
He brought Arturia back to the real world once again.

Jiang Shang directly used the "Five Elements Escape Technique" to keep Morgan behind him.

"grown ups--!"

Yi Liya lifted up Lihua's rainy face, looked at the life-saving hero in front of her with aggrieved eyes, and began to cry choked up.

0····Ask for flowers·······

But Jiang Shang's fist fell from the sky.


When Jiang Shang's fist collided with Ilya's little head, there was a wonderful sound of wisdom.

Ilya grinned in pain, covered her head and pouted aggrievedly.

"Have you completed the task I gave you?"

Jiang Shang asked the cute girl in front of him, with a helpless tone in his voice.


"The Einzbern family no longer exists..."

"I brought back my "Different Time and Space Same Body"..."

"She was unconscious from the impact..."

Elijah replied aggrievedly.

Before destroying the castle, she had already sent everyone to the imaginary space through Jiang Shang's avatar.

...... 0

Not just Illya...

And Lijie Lite, Sera, and other maids...

She sent almost everyone into the imaginary space...


She didn't know what kind of fate the Einzbern family would usher in...


That's better than dead...

In the eyes of this ten-year-old magical girl, death is the cruelest thing in the world...



"For the sake of your meritorious service, I will reward you with a mochi with "Ma Po Tofu Stuffing"..."

Jiang Shang took out a gift from "Kotomine Kirei" from the system backpack.

Mochi stuffed with mapo tofu!

The white glutinous rice skin is wrapped with blood-colored fillings!

When this "Mochi" appeared on the scene!

As if seeing the scariest thing in the world, Illya instantly turned into a kitten!

"Come on, let's eat..."

Jiang Shang handed the mochi to Ilya, and the girl covered her mouth in fright, shaking her head like a rattle!

To know!

This is no ordinary mapo tofu!

It's Kotomine Kirei, a special version of mapo tofu!

Even the peppers used are terrifying death peppers!

The spicy smell alone can cause anaphylactic shock!

If you really eat it in your stomach, you will definitely become a Buddha on the spot!

The person who made this kind of thing is definitely a hell devil!

Elijah shook her head in horror...

But Jiang Shang gave orders to "Bagster" beside him!


"Hey Miss Ilya, eat mochi..." Beg.

87. The hidden option of the system!Mass production of origin bombs?

After hearing the Master's order, even Bagster, a knight, felt a little unbearable.

Such a "punishment" is for a child.

It must be a little too cruel...


Bagster has already dedicated everything to the Master!

Mere dignity, so-called compassion, is nothing!

With such "consciousness"!

Bagster picked up the mochi with "Ma Po Tofu Stuffing" and walked towards Illya.

Ilya's face turned pale with fright, as if she had seen a ghost!


When Bagster, the moment you open the package...

Ilya froze, rolled her eyes and passed out.

The invincible magical girl Illya fell down again.


When she was about to fall to the ground, Bagster had rushed to her side.

Gently put the unconscious girl "[-]" into his arms, not letting her fall on the hard ground.

"My lord, is there any more hello?"

Bagster looked at the girl who fainted from fright in his arms, and asked with some unbearable heart.

"forget it..."

"I just scare her..."

"That kind of thing, I'm afraid even the gods will return to the underworld if they eat it."

Jiang Shang waved his hand and complained from the bottom of his heart.


Bagster breathed a sigh of relief.

"She...she is Illya...?"

"Master, what the hell is...what's going on?"

Arturia, looking at the unconscious girl, asked suspiciously.


This Ilya is obviously one size bigger!

at the same time...

There is also one in Joan's arms!

And the Illya that this holy girl was holding was the girl she knew!

Arturia felt incredible, she could only look at the Master in front of her in doubt...

To this...

Jiang Shang smiled and explained...

"Didn't I already tell you when I was in the "imaginary number space"? "

"I will completely end the Holy Grail War. "

"Einzbern, as the driving force behind everything, is an existence that must be eradicated."


"I did the same thing as you..."

Jiang Shang told the cruelest truth in a flat tone!

An inexplicable chill rose from the heart of the Knight King.

She originally thought that a man like "Emiya Kiritsugu" was cold-blooded enough.

But in front of this man, he is just a pawn...

"Is Einzbern... destroyed?"

Artoria looked at the unconscious Illya, and asked in a whisper.

Although her time in this world was very short, and she didn't have much contact with "Einzbern"...

But in her mind, she can still recall...

The looks of those maids, and their names...


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