Joan of Arc reported the situation at the scene.

During more than a year of getting along, she already knew the truth of the Holy Grail War!

The Holy Grail, corroded by "all the evils of this world", has become a cursed switch to destroy the world!

No matter how you look at it...

The Einzbern family must disappear from the world!


This is the responsibility Joan of Arc bears as the "Eighth Class"...


"very good..."

"In this case..."

"The last unstable factor has been completely eliminated..."

Jiang Shang slowly raised his head, looking at the deep night sky...

Next, what he has to do...

To defeat the remaining two tyrants and use the holy grail defiled by "all the evils of this world"...

Obtained: the third magic!

He wants to write the creation myth again in modern times!

Build your own "imaginary number space" into a complete world!

Right at this moment...

A breath belonging to the servants suddenly appeared outside the courtyard of Matou's house...

Two female "assassins", each holding two hostages, appeared in Jiang Shang's sight.

Those two hostages...

It was Tokiomi Tohsaka's family...

"Master Jiang Shang, this is a gift of surrender from us, the Lord, to you."

"He asked me to ask, do you need the head (aeed) of "Tokiomi Tohsaka". "

"He is always available to serve you..."

The attitude of the two "assassins" was very respectful.

And what they said, the mother and daughter who were also kidnapped, heard it clearly!


Aoi Tohsaka struggled violently, she wanted to curse, but her mouth was blocked!

She could only shed eager tears, cursing Kotomine Kirei in her heart.


A ruthless elbow hit Tohsaka Aoi on the back of the head.

The woman who was still resisting before suddenly lost consciousness.

"Let you see a joke..."

The female assassin who made the shot apologized with some self-blame.

"It's okay..."

Jiang Shang replied indifferently.

In front of everyone, he skillfully calculated with his fingers.

A deep, sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Notify Kotomine Kirei to let him retreat for now."

"Let "Tohsaka Tokiomi" continue to live, something very interesting will happen..."

Jiang Shang's smile became more intense.


He looked in the direction of "Bagster" with an expectant expression.

"Bagster, are there any ingredients in the kitchen?"

Jiang Shang asked Bagster.

Everything went very smoothly tonight.

In order to get "Artoria", the King of Knights, to get more favors and make the relationship go further...

It's time to launch the "Gourmet Tactic"!

Jiang Shang, who is familiar with the plot of the original work, knows the current situation of "Artoria" very well.

Hasn't eaten modern food since the day she was born...

That fellow Emiya Kiritsugu, as well as Einzbern's cyborg, all regard her as a "decisive weapon".

Only provide her with a sufficient supply of magic power, and nothing else is considered.

so that...

This king of knights has a modern culinary cognition.

Still on: bran bread, mashed potatoes, and fish and chips.


If you can come up with a lot of delicious food to entertain this king.

It is bound to gain a lot of goodwill in a short period of time!

at this point...

Already proven in Morgan's case...

What's more, Arturia itself has the setting of "big eater foodie"!


"There are a lot more..."

Bagster replied respectfully.

The job that the Master arranged for her is the head chef of the Matou family!

She made detailed plans for the quantity of ingredients and the arrangement of a week's diet.

On this point, even Matou Heye, the "temporary Patriarch", admired her immensely!

After hearing Bagster's answer, Jiang Shang clapped his hands and said happily.

"Let's have a party..."

"Use all the ingredients, whether it is the cuisine of the Fairy Kingdom or the modern cuisine!"

"Give full play to your talents and create to your heart's content!".

91. The ruthless cooking machine!Arturia's development plan!

two hours later

Morgan has long since returned to imaginary space...

Just like when she first arrived, she hated the environment of Matou's house very much.

Fighting on this land, even the combat effectiveness will be affected~.

not to mention...

Let her enjoy - food in this kind of place...

After this winter-like Her Majesty the Queen left Matou's house, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Shang arranged for Matou Kariya to take care of the Tohsaka mother and daughter who were sent by the "Assassin".

He has already accepted "Matou Sakura" as his disciple.

So there is no need to be so cruel to her biological mother and sister.


That guy Tohsaka Tokiomi, although a bit mean...

But it didn't touch Jiang Shang's bottom line of tolerance like "Emiya Kiritsugu".


Jiang Shang's clairvoyance has already seen the final ending of "Tokiomi Tohsaka"...

can only say...

Reincarnation of karma, tit for tat...


After arranging everything, Jiang Shang came to the dining table of Matou's house.

at this time...

Even though it's three o'clock in the middle of the night...

But the dining table of Matou's family was already full of all kinds of exotic delicacies.

Honey grilled meat, crispy squab, salt-baked king crab, steamed grouper, and other meaty foods bring a strong visual shock!

The food for the meal is freshly baked bacon bread and lye bread.

Considering the eating habits of Master Master, there are also all kinds of freshly made and steamed pasta.


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