about ruining yourself like this?!"


Jiang Mengmeng jumped down from Ze Yu's embrace with some reluctance, bit her rosy lips, and flicked her tail.

When Jiang Yu saw Jiang Mengmeng's reaction like this, he became even more angry.

What do you mean?

Your brother, I tell you to get out of the arms of other men, and tell you to love yourself a little bit!There is even an expression of "brother, why did you come here to destroy my good deeds"? !

Jiang Yu's heart was going to explode right now.

But this is my younger sister, no matter what she did wrong, she must tolerate it, and she cannot beat her, at most... scold her.

Swallowing this breath aggrieved in his heart, Jiang Yu couldn't bear it anymore for Ze Yu.

The matter about Lord Demon Lord was your wish, there was no other way, he was just secretly in love, and since Ze Yu and Demon Lord had already established that kind of relationship, he could only stare at it... If he wanted to, he didn’t either. Method.

But this time! !Jiang Mengmeng is his sister!

"Your Excellency Zeyu, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation for today's incident, I'm afraid there will be no way to expose today's incident."

Jiang Yu squinted his eyes and looked at Ze Yu. As the suzerain of one of the three religions of the Demon Sect, the temperament he had cultivated all the year round made him feel intimidated and angry.

A terrifying coercion descended on the cabin.

Jiang Mengmeng, Bai Xiaoxiao, and Bai Xiaoyu were all a little out of breath.

But at the next moment, Ze Yu imposed domains on them all so that they would not be oppressed by Jiang Yu's coercion.

"You can't blame me for this matter, Sect Master Jiang."

Ze Yu shook his head, and then looked at Jiang Yu, the aura of consummation in his body made Jiang Yu's back feel cold for a moment, and he was sweating profusely.

"Consummate God Transformation...?"

When Jiang Yu faced the coercion of the empress directly, the coercion given to him by the empress at that time was this kind of terrifying aura.

I'm afraid that in an instant, his life will die here.

Can't escape.

This Zeyu... is it a hack?

A similar thought came to Jiang Yu's heart, and what made him even more fearful was how strong the luck and talent in Ze Yu could make him, a young man under thirty, become the top powerhouse in the Four Realms?

"... Just now, I was a bit unkind, but Mr. Zeyu is not so unreasonable? Are you going to take my sister away?"

Jiang Yu still flinched without interrupting.

This is his younger sister, so what if the other party is in the God Transformation Realm?He couldn't look at his sister, like the demon master he saw that day...like a dog, kneeling in front of Ze Yu, and then being held down on the head...

"I think, no matter how I explain it, you probably don't believe it, so how about you listen to what your sister was thinking just now?"

Ze Yu could only say so.

Although Jiang Yu's death was not a pity, after all, he didn't know how many perverted things he had done in order to refine the corpse.

But he is the subordinate of the demon lord after all, and there is no conflict with him, so it is better to explain it to him.

"Eh? What? Say, say me?" Jiang Mengmeng was a little confused.

Jiang Yu frowned lightly, feeling that something bad would happen, but he still nodded: "It won't be harmful to Mengmeng, right?"

"No, it's just a hint."

"That's good." Jiang Yu nodded again in agreement.

And Jiang Mengmeng was stunned: "No, what are you going to do to me..."

"Say what you were thinking just now, and what you are thinking now."

Jiang Mengmeng's pupils suddenly lost their brightness, and then murmured:

"Just now I heard my brother say... Senior Yu, you are going to rob me. At that moment, I imagined that I was forced, held my head down, and Senior Yu did the same thing as what the Lord Demon Master told me. Things... I felt my tail trembling, I couldn't help it... I couldn't help but pinch my legs..."

When Jiang Yu heard this, he felt that his heart had stopped beating, and he was about to die of anger.

Why is his sister so shameless?

So shameless!

It hurts...it hurts!

"Then, I think now, since Senior Yu has done that kind of thing to Lord Demon Lord, if you want me to tell the truth...you must use some filthy means, and then let me, an innocent little fox, Mother has become innocent... Thinking of this, I, I pinched my legs again..."

Jiang Yu covered his chest with one hand, pointed at his sister with the other, and took deep breaths: "Jiang... Mengmeng...you, you..."

"Is that what I usually teach you?"


Jiang Mengmeng regained her consciousness and knew what she said just now, so she immediately lowered her head with a flushed face. Worse, the self who longed for punishment... was found out by her brother!

I can't face my brother anymore...

"Yes, I'm sorry... Brother, but, but... there is no way, that day, Senior Yu killed several Nascent Soul Realm in an instant, and saved me, really... very handsome..."

"If it were you, brother, you would definitely have a good impression all of a sudden..."

"Plus, plus knowing that Senior Yu has conquered my most respected and beloved demon lord...I, I..."

Jiang Mengmeng couldn't speak anymore, what happened next.

Can't tell my brother.

But Jiang Yu probably knew what it was, and at the moment he was annoyed and funny: "Because you have a special habit in your heart...isn't it?"

"I still dote on you too much, which made you have such an indulgent heart..."

Jiang Yu regretted that he spoiled Jiang Mengmeng too much. He never punished her and gave her the best.

As a result, Jiang Mengmeng lacked the feeling of being punished and in trouble...

"Brother...what are you indulging yourself in? I, I didn't!" Jiang Mengmeng couldn't help but speak hard, but her face was flushed.

Biting her lip, Jiang Mengmeng looked at Ze Yu: "Senior Yu, I'm the only one telling the truth, isn't it unfair?"

"My secret is known... that brother's will also be known to me!"

Ze Yu immediately looked at Jiang Yu, his eyes meant: "How to say?"

He knew that Jiang Yu's secret love for the devil...was because he wanted to turn the devil into a collectible. If his sister knew about this hobby...

I'm afraid that the two brothers and sisters will look at each other very strangely from now on, and they will no longer be able to get along with each other, right?




[It took two days to install the computer... Finally, I can code words, and I started to type hard, and I stayed up all night to code for you! ! ! 】

[In order to compensate, send red envelopes in the group, a group of 866476942, and send red envelopes at 0 o'clock later]

【I'm sorry, pouted... woohoo】

360 The Final Strategy of the Empress Dowager Yinyue

"Forget it...forget it, treat Mengmeng well, even if she has perverted habits, please don't indulge her, Your Excellency Zeyu..."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yu dragged his tired body and left with a sigh.

One is to stay any longer, he is afraid that he will not be able to bear it, after all, he is watching Lord Demon Lord admit what he has done little by little...

He didn't want to watch Jiang Mengmeng do the same.

He could really go crazy.

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