You know, her hand has never been touched by a man other than her father.

She was born in a dynastic family in the secular world since she was a child, and has been living in a boudoir for a long time. Except for those festivals every year, she has never had much contact with her peers.

Not to mention meeting men of the same age...

002 medical system?Yellow hair system!

It was the first time for a man to see and touch her like this.

"Don't think too much, practice and practice..."

Dongfang Yanran put on a new clean robe, used spiritual power to blow away the sweat on the surface of the skin, put on new incense, and then sat down cross-legged.

"Junior Sister Yanran, are you there?"

Just when Dongfang Yanran was about to start practicing, her cave was knocked again.

And this voice made Dongfang Yanran frowned: "Why is this annoying guy again..."

"Senior Brother Feng, I'm cultivating, so let's talk about it tomorrow."

"This... ah, okay, okay, I won't bother senior brother then, Junior Sister Yanran, you practice first."

Outside the door, a man who looked stronger sighed, and then had no choice but to leave.

And Dongfang Yanran inside the door also sighed: "How can I make him give up..."

The one who left outside the door was her senior brother who was also a disciple of the handyman. He was on the ninth floor of the Qi training stage, and he was Feng Ziping, the senior brother among the disciples of the handyman.

And she is the eighth floor of the qi training period, and she is the second senior sister among the handyman disciples.

As for the junior brother who entered the eighth floor of the Qi training period a year later than her, he is the third senior brother among the handyman disciples.

And this Feng Ziping has been pursuing her since the beginning, she has no feelings for this person, and has no intention of having a relationship, so when she started, she rejected him.

As a result... this guy has been pestering her for ten years, and she has rejected him countless times, clearly expressing her attitude.

It's a pity that Feng Ziping is still entangled in herself, which makes her very distressed.

"Sure enough, in comparison, choosing a younger brother is still more polite and restrained, that's all, it's useless to think too much, let's continue to practice..."

Dongfang Yanran shook her head, closed her eyes, and began to practice.


[The host saves people without asking for anything in return, and the patient evaluates the host's attitude towards seeing a doctor, and the service satisfaction is quite high]

[Based on these points, eight condensate pills have been put into the host storage bag]

"Eight Qi Condensation Pills? It's equivalent to my one month's cultivation resources...not bad, the price I paid is just seeing a disease, rounding up is equivalent to prostitution."

Also saw nice scenery.

Not a loss.

Ze Yu walked back to his cave in a good mood.

This is completely opposite to his mood yesterday.

In fact, he is a time traveler.

After being hit to death by a truck, he transmigrated into the body of a little boy who was dying of illness in this small mountain village in the North Xuanjie.

Then he left the small mountain village at the age of 14 and came to Luolanzong with the expectations of the villagers.

As a result... his cultivation talent is very average, he is the lowest red spiritual root among the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

But he didn't give up on himself, thinking he had other opportunities...

waste flow...

The results of it?

What a shitty chance, he has practiced for ten years, and now at the age of 24, he is just a nonsense fish in the world of immortality who has just entered the eighth level of the qi training stage, and he only mixed with the third brother among the handyman disciples.

Above him is the second senior sister, senior sister Dongfang Yanran, and senior senior brother Feng Ziping, who has been licking the dog for ten years.

It's just that although this senior brother is a senior sister licking dogs, what the hell is robbing him of his cultivation resources every day to curry favor with his senior sister!

But this miserable life ended yesterday.

Just yesterday, his golden finger arrived in the account.

He is bound to [Medical System].

As the name suggests, its function is medical treatment.

Its system introduction is very clear.

[System introduction: This system is a medical system, the main purpose is to serve the public, save lives and heal the wounded, and cure diseases and save lives]

[This system will give different levels of rewards based on the patient's satisfaction with the host's treatment and the degree of cure of the patient's disease]

[With different contacts with different patients, the system can automatically detect the symptoms of patients, so that the host can prescribe the right medicine]

Yesterday's Ze Yu thought that this was some serious system.

The results of it?

The next day, that is today, he was given a task.

[Medical mission content: visit the cave of the man whom the senior brother has had a crush on for ten years]

[Senior Dongfang seems to have gone wrong while practicing, and she is about to go crazy! 】

[The host please go quickly and practice medicine for the senior sister. As a junior, how can you let the senior brother lose his love!This is your duty! 】

[Reminder: Press the center of the sister's collarbone to trigger the system's automatic detection of patients]

Good guy, this is a yellow-haired system.

But, although this system is not serious, but Ze Yu thought that everyone was in the same school, how could he watch his senior sister become obsessed with cultivation, and her cultivation base was completely lost?

We must go to save her!

So, there was the scene where he visited the senior sister's cave just now.


"Three Senior Brothers!"

"Yo, Fifth Junior Brother, what's wrong?"

On the way, Ze Yu met a junior from the seventh floor of his qi training period, both of whom were handyman disciples.

The red and orange spiritual roots are handyman disciples, the yellow and green are ordinary disciples, and the blue and purple and those geniuses with colorful spiritual roots who are rare in a century are all inner disciples.

If you want to equalize your status, you need to participate in the assessment and beat the upper-level disciples of the same realm, but that is so difficult... After all, there is a gap.

"Third Senior Brother, remember to get up early tomorrow morning. Our Luolan Sect has found a saint with six-color spiritual root talent. Tomorrow morning, we will hold a saint canonization ceremony to bestow spiritual treasures on the saint."

"Is it the saint canonization ceremony... I see."

"Well, then I will inform the others. Goodbye, Third Senior Brother."

Ze Yu nodded, then sighed, the six-colored spiritual root, saintess, and spiritual treasure were all too far away from him.

In this North Mysterious Realm, there are various levels of magic weapons, ranging from ninth to first rank, with ninth rank being the lowest and first rank being the best.

But on top of the magic weapon, there is also a spiritual treasure. It is said that this spiritual treasure is a rare item among those Nascent Soul suzerain-level bosses.

"There are only three spiritual treasures in the Luolan Sect. In the end, one was given to the saint, the other was in the hands of the son, and the other was in the hands of the current suzerain."

"It's really a child of luck, it can't be compared... No, it may not be able to compare now."

A gleam of struggle flashed in Ze Yu's eyes.

He didn't dare to have such an idea before, but it's different now. With the system, his potential is infinite.

But we still have to be cautious, starting with the young doctor who treats the senior sister.

In the future, I will be the exclusive doctor for the empress of the Northern Xuan Realm!

Set a small goal first... There is still a dream.

"But for now, let's take care of ourselves first, practice and practice."

Ze Yu returned to his cave, took out the Qi Condensation Pill rewarded by the system, and swallowed it.

"Wait... this Qi Condensation Pill...!"

Ze Yu showed a somewhat surprised expression.

The Qi Condensing Pill given by this system is ten times more effective than the Qi Condensing Pill given by Zongmen!

"A full ten times the effect... This is equivalent to ten times the speed of practice!"

Ze Yu couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Qi Condensation is used to speed up the speed of practice during the Qi training period. For a red spiritual root like Ze Yu, Zongmen's Qi Condensation Pill can double his practice speed.

But the system gave him this, which made him ten times faster!

"If there are enough Qi Condensing Pills, the ninth floor of the Qi training period, which took me two or three years to break through, can now be broken through in just two or three months!"

Ze Yu's excitement was beyond words.

What the system gives is different!

"Practice practice..."

Ze Yu quickly started to close his eyes and luck, and entered the state of cultivation. He could not waste the effect of this elixir, and practiced every minute and every second.


So soon, the next morning came.

When the early morning sun shone on his face through Ze Yu's humble little cave, he also opened his eyes.

"It just so happens that the effect of the medicine is over. Let's go to the main peak of the sect to watch the canonization ceremony of the saint."

After one night, Ze Yu's cultivation improved a lot.

"If it continues like this, I will soon be able to get back all the debts from my good senior brother with the principal and interest." Ze Yu thought silently in his heart.

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