After putting on clothes for Ze Yu, Yun Miao observed his expression in a mysterious way.

There is no sadness or joy, only coldness.

This shocked Yun Miao's heart immediately.

Why...why does Ze Yu's expression remain unwavering?

She is the number one beauty in the Beixuan Realm, and she is Yun Miao, the owner of the Jade Girl Pavilion. A beauty like her puts on all the clothes for Ze Yu, but the expression of the other party does not change... Like, like this is a Just like an ordinary thing.


She Yunmiao is very ordinary...

Thinking of this, Yun Miao felt inexplicably annoyed.

"What kind of eyes do you have? Is that the way a slave looks at its master?" Ze Yu looked at Yun Miao coldly.

Yun Miao clenched her fists: "Don't go too far... You did such a bad thing to me, and I helped you get dressed, yet you still want to humiliate me like this... I am the Jade Girl Pavilion..."

Ze Yu interrupted her, and looked up at her: "So? You are just a slave in front of me... You looked down on me in the past, lowly, even worse than a bitch, a dog, a lowly slave."


At this moment, Yun Miao was completely silent.

Complexity flashed in her pupils, and her heart was also extremely complex, feeling that her pride all along... was shattered.

She thought, thought that she was just ordinary in Ze Yu's eyes...

But she was wrong, she was not even ordinary... just a lowly slave.

"Slave...Even if, even if I am a slave, so what? Should slaves be treated like this?"

Yun Miao couldn't help but refute, she was always centered on herself.

Ze Yu couldn't help laughing, and the laughter fell in Yun Miao's ears, which made her feel very ironic:

"When you bought and sold those slaves who were kidnapped as virgins, they were like props. You didn't treat them as human beings at all, but when you treated them as commodities that can be traded at will...Why didn't you say this?"


Yun Miao's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, and the whole person fell into endless silence, unable to refute a word, and his body and mind were once again destroyed.

But she reaped the consequences.

But there is a bigger evil waiting for her



Then a new day【0/77】

【Okay, very good】

258 Yun Miao’s fiance, the purest existence, Master Fanghou

Yun Miao's heart is extremely complicated at the moment.

Yes, she never considered the feelings of those slaves in the past, only now that she has become a slave, she will remember that slaves should not be treated like this.

They are human beings too, and human beings with a sense of autonomy and self-respect.

But I used to treat them like commodities, like props...

At this moment, Yun Miao's heart finally felt guilty for the first time...

But this guilt is still just the crocodile's tears.

The harm she caused to Shangguan Ning'an, those who died will not be resurrected.

"Yesterday, you mentioned the title Master Fanghou. Let me ask you, who is he?"

Ze Yu got dressed, sat on the edge of the bed, looked down at Yun Miao who was kneeling on the ground, and asked in a low voice.


Yun Miao was silent, not wanting to speak.

"Let me ask you, who is Fanghou?"

Snapped! ——

With a slap across the face, Yun Miao's face suddenly became red and swollen, she covered her face, but still didn't speak.

She will never say it, and she will never say it...

That is a secret that must not be known by outsiders.

"Actually, I can directly use the slave mark to make you tell the truth." Ze Yu suddenly spoke calmly.

Panic flashed across Yun Miao's eyes, she was afraid, because before Ze Yu did anything to her, indeed, she couldn't resist, and watched her clothes being torn, and everything was exposed to Ze Yu's eyelids underneath.

And then... all sorts of excessive things.

However, her consciousness only saw that she had lost the most precious thing, so she passed out, and then she had a nightmare.

After the nightmare came another spring dream. She dreamed that Mr. Fang Hou and her. I just feel a warm current in my lower abdomen, which is very comfortable and warm.

no fear at all...

But the dream soon woke up.

After waking up, there were red marks all over his body, and his naked body, lying on the cold ground, it looked like he had been humiliated, and it felt hot and painful...

"This...can't tell you, really can't tell you."

Yun Miao clenched her fists, feeling very flustered at the moment.

But she knew that Ze Yu would not let her go.

"I, I can..."

Yun Miao wanted to offer herself voluntarily, just in order not to expose this secret, she thought that she was already dirty, and she could no longer expose Master Fanghou's existence.

But Ze Yu interrupted her directly: "What can you do? What else do you have?"

"You have no right to choose now. Everything about you is mine. Your person, your body, and your soul are all under my control. I am your master."

"Answer me, who is the Lord Fanghou you mentioned?"

Yun Miao's pupils trembled, and most importantly, she was not wearing anything at the moment... Such a shameful and weak position made her flustered uncontrollably.

She is the number one beauty in the Beixuan Realm, and even more powerful, the owner of the Jade Girl Pavilion, an existence that cannot be desecrated in the eyes of outsiders.

But now she has been stripped of the pavilion master's cloak, lost her great strength, and also lost her physical fig leaf.

Beauty, on the contrary, became her shortcoming and her weakness.

"I...can't say."

Yun Miao still persisted.


This time, the place where the applause sounded was her ass.

Muddy. Round. Snowy. White. Trembling.

This made Yun Miao feel ashamed and angry: ""

She has never been treated like this, being spanked, fart, ass, or something! !

"What me? Forget it. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. I order you to tell me who Fang Hou is."

Cho Yu didn't bother to continue humiliating Yun Miao, and then forced him to find out who Fang Hou was... He could see that Fang Hou was very important to Yun Miao, and even if Yun Miao was tortured, he might not say anything.

Everyone has something important in their hearts, and Fang Hou is obviously very, very important to Yun Miao... use shame to make Yun Miao speak out voluntarily.

I'm afraid it will be difficult.

As for the direct punishment, that's not what Ze Yu should do, it's what Shangguan Ning'an should do.

Let Ning An take revenge, vent the anger in her heart, kill her father, mother, and husband... Only by torturing Yun Miao severely can Ning An calm down and feel uneasy.

"...Fang Hou..."

A very terrified and frightened expression flashed across Yunmiao's beautiful face, she was very unwilling and very resistant, even more resistant, collapsed, and terrified than the expression she had at the moment she was broken.

But she had no choice but to speak, with a trembling voice: "He, he is my fiance..."

"Fiancé?" Ze Yu took a sip of tea, and he vaguely guessed.

After all, Yun Miao is very concerned about losing her virginity, and then that Fang Hou will dislike her... Then it is probably this kind of relationship.

"This is really breaking news. The owner of the Jade Maiden Pavilion, the most pure and undefiled existence in the Beixuan Realm, has a fiancé... If this news gets out, the entire Yunu Pavilion will collapse in an instant, right?"

Ze Yu understood why Yun Miao showed such a frightened and frightened expression.

Because as long as the news is revealed.

Up and down the Jade Girl Pavilion, all the disciples and elders' Taoism will collapse, and their beliefs will collapse in an instant. Yun Miao's practice depends on their beliefs.

If they knew about this... Yun Miao could no longer improve her cultivation base in this life, and she would probably continue to drop in cultivation base!

The entire Jade Girl Pavilion will be destroyed... It is indeed a secret that must not be revealed.

"Did you just want to sacrifice your own body to please me, and then not tell this secret?"

Ze Yu felt strange, even if someone like Yun Miao was defiled, he would not choose to be dirty again to compromise him...

But the secret behind it is something like this, and it's really worth it.

"Tsk tsk... It's indeed a secret enough for you to take the initiative and keep it."

"However, let's talk about the specifics, your fiancé, the fiancé of the owner of the Jade Girl Pavilion, I'm really curious about who it is and what identity it is."

Ze Yu became somewhat curious.

And Yun Miao could only answer with gritted teeth, her voice trembling even more, the expression on her face at this moment was hopeless, despair...full of despair.

"He is not... a man, but the most perfect, purest and most suitable man for my partner that I created with my pure faith."

"Made it? Do you feel that being alone is empty?" Ze Yu chuckled.

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