
That charming, sweet, humble and flattering voice kept echoing in Qinghong's ears.

That heroic side face, and that bulging humble and charming side face also kept flashing and overlapping in his mind.

It turned out that his childhood sweetheart had long since become someone else's slave and someone else's plaything.

Qinghong felt that he just wanted to laugh out loud now, but he couldn't laugh.

Because he thought that Su Xiaoqing had changed, and so had he.

It turns out that everyone has changed. When they grow up, they will all become closer to reality. They will do anything for the throne, and Boss Xiaoqing has also become this...shameless appearance.

But he just felt that his chest was stuffy, and he felt an indescribable discomfort, so uncomfortable... really uncomfortable...

…The barking, the smell, and the knocking on the door last night.

Is it...

Qinghong only had the last straw in his heart now, he only hoped that the boss Xiaoqing didn't deceive him yesterday, it was true... the voice made by the illness.

He doesn't care now.

It's good that Boss Xiaoqing has become someone else's plaything.

He just didn't want that upright boss Xiaoqing to lie to him...

"Boss, when I gave you herbs last night, were you doing...?"

Qinghong's eyes were already dull, but there was still a last gleam of light in his eyes, he asked in a low voice, his words were weak.

Su Xiaoqing's face suddenly became complicated: "Fatty, you, listen to my explanation..."

Qinghong stared at the collar on Su Xiaoqing's neck, the chain of that collar was held in Ze Yu's hand, like...

But he doesn't care about these anymore: "Boss, don't fool me anymore, don't lie to me again, okay?"

There was no trembling in Qinghong's tone, just weakness, just wanting to know... the truth, he has already collapsed.

Really broken.

The childhood sweetheart...became someone else's...

"Then let me tell you the truth..."

Su Xiaoqing's eyes drooped down, her face was full of guilt, why on earth did she become like this.


Closing her eyes, Su Xiaoqing said softly:

"I'm sorry, Fatty, I lied to you yesterday, my illness has been cured by the master, the voice yesterday, is the master's blessing on me..."

"Including the relapse of the illness at the previous banquet, I lied to you too, it was because the host wanted me..."

Qinghong was completely speechless, but afterward, his eyes darkened completely.


He has become a cold-blooded person who destroys people everywhere.

Boss Xiaoqing will also change.

Qinghong suddenly felt like laughing, wanting to laugh at himself.

But Su Xiaoqing looked up at him at this moment: "So I'm sorry... Fat Duner, I am no longer worthy to be your boss. Now, I am the master's dog."

040 Su Xiaoqing's Complete Depravity

I don't know how long he was absent-minded, before Qinghong came back to his senses from Su Xiaoqing's words that shocked his mother for 1 years.

"Boss Xiaoqing...you have changed, but I have also changed."

Qing Hong suddenly whispered.

"Actually, in the past few years, in order to fight for the throne, I have done a lot of excessive and cold-blooded things, including what I have encountered now. I have also allowed my subordinates to do this..."

"This is the reincarnation of karma."

"Actually, the reason I've been looking for you these days to catch up on the old days is to win over you to help me win the heir... But, I, I don't have that intention anymore."

"That's it, just leave it alone."

Qinghong bent down, silently picked up the basket on the ground, and cleaned up the dirty breakfast that fell.

In the end, he turned around and left, his back was very depressed and silent.

everything has changed...


Su Xiaoqing wanted to chase after her, but there were tears in her eyes. She felt that she had done something wrong.


As soon as she started running, she felt a suffocation on her neck, which was because the length of the collar chain was not enough.

Su Xiaoqing froze for a moment, and knelt down on the ground weakly. She stared blankly at Ze Yu and looked at her with a smile.

'Is everything known to him?Everything about me is under this person's arrangement? '

Su Xiaoqing's mentality also collapsed for a while.

She opened her lips slightly, wanting to ask Ze Yu something.

But Ze Yu spoke as if he could read her thoughts: "I didn't arrange anything, it's just a coincidence, I didn't ask you to do anything this morning, it's your own depravity, obsequiousness."

"You can choose to confess to him, but you lied to His Highness the Third Prince, you did it yourself, didn't you?"

"I'm a scumbag, and you're a liar yourself."

Ze Yu never thought that he was a good person. When he first came to this world, he also wanted to be a good person, but in the end he was bullied by that big brother for a whole ten years.

Now that he can save his life, he chooses everything according to his own desires.

"Am I a... liar?"

Su Xiaoqing's heart was shaken for a moment, but she would not be misled by Ze Yu's words, she gritted her teeth and looked at Ze Yu:

"If you hadn't made me like this, would I need to lie to Fatty?!"

Ze Yu thought it was a little funny, so he got up slowly, walked over and put his hand into Su Xiaoqing's shoulder inside Su Xiaoqing's clothes.

"You want to make me submit in this way again! You really are a scumbag!"

Su Xiaoqing subconsciously thought that Ze Yu was going to punish her again.

But Ze Yu just pulled out the rope that bound her skin all the time: "Junior Sister, do you still remember this rope?"

"Remember, of course I remember! How could you not remember! You scum, you know how to use these tricks on me!"

Su Xiaoqing gritted her teeth and said.

But Ze Yu shook his head: "No, you don't remember."

"Let me help you recall, tell me, who was the original owner of this rope?"

Su Xiaoqing was stunned for a while, and then said two words in a daze: "It's...me?"

"Yes, it's you! Junior Sister! It's you who wanted to imprison me. If it wasn't for my tricks, I would be the one being bullied now."

"In the beginning, I really just wanted to help you heal. If you don't want to do those things with me, I won't force you. One month of slow healing time. After you recover, we're done."

"But you want to imprison me..."

Su Xiaoqing was a little unable to refute, so she could only make a final excuse: "You used other things in the kiss... to try to do something wrong to me, and I'm just giving you some revenge."

"It's something called kissing. At that time, I didn't know that the treatment method would have such a by-product, but no matter what, the revenge of imprisoning me is a bit too much, right? Then I will take revenge on you. Is it normal?"


Su Xiaoqing couldn't say a word this time.

It seems that thinking about it, she was the one who felled herself, and being a slave is also the consequence she should bear.

But it was her own choice to lie to Fatty...

'I'm a... liar. '

[Congratulations to the host for completing the psychological counseling for the patient and successfully correcting the psychological problems of the patient Su Xiaoqing]

[Patient's mental health: 100%! 】

【"Mind Reading" has been unbound, waiting to change the binding】

[Hereby reward "Emperor Immortal Technique·Psychological Suggestion"]

The boost sound of the system brightened Ze Yu's eyes, and the smile on his face became even more intense.

Immortal techniques, spells, martial arts, and swordsmanship all have a unified level, low-level, middle-level, and high-level.

There is also the emperor level above these!

There is no subdivision of the emperor class, the emperor class is the emperor class.

Today, there are only two monks in the Beixuan Realm who can be called emperors, the Empress Fuyao of the Five Sects of the Righteous Way, and the Demon Emperor of the Three Sects of the Demonic Dao.

The so-called emperor-level fairy arts, spells, martial arts, and swordsmanship are either inherited from ancient times, or come from the hands of these two!

It can be seen that this "psychological hint" is precious and powerful.

Thanks to brother Qinghong's defense breaking, Su Xiaoqing also completely broke his defense, which allowed Ze Yu to get this reward.

["Emperor-level Immortal Art·Psychological Suggestion": You can use it or not, and every word you say will have a hint effect on the listener]

[If the opponent is much weaker than the host, then the implication effect will be very strong. For example, if the host says "I am your master" to a mortal who is not determined, the other party will regard you as the master]

[If the strength of the opponent is similar to that of the host, then the effect of the hint will be weakened. For example, the host can say to a cultivator of the same realm, "The secret realm with treasures is not here, it is there" "Your Taoist partner ran there, not here", the other party will subconsciously believe]

[If the opponent's strength is much stronger than the host, then the hint effect will be weakened, but they will trust the host's words more.]

[If the opponent is much stronger than the host, then the opponent can see that the host has used "psychological hints"]

"Isn't this...hypnosis?"

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