It was as if a forbidden door had been opened and could never be closed again.

From the edge of the Jade Girl Pavilion, to the cliff, and then to the surroundings of Fang Hou, in his line of sight... everything turned into a gray color, and gradually covered the inside... until...

Until it covers the two people he peeped through the crack of the door.

"is that a lie…"

Fang Hou's lips parted slightly, the pupils in his eyes trembled, his thin lips trembled, and his hands also began to tremble.

In Fang Hou's sight, his "sister", his "creator", Yun Miao was kneeling under Ze Yu's body...

Fang Hou couldn't see Yun Miao's face clearly, he could only see Yun Miao's back in a pure white gauze skirt, her jade feet wrapped in white silk stockings in a kneeling posture, and Yun Miao's head moving back and forth...

The smooth black hair fluttered slightly.

And that man, that man was sitting on a chair, propping his head with his hands, looking down at Yun Miao condescendingly.

"My sister's subordinates... and my sister?"

"He, what are they doing?"

In fact, even if Fang Hou saw this scene, he still didn't know what Ze Yu and Yun Miao were doing, but what shocked him was the close contact between his sister and Ze Yu...

"This, this is definitely not a joke, is it? Why did my sister kneel in front of her subordinates?"

"It's not like that, is it?"

"Wait, that, that thing is..."

Although Fang Hou is ignorant of world affairs, because Yun Miao doesn't want him to be polluted by those filthy things, Fang Hou still knows the functions that his organs should have.

But in fact, Yun Miao didn't know anything half a month ago.

She just knows that kind of thing.

Do not understand other aspects.

It's just that now it's especially understood.

"Could it be that... my sister is doing that kind of thing with that man?"

A shocking idea popped up in Fang Hou's mind, but he shook his head frantically.

"No, it's impossible... my sister is my partner, and we will be together in the future. How could such a pure existence like my sister demean myself like this?"


"Impossible impossible..."

Fang Hou really wanted to stop peeping at this point, but the blockage in his chest made him want to watch it again...

do not know why.

"Cough cough cough——!!!"

"Cough cough...cough cough"

Yun Miao suddenly coughed violently for a while.

Fang Hou's eyes suddenly showed worry: "Sister..."

Then Yun Miao frowned and sat down slightly on the ground, as if she needed to take a breather.

But this also allowed Fang Hou to see the situation more carefully.

Although Fang Hou was a pure boy created by Yun Miao...but after all, he was created with a man's body.

Of course, he has also experienced the developmental process that teenagers should go through, such as the phenomenon of abandonment.

But Fang Hou never took the initiative to do anything, it just happened once or twice a month... And at that time, his cultivation base was relatively low, and Yun Miao only taught him cultivation when he was 18 years old. Let him spend a very leisurely and beautiful childhood.

With the cultivation base, he will not have that kind of phenomenon.

Spiritual power can regulate the body.

"Yeah, that kind of...dirty...thing."

Fang Hou almost put his eyes on the crack of the door, which allowed him to see half of Yun Miao's face clearly, and Yun Miao wiped the corner of his mouth.

Although he couldn't see what was being wiped, Fang Hou was not a fool and could guess it.

"It's not a joke, it's not an illusion, it's not a's a fact."

Fang Hou's heart was about to stop at this moment, and tears burst out of his eyes.

"My sister has become the same existence as those dirty women..."

Fang Hou clenched his fists suddenly, and he looked back at the Jade Girl Pavilion under the cliff. He could clearly see what the disciples in the entire Jade Girl Pavilion were doing.

"It's so dirty...all dirty things! Why?! Why?!"

"Obviously it's's done!!!"

"Sister, what are you doing?! You, you let that man do that to you?! Why didn't you resist?! Why?!"

"This kind of man... you can easily kill him!!"

Fang Hou roared wildly in his heart, but he didn't dare to speak out, and he didn't dare to scare the two people inside the door.

The ethereal clarity in his eyes completely disappeared, replaced by only anger and haze.

His mind is full of pictures of his sister kneeling under that man, thinking that his sister is as dirty as those ordinary disciples in the Jade Girl Pavilion...

This is very ironic again...Fang Hou can achieve today's cultivation base, all rely on the faith of those disciples.

After all, Yun Miao's means are limited, so Fang Hou has a perfect appearance, but his talent is limited. Yun Miao can only find a double-colored spiritual root and transplant it into his body, and then use the pure holy water condensed by the faith of his disciples to serve as fruit juice for Fang Hou drink…

But Fang Hou was not grateful to those disciples.

He is a perfect existence, and it should be taken for granted with the beliefs of those disciples!

"Sister... sister... you, why are you?!"

Fang Hou was going crazy.

On one side is the dirty Yun Miao... and on the other side is the relationship of more than 100 years...

How could you not care? !


"It's time to get to the point, Lord Pavilion Master."

"Master... I, I see."

At this time, another voice came from inside the door, Fang Hou frowned slightly, and quickly moved his face away from the door.

"Hey, why isn't this door closed?" Ze Yu suddenly made a surprised voice.


Fang Hou's heart was about to stop suddenly, and he quickly dodged. Almost in a millisecond, he turned sideways and hid behind the door instead of the crack.

"I, I'll lock it up, master... If someone comes at this time and sees me with you, master, the beliefs of everyone in the Jade Girl Pavilion will collapse, and there will be big problems..."

Yun Miao did not regard this as a small matter, but as a very important matter.

Because this kind of thing must never be known by outsiders.

"Well, you go and close it, this is indeed a very important thing."

Yun Miao nodded, humble and obedient, she came to the door, Baisi stepped on the ground, and approached the door step by step.


Da da da…

plop plop...


puff puff puff...

Fang Hou tightly covered his mouth, his chest trembled violently, and his arm was just on his chest, so he could clearly feel his heartbeat... The rate kept soaring.

Nervous as hell.

My sister is behind, she is behind! !If my sister knew that she was peeping...knowing that she had discovered the secret of her and her subordinates...

Fang Hou is not ready to face what he discovered today.


The door was closed, and with a bang, it was completely closed.


Fang Hou leaned lightly on the door without making any sound. He is also in the Nascent Soul Realm, so it couldn't be easier to do this kind of thing.

But...he didn't wait until he breathed a sigh of relief...


"Master? Ah!!"

The sound of something hitting the door, as well as his sister's exclamation, reached Fang Hou's ears...



【Count today】


【I will make a nucleic acid】

268 What is the purest person... really disgusting!

"what happened?!"

Fang Hou, who was leaning on the door, was in shock. The sound from behind the door made his heart almost stop suddenly, and he was about to go crazy!

"Master? My sister actually called him master..."

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