
Qinghong didn't take the pill, but just stood there in a daze, raised his head and stared at Zeyu for a long time:

"What do you want? Why do you target me alone? You cultivators are superior! But why do you want to tease me like this?! Is it so interesting to tease a mortal who is lower in status and strength than you? ?!"

Qing Hong roared angrily.

But Ze Yu just shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Don't get me wrong, I am not only targeting you, your sister Qingxuan also has a very good figure, her skin is also very delicate, and her appearance is also top-notch."


Qinghong suddenly became dumb, unable to speak, and suddenly had nowhere to vent his anger.

After Ze Yu finished speaking, he put his hand on his shoulder again and lowered his voice:

"Did you just say that I am superior? Yes, ask about teasing people with lower status than me, but you didn't... kill all the people with lower status than you?"

Qinghong's pupils constricted in an instant, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Zeyu, as if the deepest secret in his heart had been completely exposed.

As a prince, he also did a lot of dirty things on the way to seize the throne...

And the darkest thing he has done is to use conspiracy to destroy a family of ministers who targeted him. The minister was a civil servant with little real power, but he targeted him everywhere. He was lost by that old guy's sharp words several times A chance to accumulate merit...

And this matter is also the demonic obstacle in his heart, and it is also the reason why he really hasn't attacked He Ruo'er in the past few years.

He has a demon in his heart, he is ashamed!

"Why, you will know..."

This time there was no anger or despair in Qinghong's voice.

Just hoarseness and weakness.

049 The Crash of Ruoer

(Because of some force majeure factors, He Ruoer and Qinghong are no longer husband and wife, but have been changed into godbrothers and godsisters who have a crush on each other. He Ruoer was taken in by Qinghong, and this chapter will explain the adoption s reason)

(Then I will also tell the masters who will read it later, you may feel a little strange when you read the previous chapters, this is probably because of the changed identity, forgive me)

(For example, rhetoric such as young girl, if you replace the girl with a wife, it will feel normal, but there is no way)


"Do you really think I don't know what you did?"

Ze Yu looked at Qing Hong with a smile in his eyes, full of banter.

A burst of cold sweat suddenly broke out from Qinghong's back, and the sound of breathing became rapid, how could he know?

I obviously even hid it from my father!That matter was handled by him alone, and the people who were killed and the murderers were all buried in the fire by him.

At this moment, Qinghong was really scared, really panicked.

Even if he saw his childhood sweetheart kneeling under Ze Yu before... Even now he saw Ruo'er, whom he had a crush on, being played by Ze Yu wantonly... He just felt angry and full of passion.

But what Ze Yu said, he was really scared, really scared.

"You said I tortured Miss Ruo'er? No, I was torturing you. Rather, I helped Miss Ruo'er take revenge."

Ze Yu looked at Qing Hong calmly.

To be honest, he felt quite guilty about playing with Qinghong's childhood sweetheart, his god-sister, and then his own sister.

But this time with Ruo'er's mission, the system's mission introduction gave him a little information about Qinghong.

[The host successfully cured the patient Miss Ruoer's menstrual disorder, but the physical disease was cured, and the patient still had psychological disease that had not been cured]

[Three years ago, Miss Ruoer was originally the eldest daughter of a third-rank civil servant in the court, but Miss Ruoer's father was upright and upright. Listen to some opinions from this minister]

[But it is precisely because of this, the upright character, that this minister offended the third prince, who lost many opportunities to accumulate merit because of his words]

【Thus, the third prince did an outrageous thing. He asked Deadpool to kill the entire family of the minister, and finally burned his mansion with a big fire. Deadpool, the minister's family and countless servants all died in the fire, which can be called extermination! 】

[Only Miss Ruoer, who sneaked out to buy candied haws that day, survived the disaster]

[In the end, the accident was considered an accidental fire. The guilty third prince Qinghong took in He Ruoer as his sister, but in the end he was praised by the emperor, saying that he took in the widowed daughter of the minister who targeted him despite the previous suspicions. 】

[And that day, Miss Ruoer was happily eating candied haws and was about to go home, but her house was already in ruins and her parents were dead. This has also become the shadow of her life, and she still broods on it to this day]

[Please host to help Miss Ruoer completely eradicate her heart disease! 】

Ze Yu admits that he is bad enough and bad enough, but he also likes to play with women and make the sufferer collapse.

But this Qinghong directly wiped out all the people, and shamelessly took He Ruo'er as his younger sister, and even had feelings for He Ruo'er... How shameless.

Shameless than him.

Pooh!He is not shameless, he is a decent doctor, and he never does evil things!

"You, what do you want..."

Qinghong felt as if he had lost his soul now, the nightmare from three years ago haunted him again, and he even heard the cries of those innocent souls in his ears.

"I'm just a prince, and my status is far inferior to yours. Is there anything you want in me?"

Qinghong's voice was hoarse.

Ze Yu cast a glance at Qing Hong: "You don't have it, but your god-sister has it. I'm a doctor, and I'm responsible for my patients. Whether it's physical or psychological, I'll help her heal. "

Qinghong looked at Zeyu with red eyes.

You bastard used spells to modify Ruo'er's cognition, return her doctor, and return her to psychotherapy? !

But he could only say these words in his heart.

But Ze Yu didn't have so many scruples, he liked having fun the most, he sat on the edge of the bed again, hugged He Ruo'er's limp and boneless delicate body into his arms, and teased her snow-white neck with his fingers.

"Master, don't tease me like this...It's itchy..."

He Ruoer lowered his head blushing.

But Ze Yu chuckled lightly: "Didn't you see that the more I tease you like this, the more your brother Hong's face will turn pale? This means that he is happier!"

He Ruo'er suddenly looked up at his brother Hong in a daze, and then lowered his head: "Then, please, master, please tease Ruo'er casually, and don't treat Ruo'er as a human... In this way, Brother Hong should be more excited and more excited." Are you happy?"

Ze Yu lowered his hand gradually, and then glanced at Qing Hong's gritted teeth expression, and immediately smiled even more happily.

"Hey, brother Qinghong, do you know what Miss Ruoer's favorite pose is?"

Qinghong clenched his fists and didn't answer, he didn't even touch Ruoer's hand, how could he know? !

But Ze Yu's light voice fell into his ears:

"She likes me coming from behind, lying there like a dog."


Qinghong's eyes became even redder, blood flowed from the cracks in his fists, and in his clenched fists, the nails were sunk into the flesh.

"Master! Don't, don't tell Brother Hong about this!"

He Ruo'er suddenly puffed up her cheeks and let out a coquettish moan, her eyes full of charm.

Qinghong has never seen Ruo'er acting like a baby with herself.

"Don't you think he is happier? Don't you want to make your brother Hong happy?"

"miss you!"

He Ruo'er nodded without thinking.

Ze Yu looked at Qing Hong: "Look, Miss Ruoer likes you so much, you know, right? Whenever I mention your name, she will unconsciously pinch her legs!"

Qinghong couldn't help it anymore, really couldn't help it: "Aren't you still trying to tease me?!"

Anger, panic, humiliation, nausea, at this moment Qinghong tasted almost all the negative emotions, her voice was hoarse and filled with anger.

But Ze Yu raised his fingers and shook his head: "Don't worry."

"Listen to me, don't worry."

"Because you should be in a hurry later!"

Qinghong's pupils constricted immediately: "What do you want to do?"

Holding He Ruo'er in his arms, Ze Yu kissed her again in front of Qing Hong, and then licked his lips before he said:

"Miss Ruo'er, as a doctor, I think I should be responsible to the patient to the end."

He Ruo'er felt strange: "Master Immortal, but my illness is already cured..."

"No, I'm talking about heart disease." Ze Yu shook his head, then looked into He Ruo'er's eyes, and met his four eyes: "Miss Ruo'er, do you still remember the incident that turned your whole family into ashes three years ago?" fire?"

He Ruo'er's pupils constricted for a while, and his breathing became short of breath, as if recalling something bad, his face suddenly became ugly.

"Xian, Master Xianshi, why are you mentioning this..."

"I didn't do anything, I just wanted to tell you that this fire didn't happen by accident, it was deliberate." Ze Yu said calmly.

He Ruo'er was stunned for a moment, and stared blankly at Ze Yu: "Man-made...?"

"Yes, man-made." Ze Yu nodded with a smile, and then gently raised his finger to Qing Hong who was standing aside: "It was done by your favorite and favorite Brother Hong. He asked someone to kill your family, and then set fire to everything."

At this moment, the pupils of Qinghong and He Ruoer suddenly constricted.

050 He Ruo'er's self-willed depravity, He Meikai doesn't know how many times

"what did you say?"

He Ruo'er raised her head, her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief.

What Ze Yu said just now did not use "psychological hints", so that he would not be able to have fun.

"I can't believe it, right? That's right. After all, your brother Hong has been with you for three years. When you were most helpless, he recognized you as your god-sister and let you live in the Third Prince's Mansion."

"Because of this gratitude, you fell in love with brother Qinghong, right?"

Ze Yu has been reading He Ruo'er's inner thoughts for the past two days. Apart from the girl's thoughts of constant sex, there are also some things about Qing Hong and her past.

So it's not hard to guess.

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